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Complex projects require RDF resources from many locations and
typically wish to load these in different combinations. For example
loading a small subset of the data for debugging purposes or load a
different set of files for experimentation. The library library(semweb/rdf_library.pl)
manages sets of RDF files spread over different locations, including
file and network locations. The original version of this library
supported metadata about collections of RDF sources in an RDF file
called Manifest. The current version supports both the
VoID format and the
original format. VoID files (typically named void.ttl
) can
use elements from the RDF Manifest vocabulary to support features that
are not supported by VoID.
A manifest file is an RDF file, often in
format, that provides meta-data about RDF resources. Often, a manifest
will describe RDF files in the current directory, but it can also
describe RDF resources at arbitrary URL locations. The RDF schema for
RDF library meta-data can be found in rdf_library.ttl
. The
namespace for the RDF library format is defined as
and abbreviated as
The schema defines three root classes: lib:Namespace, lib:Ontology and lib:Virtual, which we describe below.
, the basename of each loaded file is
appended to the given source. Defaults to the URL the RDF is loaded
and wn-full
as virtual resources. The lib:Virtual resource
is used as a second rdf:type:
<wn-basic> a lib:Ontology ; a lib:Virtual ; ...
@prefix lib: <http://www.swi-prolog.org/rdf/library/> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . [ a lib:Namespace ; lib:mnemonic "rdfs" ; lib:namespace rdfs: ] .
The VoID aims at resolving the same problem as the Manifest files described here. In addition, the VANN vocabulary provides the information about preferred namespace prefixes. The RDF library manager can deal with VoID files. The following relations apply:
and Linkset
are similar to
, but a VoID resource is always
Virtual. I.e., the VoID URI itself never refers to an RDF
and its lib specializations are
replaced by void:subset
(referring to another VoID dataset)
and void:dataDump
(referring to a concrete document).
rather than rdfs:comment
, lib:baseURI
and lib:Cloudnode
, which have no equivalent in VoID.
as alternatives to its
proprietary way for defining prefixes. The domain of these predicates is
unclear. The library recognises them regardless of the domain. Note that
the range of vann:preferredNamespaceUri
is a literal.
A disadvantage of that is that the Turtle prefix declaration cannot be
reused.Currently, the RDF metadata is not stored in the RDF database. It is processed by low-level primitives that do not perform RDFS reasoning. In particular, this means that rdfs:subPropertyOf and rdfs:subClassOf cannot be used to specialise the RDF meta vocabulary.
The initial metadata file(s) are loaded into the system using rdf_attach_library/1.
or Manifest.rdf
is loaded (in
this order of preference).
Declared namespaces are added to the rdf-db namespace list.
Encountered ontologies are added to a private database of
. Each ontology is given an
identifier, derived from the basename of the URL without the
extension. This, using the declaration below, the identifier of the
declared ontology is wn-basic
<wn-basic> a void:Dataset ; dcterms:title "Basic WordNet" ; ...
It is possible for the initial set of manifests to refer to RDF files that are not covered by a manifest. If such a reference is encountered while loading or listing a library, the library manager will look for a manifest file in the directory holding the referenced RDF file and load this manifest. If a manifest is found that covers the referenced file, the directives found in the manifest will be followed. Otherwise the RDF resource is simply loaded using the current defaults.
Further exploration of the library is achieved using rdf_list_library/1 or rdf_list_library/2:
Typically, a project will use a single file using the same format as a manifest file that defines alternative configurations that can be loaded. This file is loaded at program startup using rdf_attach_library/1. Users can now list the available libraries using rdf_list_library/0 and rdf_list_library/1:
1 ?- rdf_list_library. ec-core-vocabularies E-Culture core vocabularies ec-all-vocabularies All E-Culture vocabularies ec-hacks Specific hacks ec-mappings E-Culture ontology mappings ec-core-collections E-Culture core collections ec-all-collections E-Culture all collections ec-medium E-Culture medium sized data (artchive+aria) ec-all E-Culture all data
Now we can list a specific category using rdf_list_library/1.
Note this loads two additional manifests referenced by resources
encountered in
. If a resource does not exist is is flagged
2 ?- rdf_list_library('ec-mappings'). % Loaded RDF manifest /home/jan/src/eculture/vocabularies/mappings/Manifest.ttl % Loaded RDF manifest /home/jan/src/eculture/collections/aul/Manifest.ttl <file:///home/jan/src/eculture/src/server/ec-mappings> . <file:///home/jan/src/eculture/vocabularies/mappings/mappings> . . <file:///home/jan/src/eculture/vocabularies/mappings/interface> . . . file:///home/jan/src/eculture/vocabularies/mappings/interface_class_mapping.ttl . . . file:///home/jan/src/eculture/vocabularies/mappings/interface_property_mapping.ttl . . <file:///home/jan/src/eculture/vocabularies/mappings/properties> . . . file:///home/jan/src/eculture/vocabularies/mappings/ethnographic_property_mapping.ttl . . . file:///home/jan/src/eculture/vocabularies/mappings/eculture_properties.ttl . . . file:///home/jan/src/eculture/vocabularies/mappings/eculture_property_semantics.ttl . . <file:///home/jan/src/eculture/vocabularies/mappings/situations> . . . file:///home/jan/src/eculture/vocabularies/mappings/eculture_situations.ttl . <file:///home/jan/src/eculture/collections/aul/aul> . . file:///home/jan/src/eculture/collections/aul/aul.rdfs . . file:///home/jan/src/eculture/collections/aul/aul.rdf . . file:///home/jan/src/eculture/collections/aul/aul9styles.rdf . . file:///home/jan/src/eculture/collections/aul/extractedperiods.rdf . . file:///home/jan/src/eculture/collections/aul/manual-periods.rdf
Resources and manifests are located either on the local filesystem or
on a network resource. The initial manifest can also be loaded from a
file or a URL. This defines the initial base URL of the
document. The base URL can be overruled using the Turtle @base
directive. Other documents can be referenced relative to this base URL
by exploiting Turtle's URI expansion rules. Turtle resources can be
specified in three ways, as absolute URLs (e.g. <http://www.example.com/rdf/ontology.rdf
as relative URL to the base (e.g. <../rdf/ontology.rdf
or following a
prefix (e.g. prefix:ontology).
The prefix notation is powerful as we can define multiple of them and
define resources relative to them. Unfortunately, prefixes can only be
defined as absolute URLs or URLs relative to the base URL. Notably, they
cannot be defined relative to other prefixes. In addition, a prefix can
only be followed by a Qname, which excludes .
and /
Easily relocatable manifests must define all resources relative to the base URL. Relocation is automatic if the manifest remains in the same hierarchy as the resources it references. If the manifest is copied elsewhere (i.e. for creating a local version) it can use @base to refer to the resource hierarchy. We can point to directories holding manifest files using @prefix declarations. There, we can reference Virtual resources using prefix:name. Here is an example, were we first give some line from the initial manifest followed by the definition of the virtual RDFS resource.
@base <http://gollem.science.uva.nl/e-culture/rdf/> . @prefix base: <base_ontologies/> . <ec-core-vocabularies> a lib:Ontology ; a lib:Virtual ; dc:title "E-Culture core vocabularies" ; owl:imports base:rdfs , base:owl , base:dc , base:vra , ...
<rdfs> a lib:Schema ; a lib:Virtual ; rdfs:comment "RDF Schema" ; lib:source rdfs: ; lib:schema <rdfs.rdfs> .
In this section we provide skeleton code for filling the RDF database from a password protected HTTP repository. The first line loads the application. Next we include modules that enable us to manage the RDF library, RDF database caching and HTTP connections. Then we setup the HTTP authentication, enable caching of processed RDF files and load the initial manifest. Finally load_data/0 loads all our RDF data.
:- use_module(server). :- use_module(library(http/http_open)). :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_library)). :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_cache)). :- http_set_authorization('http://www.example.org/rdf', basic(john, secret)). :- rdf_set_cache_options([ global_directory('RDF-Cache'), create_global_directory(true) ]). :- rdf_attach_library('http://www.example.org/rdf/Manifest.ttl'). %% load_data % % Load our RDF data load_data :- rdf_load_library('all').
The VoID metadata below allows for loading WordNet in the two predefined versions using one of
?- rdf_load_library('wn-basic', []). ?- rdf_load_library('wn-full', []).
@prefix void: <http://rdfs.org/ns/void#> . @prefix vann: <http://purl.org/vocab/vann/> . @prefix lib: <http://www.swi-prolog.org/rdf/library/> . @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> . @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> . @prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> . @prefix wn20s: <http://www.w3.org/2006/03/wn/wn20/schema/> . @prefix wn20i: <http://www.w3.org/2006/03/wn/wn20/instances/> . [ vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "wn20i" ; vann:preferredNamespaceUri "http://www.w3.org/2006/03/wn/wn20/instances/" ] . [ vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "wn20s" ; vann:preferredNamespaceUri "http://www.w3.org/2006/03/wn/wn20/schema/" ] . <wn20-common> a void:Dataset ; dc:description "Common files between full and basic version" ; lib:source wn20i: ; void:dataDump <wordnet-attribute.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-causes.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-classifiedby.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-entailment.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-glossary.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-hyponym.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-membermeronym.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-partmeronym.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-sameverbgroupas.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-similarity.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-synset.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-substancemeronym.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-senselabels.rdf.gz> . <wn20-skos> a void:Dataset ; void:subset <wnskosmap> ; void:dataDump <wnSkosInScheme.ttl.gz> . <wnskosmap> a lib:Schema ; lib:source wn20s: ; void:dataDump <wnskosmap.rdfs> . <wnbasic-schema> a void:Dataset ; lib:source wn20s: ; void:dataDump <wnbasic.rdfs> . <wn20-basic> a void:Dataset ; a lib:CloudNode ; dc:title "Basic WordNet" ; dc:description "Light version of W3C WordNet" ; owl:versionInfo "2.0" ; lib:source wn20i: ; void:subset <wnbasic-schema> , <wn20-skos> , <wn20-common> . <wnfull-schema> a void:Dataset ; lib:source wn20s: ; void:dataDump <wnfull.rdfs> . <wn20-full> a void:Dataset ; a lib:CloudNode ; dc:title "Full WordNet" ; dc:description "Full version of W3C WordNet" ; owl:versionInfo "2.0" ; lib:source wn20i: ; void:subset <wnfull-schema> , <wn20-skos> , <wn20-common> ; void:dataDump <wordnet-antonym.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-derivationallyrelated.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-participleof.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-pertainsto.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-seealso.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-wordsensesandwords.rdf.gz> , <wordnet-frame.rdf.gz> .