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![]() | Google's Protocol Buffers Library |
Protocol Buffers ("protobufs") are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data -- think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler. You define how you want your data to be structured once. This takes the form of a template that describes the data structure. You use this template to encode your data structure into wire-streams that may be sent-to or read-from your peers. The underlying wire stream is platform independent, lossless, and may be used to interwork with a variety of languages and systems regardless of word size or endianness. Techniques exist to safely extend your data structure without breaking deployed programs that are compiled against the "old" format.
See https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers
The idea behind Google's Protocol Buffers is that you define your structured messages using a domain-specific language. This takes the form of a ".proto" source file. You pass this file through a Google provided tool that generates source code for a target language, creating an interpreter that can encode/decode your structured data. You then compile and build this interpreter into your application program. Depending on the platform, the underlying runtime support is provided by a Google supplied library that is also bound into your program.
There are two ways you can use protobufs in Prolog: with a compiled ".proto" file and protobuf_parse_from_codes/3 and protobuf_serialize_to_codes/3; or with a lower-level interface protobuf_message/2, which allows you to define your own domain-specific language for parsing and serliazing protobufs.
A protobuf ".proto" file can be processed by the protobuf compiler (protoc
using a Prolog specific plugin. You can do this by either adding /usr/lib/swi-prolog/library/protobufs
to your PATH
or by specifying the option
You specify where the generated files go with the --swipl_out
option, which must be an existing directory.
When using protoc
, it's important to specify the --protopath
) and files correctly. The idea of protopath
is that it gives a list of source "roots", and the files are specified
relative to that. If you want to include the current directory, you must
also specify it (e.g., protoc -I. swipl_out=. foo.proto
For example, when bootstrapping the "swipl" plugin, these are used:
protoc -I/usr/include --swipl_out=gen_pb google/include/descriptor.proto google/include/compiler/plugin.proto
which creates these files:
gen_pb/google/protobuf/descriptor_pb.pl gen_pb/google/protobuf/compiler/plugin_pb.pl
The plugin_pb
is used by:
:- use_module(gen_pb/google/protobuf/compiler/plugin_pb)
which has this (import is relative to the current module):
:- use_module('../descriptor_pb').
Each X.proto
file generates a X_pb.pl
in the directory specified by --swipl_out
. The file
contains a module name X
, some debugging information, and
meta-data facts that go into the
module (all the facts start with "proto_meta_
uses these facts to parse the wire form of the message into a Prolog
term and protobuf_serialize_to_codes/3
uses them to serialize the data to wire form.
The generated code does not rely on any Google-supplied code.
You must compile all the ".proto" files separately but you only need
to load the top-level generated file -- it contains the necessary load
directives for things that it uses. You can find out the dependencies
for a .proto file by running
PATH="$PATH:/usr/lib/swipl/library/protobufs" protoc -I... --dependency_out=FILE --swipl_out=. SRC.proto
The Prolog term corresponding to a protobuf message
is a
dict, with the keys
corresponding to the field names in the message
(the dict
tag is treated as a comment). Repeated fields are represented as lists;
enums are looked up and converted to atoms; bools are represented by
and true
; strings are represented by
Prolog strings or atoms; bytes are represented by lists of codes.
: Add an option to omit default values (this is the proto3
When serializing, the dict tag is treated as a comment and is ignored. So, you can use any dict tags when creating data for output. For example, both of these will generate the same output:
protobuf_serialize_to_codes(_{people:[_{id:1234,name:"John Doe"}]}, 'tutorial.AddressBook', WireCodes). protobuf_serialize_to_codes('tutorial.AddressBook'{people:['tutorial.Person'{name:"John Doe",id:1234}]}, 'tutorial.AddressBook', WireCodes).
NOTE: if the wire codes can't be parsed, protobuf_parse_from_codes/3 fails. One common cause is if you give an incorrect field name. Typically, this shows up in a call to protobufs:field_segment/3, when protobufs:proto_meta_field_name/4 fails.
This is the inverse of protobuf_serialize_to_codes/3
-- it takes a wire stream (list of codes) and creates a
dict. The dict tags
are the fully qualified names of the messages. Repeated fields that
aren't in the wire stream get set to the value []
; other
fields that aren't in the wire stream get their default value (typically
the empty string or zero, depending on type). Embedded messages and
groups are omitted if not in the wire stream; you can test for their
presence using
get_dict/3. Enums are looked up and
converted to atoms; bools are represented by
and true
; strings are represented by
Prolog strings (not atoms); bytes are represented by lists of codes.
There is no mechanism for determining whether a field was in the wire
stream or not (that is, there is no equivalent of the Python
implementation's HasField
The "oneof" feature causes a slightly different behavior. Only the field that's in the wire stream gets set; the other fields are omitted. And if none of the fields in the "oneof" are set, then none of the fields appears. You can check which field is set by using get_dict/3.
Currently, there is no special support for the protobuf "map" feature. It is treated as an ordinary message field. The convenience predicates protobuf_field_is_map/3 and protobuf_map_pairs/3 can be used to convert between a "map" field and a key-value list, which gives you the freedom to use any kind of association list for the map. See also Issue #12 For example:
message MapMessage { map<string, sint64> number_ints = 5; }
is treated as if it is
message MapMessage { message KeyValue { optional string Key = 1; optional sint64 Value = 2; } repeated KeyValue number_ints = 5; }
You can handle this on input by
protobuf_parse_from_codes(WireCodes, 'MapMessage', Term), protobuf_map_pairs(Term.number_ints, _, Pairs).
and on output by
protobuf_map_pairs(TermNnumberInts, _, Pairs), protobuf_serialize_to_codes(_{number_ints:TermNumberInts}, WireCodes).
The Google documentation has a tutorial example of a simple
The Prolog equivalent is in
and you can run it by make run_addressbook
, which will run protoc
to generate the _pb.pl
files and then run the example. The
resulting file is addressbook.wire
For most users, protobuf_serialize_to_codes/3 and protobuf_parse_from_codes/3 suffice. However, if you need greater control, or wish to define your own domain-specific language that maps to protobufs, you can use protobuf_message/2.
The wire stream interpreter is embodied in the form of a Definite Clause Grammar (DCG). It has a small underlying C-support library that loads when the Prolog module loads. This implementation does not depend on any code that is provided by Google and thus is not bound by its license terms.
On the Prolog side, you define your message template as a list of
predefined Prolog terms that correspond to production rules in the DCG.
The process is not unlike specifiying the format of a regular
expression. To encode a message, X
, to wire-stream, Y
you pass a grounded template, X
, and a variable, Y
to protobuf_message/2. To
decode a wire-stream, Y
, to template, X
, you
pass an ungrounded template, X
, along with a grounded
wire-stream, Y
, to
protobuf_message/2. The
interpreter will unify the unbound variables in the template with values
decoded from the wire-stream.
An example template is:
protobuf([ unsigned(1, 100), string(2, "abcd"), repeated(3, atom([foo, bar])), boolean(4, true), embedded(5, protobuf([integer(1, -666), string(2, "negative 666")])), repeated(6, embedded([ protobuf([integer(1, 1234), string(2, "onetwothreefour")]), protobuf([integer(1, 2222), string(2, "four twos")])])), repeated(7, integer([1,2,3,4])), packed(8, integer([5,6,7,8])) ])
This corresponds to a message created with this .proto definition (using proto2 syntax):
syntax = "proto2"; package my.protobuf; message SomeMessage { optional int32 first = 1; // example template also works with int64, uint32, uint64 optional string second = 2; repeated string third = 3; optional bool fourth = 4; message NestedMessage { optional sint32 value = 1; optional string text = 2; } optional NestedMessage fifth = 5; repeated NestedMessage sixth = 6; repeated sint32 seventh = 7; repeated sint32 eighth = 8 [packed=true]; }
The wire format message can be displayed:
$ protoc --decode=my.protobuf.SomeMessage some_message.proto <some_message.wire first: 100 second: "abcd" third: "foo" third: "bar" fourth: true fifth { value: -666 text: "negative 666" } sixth { value: 1234 text: "onetwothreefour" } sixth { value: 2222 text: "four twos" } seventh: 1 seventh: 2 seventh: 3 seventh: 4 eighth: 100 eighth: -200 eighth: 1000
and the actual message would be created in Python by code similar to this:
import some_message_pb2 msg = some_message_pb2.SomeMessage() msg.first = 100 msg.second = "abcd" msg.third[:] = ["foo", "bar"] msg.fourth = True msg.fifth.value = -666 msg.fifth.text = "negative 666" m1 = msg.sixth.add() m1.value = 1234 m1.text = "onetwothreefour" msg.sixth.append(msg.NestedMessage(value=2222, text="four twos")) msg.seventh.extend([1,2,3,4]) msg.eighth.extend([100,-200,1000])
msg2 = some_message_pb2.SomeMessage( first = 100, second = "abcd", third = ["foo", "bar"], fourth = True, fifth = some_message_pb2.SomeMessage.NestedMessage(value=-666, text="negative 666"), sixth = [some_message_pb2.SomeMessage.NestedMessage(value=1234, text="onetwothreefour"), some_message_pb2.SomeMessage.NestedMessage(value=2222, text="four twos")], seventh = [1,2,3,4], eighth = [100,-200,1000], )
Note that the fields can be in any order (they are disambiguated by their tags) and if there is no value for a field, it would be simply omitted in the template. The field names and message names can be changed without any change to the wire format.
The wire-stream consists of six primitive payload types, two of which have been deprecated. A primitive in the wire-stream is a multi-byte string that provides three pieces of information: a wire-type, a user-specified tag (field number), and the raw payload. Except for the tag and its wire-type, protobuf payloads are not instantaneously recognizable because the wire-stream contains no payload type information. The interpreter uses the tag to associate the raw payload with a local host type specified by the template. Hence, the message can only be properly decoded using the template that was used to encode it. Note also that the primitive is interpreted according to the needs of a local host. Local word-size and endianness are dealt with at this level.
The following table shows the association between the types in the .proto file and the primitives used in the wire-stream. For how these correspond to other programming languages, such as C++, Java, etc. see Protocol Buffers Scalar Value Types, which also has advice on how to choose between the various integer types. (Python3 types are also given here, because Python is used in some of the interoperability tests.)
Prolog Wirestream .proto file C++ Python3 Notes double fixed64 double double float unsigned64 fixed64 fixed64 uint64 int integer64 fixed64 sfixed64 int64 float fixed32 float float float unsigned32 fixed32 fixed32 uint32 int integer32 fixed32 sfixed32 int32 integer varint sint32 int32 int 1, 2, 9 integer varint sint64 int64 int 1, 2, 9 signed32 varint int32 int32 int 2, 3, 10 signed64 varint int64 int64 int 2, 3, 10 unsigned varint uint32 uint32 int 2, 3 unsigned varint uint64 uint64 int 2, 3 boolean varint bool bool bool 2, 8 enum varint (enum) (enum) (enum) atom length delimited string str (unicode) codes length delimited bytes bytes utf8_codes length delimited string str (unicode) string length delimited string string str (unicode) embedded length delimited message (class) 5 repeated length delimited repeated (list) 6 repeated_embedded length delimited repeated (list) 11 packed length delimited packed repeated (list)
, where Type
is =unsigned, integer
, string
, etc.repeated ... [packed=true]
in proto2. Can not contain
"length delimited" types.boolean(Tag,false)
maps to 0 and
maps to 1.int32
A tag (or field number) is a small integer that is present in every
wire-stream primitive. The tag is the only means that the interpreter
has to synchronize the wire-stream with its template. Tags are user
defined for each term in each message of the wire-stream. The protobuf
specification requires that each field within a message has a unique
field number; the protobuf compiler (protoc
) will produce
an error if a field number is reused (field numbers are unique only
within a message; an embedded message can use the same field numbers
without ambigituity).
A protobuf wire-stream is a byte string that is comprised of zero or more of the above multi-byte wire-stream primitives. Templates are lists of Prolog terms. Each term corresponds to a production rule in the DCG. The purpose of the template is to provide a recipe and value set for encoding and decoding a particular message. Each term in the template has an arity of two. The term's functor is the local "host type". Argument 1 is its tag (field number), which must always be ground, and argument 2 is its associated value, which may or may not be ground.
A protobuf "message" is a list of fields and is encoded in the
template as
protobufs([Field1, Field2, ...])
, where each field is of
the form Type(Tag,Value
and Type
can be any
scalar or compound type.
Scalar fields are encoded as Type(Tag,Value)
. For
example, if a field is defined in a .proto file by
optional string some_field = 10
, then it could be encoded
string(10,"some field's contents")
or by
atom(10, 'some field\'s contents')
Repeated fields are done by
, where Type
is any type.
Embedded messages are done by
(this is the
same =protobuf(...)
= as is used at the top level).
Repeated embedded messages are done by
which gets repeated items and combines them into a list. For example,
repeated_embedded(Tag, protobuf([string(1,_Key),string(2,_Value)]), Fields)
could unify Fields
to [protobuf([string(1,"key1"),string(2,"value1")]), protobuf([string(1,"key2"),string(2,"value2")])]
Note that the variables in the protobuf
part of the term do
not get instantiated: they are similar to the Template
in findall/3
and similar.
Note: It is an error to attempt to encode a message using a template that is not ground. Decoding a message into a template that has unbound variables has the effect of unifying the variables with their corresponding values in the wire-stream.
Assume a .proto definition:
message Command { optional string msg_type = 1; optional string command = 2; optional int32 x = 3; optional int32 y = 4; }
Map a Prolog structure to a Protocol Buffer:
%! command(+Term, -Proto) is det. % Map a Prolog term to a corresponding protobuf term. command(add(X,Y), Proto) :- freeze(X, must_be(integer, X)), % for debugging freeze(Y, must_be(integer, Y)), % for debugging Proto = protobuf([atom(1, command), atom(2, add), integer(3, X), integer(4, Y) ]).
Later on:
... prepare X, Y for command/2 ... command(add(X,Y), Proto), protobuf_message(Proto, WireCodes), % send the message open('filename', write, Stream, [encoding(octet),type(binary)]), format(Stream, '~s', [WireCodes]), close(Stream)
is the protobuf template. Each template describes
exactly one message. WireCodes
is the wire-stream, which
encodes bytes (values between 0 and 255 inclusive). If you are
interworking with other systems and languages, then the protobuf
templates that you supply to
protobuf_message/2 must
be equivalent to those described in the .proto file that is used on the
other side.
The protobuf grammar provides a reserved word, optional
that indicates that the production rule that it refers to may appear
once or not at all in a protobuf message. Since Prolog has its own means
of alternation, this reserved word is not supported on the Prolog side.
It is anticipated that customary Prolog mechanisms for nondeterminism
(e.g. backtracking) will be used to generate and test alternatives.
Note that required
and optional
have been
removed from the proto3 specification, making all fields optional. This
has been partially revised in releases 3.12 and later. In general, you
should not expect any field to exist, nor can you expect a repeated
field to have at least one item.
Also note that the handling of missing fields is slightly different in proto2 and proto3 -- proto2 allows specifying a default value but proto3 uses 0 and =""= as defaults for numbers and strings and omits encoding any field that has one of those default values.
: determine correct behvaior for oneof
with a default field value.Aggregation
It is possible to specify homogeneous vectors of things (e.g. lists
of numbers) using the repeated
attribute. You specify a
repeated field as follows:
repeated(22, float([1,2,3,4])), repeated(23, enum(tank_state([empty, half_full, full]))).
The first clause above will cause all four items in the list to be encoded in the wire-stream as IEEE-754 32-bit floating point numbers, all with tag 22. The decoder will aggregate all items in the wire-stream with tag 22 into a list as above. Likewise, all the items listed in the second clause will be encoded in the wire-stream according to the mapping defined in an enumeration (described below) tank_state/2, each with tag 23.
You can also encode vectors of embedded messages using repeated_embedded
This uses a "template" for the individual messages and a list of
messages in the wire stream. For example: repeated_embedded(Tag, protobuf([string(1,_Key),string(2,_Value)]), Fields)
where Fields
gets a list (possibly empty), with each item
of the form
Beware that there is no explicit means to encode an empty set. The
protobuf specification provides that a repeated
field may
match a tag zero or more times. The empty set, while legal, produces no
output on encode. While decoding a repeated
term, failure
to match the specified tag will yield an empty set of the specified host
An omitted optional
field is handled the same way as a repeated
field with an empty set.
The protobuf grammar provides a variant of the repeated
field known as "packed." This is represented similar to repeated
packed(22, float([1,2,3,4])), packed(23, enum(tank_state([empty, half_full, full]))).
Handling missing fields
For input, you can wrap fields in repeated
, so that if a
field is there, it gets a length-1 list and if it's missing, an empty
?- Codes = [82,9,105,110,112,117,116,84,121,112,101], protobuf_message(protobuf([embedded(10, protobuf([repeated(13, integer64(I))]))]), Codes), protobuf_message(protobuf([embedded(10, protobuf([repeated(13, double(D))]))]), Codes), protobuf_message(protobuf([repeated(10, string(S))]), Codes). I = [7309475598860382318], D = [4.272430685433854e+180], S = ["inputType"].
?- Codes = [82,9,105,110,112,117,116,84,121,112,101], protobuf_message(protobuf([repeated(10, string(S)), repeated(11, integer64(I))]), Codes). S = ["inputType"], I = [].
This technique can also be used for output - a missing field simply produces nothing in the wire format:
?- protobuf_message(protobuf([repeated(10, string([]))]), Codes). Codes = []. ?- protobuf_message(protobuf([repeated(10, string(S))]), []). S = [].
Encapsulation and Enumeration
It is possible to embed one protocol buffer specification inside
another using the embedded
term. The following example
shows a vector of numbers being placed in an envelope that contains a
command enumeration.
Enumerations are a compact method of sending tokens from one system to another. Most occupy only two bytes in the wire-stream. An enumeration requires that you specify a callable predicate like commands/2, below. The first argument is an atom specifying the name of token, and the second is an integer that specifies the token's value. These must of course, match a corresponding enumeration in the .proto file.
Note: You must expose this predicate to the protobufs module by assigning it explicitly.
protobufs:commands(Key, Value) :- commands(Key, Value). commands(square, 1). commands(decimate, 2). commands(transform, 3). commands(inverse_transform, 4). basic_vector(Type, Proto) :- vector_type(Type, Tag), Proto = protobuf([ repeated(Tag, Type) ]). send_command(Command, Vector, WireCodes) :- basic_vector(Vector, Proto1), Proto = protobuf([enum(1, commands(Command)), embedded(2, Proto1)]), protobuf_message(Proto, WireCodes).
Use it as follows:
?- send_command(square, double([1,22,3,4]), WireCodes). WireCodes = [8, 1, 18, 36, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 240, 63, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 54, 64, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 64, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 64]. ?- send_command(Cmd, V, $WireCodes). Cmd = square, V = double([1.0, 22.0, 3.0, 4.0]).
Compatibility Note: The protobuf grammar (protobuf-2.1.0) permits enumerations to assume negative values. This requires them to be encoded as integers. Google's own Golden Message unit-test framework has enumerations encoded as regular integers, without the "zigzag" encoding. Therefore, negative values are space-inefficient, but they are allowed.
An earlier version of protobuf_message/2 assumed that enumeration values could not be zero, and there might still be incorrect assumptions in the code, resulting in either exceptions or silent failure.Heterogeneous Collections
Using Protocol Buffers, it is easy to specify fixed data structures and homogeneous vectors like one might find in languages like C++ and Java. It is however, quite another matter to interwork with these languages when requirements call for working with compound structures, arrays of compound structures, or unstructured collections (e.g. bags) of data.
At bottom, a wire-stream is nothing more than a concatenated stream of primitive wire type strings. As long as you can associate a tag with its host type in advance, you will have no difficulty in decoding the message. You do this by supplying the structure. Tell the parser what is possible and let the parser figure it out on its own, one production at a time. An example may be found in the appendix.
Protocol Buffer Groups provide a means for constructing unitary messages consisting of ad-hoc lists of terms. The following protobuf fragment shows the definition of a group carrying a complex number.
Proto = group(2, [ double(1, Real_part), double(2, Img_part) ]).
Groups have been replaced by embedded messages, which are slightly less expensive to encode.
Precompiled Messages
Performance can be improved using a strategy of precompiling the constant portions of your message. Enumerations for example, are excellent candidates for precompilation. Using protobuf_message/3, the precompiled portion of the message is inserted directly in the wire-stream on encode, and is unified with, and removed from the wire-stream on decode. The following shows how the "send_command" example above, can be converted to precompiled form:
send_precompiled_command(Command, Vector, WireCodes) :- basic_vector(Vector, Proto1), % precompiled_message/3 is created by term_expansion precompiled_message(commands(Command), WireCodes, Tail), protobuf_message(protobuf([embedded(3, Proto1)]), Tail). term_expansion(precompile_commands, Clauses) :- findall(precompiled_message(commands(Key), WireCodes, Tail), ( protobufs:commands(Key, _), Proto = protobuf([atom(1, command), enum(2, commands(Key))]), protobuf_message(Proto, WireCodes, Tail) ), Clauses). * * * precompile_commands. % Trigger the term-expansion precompilation
Supplying Your Own Host Type Message Sequences
You can extend the parser to support your own compound host types.
These are treated as first class entities by the parser. That is they
can be used either by themselves, or in repeated
and embedded
clauses just as any other host type would be. You do this by hooking
into the parser and adding your own message_sequence
productions. Your hook eventually calls back into the parser with your
substitution/expansion protobuf, which is then embedded in the wire
stream. Recursive structures can be defined this way. A simple example
of a recursive XML like structure is shown in the appendix.
The examples are in‘/usr/share/swi-prolog/doc/packages/examples/protobufs`,
which is part of the swi-prolog-doc
package. Each directory
has a README
. To run these, you will need to copy them to a
writeable directory.
- This contains the file common.mk
file, which is used by the demo
goal runs some examples.\
See also Addressbook example (section 1.3.3).
The protobuf compiler (protoc
) uses two protobuf formats
to communicate with the plugin:
This is an example of using the low-level interface for implementing a domain-specific language that maps to protobufs.
In this example we demonstrate managing a recursive structure like
XML. The structure shown in xml_proto/1
below, is similar to the structure returned by load_xml_file/2,
which is part of the SGML library. We supply three message_sequence
decorators: kv_pair
, xml_element
, and aux_xml_element
These are treated as first class host types.
:- multifile protobufs:message_sequence//3. protobufs:message_sequence(Type, Tag, Value) --> { my_message_sequence(Type, Value, Proto) }, protobufs:message_sequence(embedded, Tag, Proto), !. % % On encode, the value type determines the tag. And on decode % the tag to determines the value type. % guard(Type, Value) :- ( nonvar(Value) -> is_of_type(Type, Value); true ). my_message_sequence(kv_pair, Key=Value, Proto) :- Proto = protobuf([atom(30, Key), X]), ( ( guard(integer, Value), X = integer(31, Value) ) ; ( guard(float, Value), X = double(32, Value) ) ; ( guard(atom, Value), X = atom(33, Value)) ). my_message_sequence(xml_element, element(Name, Attributes, Contents), Proto) :- Proto = protobuf([ atom(21, Name), repeated(22, kv_pair(Attributes)), repeated(23, aux_xml_element(Contents))]). my_message_sequence(aux_xml_element, Contents, Proto) :- Contents = element(_Name, _Attributes, _ElementContents), Proto = protobuf([xml_element(40, Contents)]). my_message_sequence(aux_xml_element, Contents, Proto) :- Proto = protobuf([atom(43, Contents)]). xml_proto([element(space1, [foo='1', bar='2'], [fum, bar, element(space2, [fum=3.1415, bum= -14], ['more stuff for you']), element(space2b, [], [this, is, embedded, also]), to, you])]). test_xml(X, Y) :- Proto = protobuf([repeated(20, xml_element(X))]), protobuf_message(Proto, Y). % And test it: ?- xml_proto(X), test_xml(X,Y), test_xml(Z,Y), Z == X. X = Z, Z = [element(space1, [foo='1', bar='2'], [fum, bar, element(space2, [fum=3.1415, bum= -14], ['more stuff for you'] ), element(space2b, [], [this, is|...] ), to, you])], Y = [162, 1, 193, 1, 170, 1, 6, 115, 112|...],
A protobuf description that is compatible with the above wire stream follows:
message kv_pair { required string key = 30; optional sint64 int_value = 31; optional double float_value = 32; optional string atom_value = 33; } message aux_xml_element { optional string atom = 43; optional xml_element element = 40; } message xml_element { required string name = 21; repeated kv_pair attributes = 22; repeated aux_xml_element contents = 23; } message XMLFile { repeated xml_element elements = 20; }
Verify the wire stream using the protobuf compiler's decoder:
$ protoc --decode=XMLFile pb_vector.proto <tmp98.tmp elements { name: "space1" attributes { key: "foo" atom_value: "1" } attributes { key: "bar" atom_value: "2" } contents { atom: "fum" } contents { atom: "bar" } contents { element { name: "space2" attributes { key: "fum" float_value: 3.1415 } attributes { key: "bum" int_value: -14 } contents { atom: "more stuff for you" } } } contents { element { name: "space2b" contents { atom: "this" } contents { atom: "is" } contents { atom: "embedded" } contents { atom: "also" } } } contents { atom: "to" } contents { atom: "you" } }
This is an example of using the low-level interface.
In the Prolog client:
vector_type(double(_List), 2). vector_type(float(_List), 3). vector_type(integer(_List), 4). vector_type(integer64(_List), 5). vector_type(integer32(_List), 6). vector_type(unsigned(_List), 7). vector_type(codes(_List), 8). vector_type(atom(_List), 9). vector_type(string(_List), 10). vector(Type, B):- vector_type(Type, Tag), Proto = protobuf([ repeated(Tag, Type) ]), protobuf_message(Proto, B).
A protobuf description that is compatible with the above wire stream follows:
message Vector { repeated double double_values = 2; repeated float float_values = 3; repeated sint32 integer_values = 4; repeated fixed64 integer64_values = 5; repeated fixed32 integer32_values = 6; repeated uint32 unsigned_values = 7; repeated bytes bytes_values = 8; repeated string atom_values = 9; repeated string string_values = 10; }
A typical application might consist of an abstract adapter class along with a collection of concrete subclasses that refine an abstract behavior in order to hide the interaction with the underlying protobuf interpreter. An example of such a class written in C++ may be found in the demos.
On the Prolog side:
:- meta_predicate ~>(0,0). :- op(950, xfy, ~>). ~>(P, Q) :- setup_call_cleanup(P, (true; fail), assertion(Q)). write_as_proto(Vector) :- vector(Vector, WireStream), open('tmp99.tmp', write, S, [encoding(octet),type(binary)]) ~> close(S), format(S, '~s', [WireStream]), !. testv1(V) :- read_file_to_codes('tmp99.tmp', Codes, [encoding(octet),type(binary)]), vector(V, Codes).
Run the Prolog side:
?- X is pi, write_as_proto(double([-2.2212, -7.6675, X, 0, 1.77e-9, 2.54e222])). X = 3.14159. ?- testv1(Vector). Vector = double([-2.2212, -7.6675, 3.14159, 0.0, 1.77e-09, 2.54e+222]) ?-
Verify the wire stream using the protobuf compiler's decoder:
$ protoc --decode=Vector pb_vector.proto <tmp99.tmp double_values: -2.2212 double_values: -7.6675 double_values: 3.1415926535897931 double_values: 0 double_values: 1.77e-09 double_values: 2.5400000000000002e+222
This is an example of using the low-level interface.
The following example shows how one can specify a Protocol Buffer message that can deal with variable-length, unstructured bags of numbers:
compound_protobuf(complex(Real, Img), group(12, [double(1, Real), double(2, Img)])). compound_protobuf(float(Val), float(13, Val)). compound_protobuf(double(Val), double(14, Val)). compound_protobuf((Num rdiv Den), group(15, [integer(1, Num), integer(2, Den)])). compound_protobuf(integer(Val), integer(16, Val)). protobuf_bag([], []). protobuf_bag([ Type | More], WireCodes) :- compound_protobuf(Type, X), Proto = protobuf([embedded(1, protobuf([X]))]), protobuf_message(Proto, WireCodes, WireCodes1), protobuf_bag(More, WireCodes1), !.
Use it as follows:
?- protobuf_bag([complex(2,3), complex(4,5), complex(6,7), 355 rdiv -113, integer(11)], X). X = [10, 20, 99, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0|...]. ?- protobuf_bag(Y, $X). Y = [complex(2.0, 3.0), complex(4.0, 5.0), complex(6.0, 7.0), 355 rdiv -113, integer(11)].
A protobuf description that is compatible with the above wire stream follows:
message compound_protobuf { optional group Complex = 12 { required double real = 1; required double img = 2; }; optional group Fraction = 15 { required sint64 num = 1; required sint64 den = 2; }; optional float float = 13; optional double double = 14; optional sint32 integer = 16; } message protobuf_bag { repeated compound_protobuf bag = 1;
Verify the wire stream using the protobuf compiler's decoder:
$ protoc --decode=protobuf_bag pb_vector.proto <tmp96.tmp bag { Complex { real: 2 img: 3 } } bag { Complex { real: 4 img: 5 } } bag { Complex { real: 6 img: 7 } } bag { Fraction { num: 355 den: -113 } } bag { integer: 11 }
Protocol buffers are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data -- think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler. You define how you want your data to be structured once. This takes the form of a template that describes the data structure. You use this template to encode and decode your data structure into wire-streams that may be sent-to or read-from your peers. The underlying wire stream is platform independent, lossless, and may be used to interwork with a variety of languages and systems regardless of word size or endianness. Techniques exist to safely extend your data structure without breaking deployed programs that are compiled against the "old" format.
The idea behind Google's Protocol Buffers is that you define your
structured messages using a domain-specific language and tool set.
Further documentation on this is at
There are two ways you can use protobufs in Prolog:
file: protobuf_parse_from_codes/3
The protobuf_parse_from_codes/3
and protobuf_serialize_to_codes/3
interface translates between a "wire stream" and a Prolog term. This
interface takes advantage of SWI-Prolog's
dict. The protoc
plugin (protoc-gen-swipl
) generates a Prolog file of
meta-information that captures the .proto
file's definition
in the protobufs
module, with the following facts:
proto_meta_normalize(Unnormalized, Normalized)
proto_meta_package(Package, FileName, Options)
proto_meta_message_type(Fqn, Package, Name)
proto_meta_field_name(Fqn, FieldNumber, FieldName, FqnName)
proto_meta_field_json_name(FqnName, JsonName)
proto_meta_field_label(FqnName, LabelRepeatOptional) % 'LABEL_OPTIONAL', 'LABEL_REQUIRED', 'LABEL_REPEATED'
proto_meta_field_type(FqnName, Type) % 'TYPE_INT32', 'TYPE_MESSAGE', etc
proto_meta_field_type_name(FqnName, TypeName)
proto_meta_field_default_value(FqnName, DefaultValue)
proto_meta_enum_type(FqnName, Fqn, Name)
proto_meta_enum_value(FqnName, Name, Number)
proto_meta_field_oneof_index(FqnName, Index)
proto_meta_oneof(FqnName, Index, Name)
The protobuf_message/2
interface allows you to define your message template as a list of
predefined Prolog terms that correspond to production rules in the
Definite Clause Grammar (DCG) that realizes the interpreter. Each
production rule has an equivalent rule in the protobuf grammar. The
process is not unlike specifiying the format of a regular expression. To
encode a template to a wire-stream, you pass a grounded template, X
and variable, Y
, to
protobuf_message/2. To
decode a wire-stream, Y
, you pass an ungrounded template, X
along with a grounded wire-stream, Y
, to
protobuf_message/2. The
interpreter will unify the unbound variables in the template with values
decoded from the wire-stream.
For an overview and tutorial with examples, see
: Google's Protocol Buffers (section
1) Examples of usage may also be found by inspecting
and the
directory, or by looking at the "addressbook" example that is typically
installed at /usr/lib/swi-prolog/doc/packages/examples/protobufs/interop/addressbook.pl
), creating a Prolog term.
must have been run (with the --swipl_out=
option and the resulting top-level _pb.pl
file loaded. For
more details, see the "protoc" section of the overview documentation.
Fails if the message can't be parsed or if the appropriate meta-data
from protoc
hasn't been loaded.
All fields that are omitted from the WireCodes
are set
to their default values (typically the empty string or 0, depending on
the type; or []
for repeated groups). There is no way of
testing whether a value was specified in WireCodes
or given
its default value (that is, there is no equivalent of the Python
implementation's =HasField`). Optional embedded messages and groups do
not have any default value -- you must check their existence by using get_dict/3
or similar. If a field is part of a "oneof" set, then none of the other
fields is set. You can determine which field had a value by using get_dict/3.
WireCodes | Wire format of the message from
e.g., read_stream_to_codes/2. (The stream
should have options encoding(octet) and type(binary) ,
either as options to read_file_to_codes/3
or by calling set_stream/2 on the stream
to read_stream_to_codes/2.) |
MessageType | Fully qualified message name
(from the .proto file's package and message ).
For example, if the package is google.protobuf
and the message is FileDescriptorSet , then you would use
'.google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet' or 'google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet' .
If there's no package name, use e.g.: 'MyMessage or '.MyMessage' .
You can see the packages by looking at
protobufs:proto_meta_package(Pkg,File,_) and the message
names and fields by
protobufs:proto_meta_field_name('.google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet', FieldNumber, FieldName, FqnName)
(the initial’.’is not optional for these facts, only for the
top-level name given to protobuf_serialize_to_codes/3). |
Term | The generated term, as nested dicts. |
you need to recompile the Module
with a newer version of protoc
: Google's Protocol Buffers (section
extensions. map
fields don't get special treatment (but see protobuf_map_pairs/3). library(http/json)
and json_read_dict/3) true
and value_string_as
(similar to json_read_dict/3) MessageType
must have been run (with the --swipl_out=
option and the resulting top-level _pb.pl
file loaded. For
more details, see the "protoc" section of the overview documentation.
Fails if the term isn't of an appropriate form or if the appropriate
meta-data from protoc
hasn't been loaded, or if a field
name is incorrect (and therefore nothing in the meta-data matches it).
Term | The Prolog form of the data, as nested dicts. |
MessageType | Fully qualified message name
(from the .proto file's package and message ).
For example, if the package is google.protobuf
and the message is FileDescriptorSet , then you would use
'.google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet' or 'google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet' .
If there's no package name, use e.g.: 'MyMessage or '.MyMessage' .
You can see the packages by looking at
protobufs:proto_meta_package(Pkg,File,_) and the message
names and fields by
protobufs:proto_meta_field_name('.google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet', FieldNumber, FieldName, FqnName)
(the initial’.’is not optional for these facts, only for the
top-level name given to protobuf_serialize_to_codes/3). |
WireCodes | Wire format of the message, which
can be output using
format('~s', [WireCodes]) . |
you need to recompile the Module
with a newer version of protoc
. library(protobufs)
: Google's Protocol Buffers (section
fields don't get special treatment (but see protobuf_map_pairs/3). oneof
is not checked for validity.Template | is a protobuf grammar specification. On decode, unbound variables in the Template are unified with their respective values in the WireStream. On encode, Template must be ground. |
WireStream | is a code list that was generated by a protobuf encoder using an equivalent template. |
’s FieldName
defined as a map<...> in the .proto file.DictTag{key:Key, value:Value}
and a key-value list as
described in library(pairs)
. At least one of ProtobufTermList
and Pairs
must be instantiated; DictTag
can be
uninstantiated. If
is from a term created by
the ordering of the items is undefined; you can order them by using keysort/2
(or by a predicate such as
dict_pairs/3, list_to_assoc/2,
or list_to_rbtree/2.