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Pack blog_core -- prolog/bc/bc_data_entry.pl
PublicShow source
 bc_entry_actions(+Actor, +Id, -Actions) is det
List of available actions for the actor.
 bc_entry_action(+Actor, +Id, +Action, -Result) is det
Executes the given action on the entry.
 bc_entry_save(+Actor, +Entry, -Id) is det
Saves and formats the new entry.
 bc_entry_update(+Actor, +Entry) is det
Updates the given entry. Reformats HTML.
 bc_entry_remove(+Actor, +Id) is det
Removes the given entry and its comments.
 bc_entry_remove_trash(+Actor, +Id) is det
Removes entry from trash.
 bc_entry_restore(+Actor, +Id) is det
Restores the given entry from trash. Require remove permission.
 bc_entry_list(+Actor, +Type, -List) is det
Retrieves the list of entries of certain type. Does not include contents and HTML. Sorts by date_updated desc.
 bc_trash_list(+Actor, -List) is det
Retrieves the list of entries in trash. Does not include contents and HTML. Sorts by date_updated desc. Only includes these that the user has access to.
 bc_purge_trash(Actor) is det
Removes all entries from trash that the actor has access to.
 bc_entry(+Actor, +Id, -Entry) is det
Retrieves a single entry by its Id.
 bc_entry_info(+Actor, +Id, -Entry) is det
Retrieves a single entry by its Id. Does not include the content field.

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.
