This module contains predicates for retrieving information about Prolog frames for debugging
purposes. A Prolog frame is a runtime artifact that encapsulates the execution of a single
Each frame has a unique temporarly ID represented as an integer. The predicates in this module
generally take a frame ID as their first argument and unify their second argument with information
about the denoted frame which is relevant for debugging purposes.
- See also
- - prolog_frame_attribute/3
- - da_frame_stack/2
- da_frame_stack(+FrameId, :Goal, -Frames) is det
- Frames is unified with a list of StackFrame terms acquired by meta-calling Goal as
call(Goal,Id, PC, StackFrame)
for every non-hidden frame in the current execution
stack starting after FrameId, with the frame's ID and saved PC as the first and
second argument to Goal respectively.
- See also
- - da_frame_parent/2
- - da_frame_parent_pc/2
- da_frame_parent(+Frame, -Parent) is det
- Parent is unified with the parent frame of Frame, or with the atom
in case Frame is the
top frame.
- da_frame_parent_pc(+Frame, -PC) is det
- PC is unified with the program counter saved by Frame on behalf of the parent frame of Frame, or
with the atom
in case Frame does not specify a saved program counter.
The saved program counter determines from which point in the parent frame execution will
resume once Frame is finished.
- See also
- - da_frame_parent/2
- - prolog_frame_attribute/3 section on the
option for information
regarding for which frames the saved program counter is not available.
- da_hidden_frame(+Frame) is semidet
- True when Frame ought to be hidden during debugging.
- da_frame_predicate_indicator(+FrameId, -PredicateIndicator) is det
- PredicateIndicator is unified with the qualified predicate indicator of the goal executed in
frame FrameId.
- da_alternative(+ChoicePoint, -Alternative) is det
- Alternative is unified with a term describing the location from which execution will be
resumed in case the current goal fails, which is one of the following:
- frame(AlternativeFrameId)
- If ChoicePoint refers to an alternative frame, where AlternativeFrameId is the ID of the
frame from which execution will resume in case the goal associated with the current frame fails,
- jump(PC)
- If ChoicePoint is an in-clause choice point, where PC is the program counter in the frame
from which execution will resume is case the current goal fails or
- clause(Clause)
- If ChoicePoint refers to an alternative clause Clause
- null
- If ChoicePoint is
- da_frame_alternative_frame(+FrameId, -AlternativeFrameId) is det
- AlternativeFrameId is unified with the ID of the frame that will be tried if FrameId fails, or
with the atom
if FrameId does not have an alternative frame.
- da_frame_clause(+Frame, -ClauseRef) is det
- ClauseRef is unified with a reference to the clause which Frame is executing, or with the atom
in case Frame is executing a foreign predicate.
Undocumented predicates
The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.
- da_frame_pc_stack(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
- da_frame_pc_source_span(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
- da_frame_clause_source_span(Arg1, Arg2)
- da_frame_port_source_span(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
- da_frame_scopes(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
- da_frame_evaluate(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
- da_frame_variables_mapping(Arg1, Arg2)
- da_referenced_variables(Arg1, Arg2)
- da_frame_step_in_targets(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)