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Pack dia -- prolog/dia.pl
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This module provides predicates to load .dia files containing UML diagrams and make queries against it and/or save the data contained in the form of prolog-source files.


  load_diagram('Diagram.dia'). % Load the diagram
  import_facts.                % Tell prolog to work directly on the
                               % data - see import_facts/1.
  class_name(X, 'Class').      %  A Query

Example using a module:

load_diagram('Diagram.dia').     % Load the diagram
assert_facts(diagram, [export]). % Assert all facts into module
                                 % 'diagram' and mark them as exports.
diagram:association(A).          % A Query to the asserted data.
import_facts(diagram). % Delegate queries to the diagram-module
class_operation(Class, Op) % Queries can now be made without prefix

Example writing to a file

load_diagrams(['diagram1.dia','diagram2.dia']). % Load two diagrams
write_facts('d.pl').                % Write all facts to d.pl
write_facts('mod.pl',[module, export]). % Like above but
                                        % generates a module and exports
                                        % the facts
- Heiko Lewin
To be done
  • A package_contains predicate
  • Constraints on relationships
  • Compressed diagrams
    • This works with official dia-releases (at least with 0.97.2 as avaiable from http://live.gnome.org/Dia ) but contains some query predicates official dia-releases have no diagram elements (yet) that correspond to them (branch-names, association-stereotypes and the containment-relation ). These are defined here as those are more or less part of the UML-standard and likely to be in one of the next dia-releases.
    • Though exporting any rules or facts for querying diagram data directly may seem clumsy this way clauses holding the diagram data can be merged into the user-module from different source modules and be worked with there without name-clashes.
    • This does not really follow the UML- or XMI-standards in how diagram data is represented but is close to the layout of dia-files.
    • This currently only works with SWI-Prolog without further extensions when it comes down to free software. GNU-Prolog is missing a xml-parser and the code_type/2 relation. This has not been tested with commerical Prolog-systems.
Unified List with a list of Predicate/Arity tuples that define the predicates that are used to make queries against the diagram-data.

The predicate names should be self-explanatory. The predicates that take one argument are used to query for existence and unify their argument with a term representing the model-element, all other predicates unify the first argument with such a term and the second with the thing asked for.

query_for_an_attribute(?ElementOrHandle, ?VariableOrTerm)
NOTE: The first argument can either be an atomic identifier ( in cases facts got asserted ) or an xml-element if working directly on the xml-file, so best is to look at it as black box.
Calls load_diagram/1 for each file in ListOfFiles.
Loads the diagram contents of FileSpec which has to be an uncompressed .dia file and asserts the raw data in the dia-module.
Retracts the diagram data loaded from FileSpec from the dia-module.
Calls close_diagram/1 for each member of ListOfFiles.
Retracts all diagram-data from the dia-module.
Unifies List with a list of all goals in predicates_list/1 that succeed in the dia-module. The list then contains all relevant diagram data in the form of prolog-clauses and can be written to files or asserted into appropriate modules (see write_facts/2 and assert_facts/2).
 write_facts(+FileSpec, +Options)
Calls clauses/1 and writes the clauses representing the diagram-data into the file specified by FileSpec. Options is a list of options:
Generates a module/2 directive.
Declares the clauses written as dynamic (see dynamic/1).
Marks the clauses written as exports (see export/1).
Declares the clauses written as multifile (see multifile/1).
Shorthand for write_facts( FileSpec, [] ).
Calls clauses/1 and prints the resulting list to the current output stream using writeq/1.
Erases all clauses matching one of the predicates in predicates_list/1 from the module identified by ModuleIdentifier.
 assert_facts(+ModuleIdentifier, Options)
Calls clauses/1 and asserts the clauses into the module specified by ModuleIdentifier. Options is a list of options:
Mark the clauses asserted as exports (see export/1).
Shorthand for assert_facts(Module, []).
Shorthand for assert_facts(user, []).
Asserts rules into the user module that delegate queries for diagram-data to Module.
Equivalent to import_facts(dia).
 copy_facts(+ListOfModules, +DestinationModule)
Asserts all goals in predicates_list/1 that succeed in any of the modules in ListOfModules into DestinationModule.
Loads the diagram specified by FileSpec and asserts the facts representing the diagram-data into a module with the same name.