:- module('subset',[]). en("the target language is: prolog. the templates are: *a set* is a subset of *a set*, *a thing* is a set, *a thing* belongs to *a set*. the knowledge base sets includes: a set A is a subset of a set B if A is a set and B is a set and for all cases in which a thing belongs to A it is the case that the thing belongs to B. scenario facts is: family one is a set. family two is a set. Bob belongs to family one. Alice belongs to family one. Alice belongs to family two. query subset is: which set is a subset of which other set. scenario lists is: [Alice, Bob] is a set. [Alice] is a set. a thing belongs to a set if the thing is in the set. "). /** ?- answer subset with facts. ?- answer subset with lists. ?- show prolog. */