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Pack logtalk -- logtalk-3.81.0/tools/issue_creator/NOTES.md

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This is a complementary tool for the lgtunit tool for automatically creating bug report issues for failed tests in GitHub or GitLab servers.


This tool requires that the GitHub and GitLab CLIs be installed. For the installation instructions see:


This tool can be loaded using the query:

| ?- logtalk_load(issue_creator(loader)).

But in the most common usage scenario, this tool is automatically loaded by the logtalk_tester automation script.


The logtalk_tester automation script accepts a -b option for automatically using this tool (see the script man page for details). In the most simple case, this option possible values are github and gitlab. For example:

$ logtalk_tester \
        -p gnu \
        -b github \
        -s "/home/jdoe/foo/" \
        -u https://github.com/jdoe/foo/tree/55aa900775befa135e0d5b48ea63098df8b97f5c/

The logtalk_tester script must be called from a git repo directory or one of its sub-directories, which is a common setup in CI/CD pipelines. Moreover, prior to running the tests, the CLI must be used, if required, to authenticate and login to the server where the bug report issues will be created:

GitHub:[103, 104, 32, 97, 117, 116, 104, 32, 108, 111, 103, 105, 110, 32, 45, 45, 104, 111, 115, 116, 110, 97, 109, 101, 32, 60, 115, 116, 114, 105, 110, 103, 62, 32, 45, 45, 119, 105, 116, 104, 45, 116, 111, 107, 101, 110, 32, 60, 32, 116, 111, 107, 101, 110, 46, 116, 120, 116]
GitLab:[103, 108, 97, 98, 32, 97, 117, 116, 104, 32, 108, 111, 103, 105, 110, 32, 45, 45, 104, 111, 115, 116, 110, 97, 109, 101, 32, 60, 115, 116, 114, 105, 110, 103, 62, 32, 45, 45, 116, 111, 107, 101, 110, 32, 60, 115, 116, 114, 105, 110, 103, 62]
The access token must ensure the necessary scopes that allow bug reports to be created. See the CLIs documentation for details. Typically, the auth command is called from the CI/CD pipeline definition scripts. However, depending on the CI/CD workflow, the authentication may be done implicitly.

The bug reports are created using by default the label bug and assigned to the author of the latest commit of the git repo. The -b option can also be used to override the label with a comma separated set of labels. For example, to use both bug and auto labels:

$ logtalk_tester \
        -p gnu \
        -b github:bug,auto \
        -s "/home/jdoe/foo/" \
        -u https://github.com/jdoe/foo/tree/55aa900775befa135e0d5b48ea63098df8b97f5c/

Note that the labels must be predefined in the issue tracker server for the bug report to be successfully created.

The bug reports use Markdown formatting, which is the default in GitHub and GitLab issue trackers.

But reports are only created for non-flaky tests. The bug report title and labels are used to prevent creating duplicated bug reports. Therefore, the same labels should be used for multiple runs of the same tests and preserved when editing the bug reports.

There are cases where we may want to postpone or temporarily disable the automatic creation of bug reports. E.g. a WIP branch that's known to break multiple tests. A solution is to define a pull/merge request label, e.g. NO_AUTO_BUG_REPORTS, that can then be checked by the CI/CD workflow. For example, we can test the presence of that label to set a AUTO_BUG_REPORTS environment variable to either an empty string or a -b option and use:

logtalk_tester.sh $AUTO_BUG_REPORTS -p ...

Known issues

GitLab creates CI/CD pipelines in a detached HEAD state. As a consequence, the bug reports always show "Git branch: HEAD".

This tool is in a beta stage of development. Your feedback is most appreciated.