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A Note on Syntax of the PAC
Kuniaki Mukai [2015/03/24] first draft [2015/03/30] revised [2017/04/27] minor updates
This note describes the syntax of the PAC of package 0.6.4, using BNF-like notations.
Section 1. PAC terms as nameless/anonymous predicates with globals.
Section 2. Functional expressions based on term completions
Section 3. Words as hybrid regular expressions in phrases
Section 4. Kind as conditional equations
Section 5. Glossary
Section 1. Pac Terms: Nameless Predicates
term --> prolog_term module_name --> prolog_module_name atom --> prolog_atom string --> prolog_string number --> prolog_number list --> prolog_list variable --> prolog_variable
| atom(term, ..., term)
if(goal, goal, goal)
| if(goal, goal)
| \+(goal)
| module_name: goal
markup_rule --> (head ->> phrase)
pac_rule_head --> list.
pred(global, pac_pred)
| pred(pac_pred)
| mrec([variable = pac_pred, ..., ]).
| mrec(global, [variable = pac_pred, ..., ]).
| rec(variable, global, pac_pred)
| rec(variable, pac_pred)
| global(global, pac_pred)
| pac_pred
| psf(goal)
| psf(global, goal)
| fun(pac_function)
| \(list, exp)
| fun(global, pac_function)
| pipe(phrase)
| pipe(global, phrase)
function_rule --> list -> exp
Abbreviation on pred-terms.
abbreviation normal form
====================== ========================
global(global, Cs)
<==> pred(global, Cs)
A1 & ... & An <==> pred([], A1 & ... & An)
<==> pred([], X)
rec(F, X)
<==> rec(F, [], X)
\(X, E) <==> fun(X, E)
<==> fun([],Funs)
fun(global, Funs)
<==> pred(global, pac_pred)
provided that pac_pred is obtained from Funs by expanding Funs.
\(X, E) <==> fun([], X->E)
X->E <==> fun([], X->E)
<==> psf([],E)
psf(global, E)
<==> pred(global, [X,Y]:- G)
provided that
dummy --> E
is 'dcg_rule_translated' to
dummy(X, Y)
:- G.
'sf' of psf stands for Sentential Form from formal language theory.
Section 2. Functional Expressions
Remark : the empty list [] is not a canonical_exp.
| `(exp)
| #(exp)
| :(exp)
| module_name:exp
| flip(pac_rule)
| flip(numlist, pac_rule)
| flip(function_rule)
| flip(index_list, function_rule)
Section 3. Words: Regular Expression in Phrases
extra_condition --> { goal }
| w(word, A)
| w(word, A, B)
| wl(word)
| wl(word, A)
| wl(word, A, B)
where A and B are a list expression representing a difference list such that <word> matches a prefix of the input codes.
| word + word
| word | word
| word \ word
| word & word
| + word
| * word
| \+ word
| \ word
| ? word
| word ^ (>=(positive_integer))
| word ^ (positive_integer - positive_integer)
| word ^ (=<(positive_integer))
| word ^ positive_integer
| rev(word)
| special(atom, interval_list)
| @(macro_name).
macro_name --> atom.
Remark. \( positive_integer \) is not supported.
regex_string --> " regex "
regex --> character_class regex --> regex regex regex --> regex | regex regex --> regex & regex regex --> (regex) regex --> regex {positive_integer, positive_integer} regex --> regex {positive_integer,} regex --> regex * regex --> regex + regex --> regex ? regex --> regex !
escape_symbol --> \
Remark: A basic character is defined in PAC to be what swi-prolog gives it an internal code.
interval_list --> interval interval_list --> interval interval_list
i_interval_list --> [i_interval, ... , i_interval].
| i(i_interval_list)
| i_character_class '|' i_character_class
| i_character_class & i_character_class
| out(i_character_class)
global --> word_term
action --> expression
This forms a subset of the unix sed command, and 'l' means 'longest match first'.
Section 4. Kinds: Conditional Equations
In this section, bracket notation [...] means that it is optional. Spaces in the syntax are meaningless and are used only as syntactical delimiters.
General form of definition of a kind.
:- bekind(kind_name [, Options] ). kind_rule_1 kind_rule_2 . . . kind_rule_n :- ekind.
kind_name --> [module_name:] atom [//N]
where N is a non-negative integer.
A kind_rule is any of the following forms 1, 2, 3, 4:
(1) term = exp [ :- goal]
(2) with(args, term)
= exp [ :- goal]
(3) term = with(args, exp)
[ :- goal]
(4) head [ :- goal]
Currently, only flip option is supported:
flip([j1, j2, .., jn])
where a series j1, j2, .., jn is a permutation of 1, 2, ..., n.
The flipped version g of f works as follows:
g(aj1, aj2, ..., ajn)
<==> f(a1, a2,..., an)
Sample use of xflip and flip in KIND.
:- bekind(residue, []). X - Y = xargs([A, U, V] :- append(U, V, A)) @ X @ Y. X = `X. :- ekind. % ?- misc:residue(([a,b,c,d,e]-[a,b]-[c]), R). %@ R = [d, e] . :- bekind(flipped_residue, [flip([2,1])]). X - Y = xargs([A, U, V]:- append(U, V, A)) @ X @Y. X = `X. :- ekind. % ?- misc:flipped_residue(X, ([a,b,c,d,e]-[a,b]-[c])). %@ X = [d, e] .
:- bekind(ff//1, []). a = `f(a). b = `g(b). X = with(A, `C) :- memberchk(X-H, A), C =..[H, X]. :- ekind. % ?- misc:ff([c-h,d-k], c, V). %@ V = h(c). % ?- listing(misc:ff). %@ ff(_, a, f(a)). %@ ff(_, b, g(b)). %@ ff(B, A, C) :- %@ memberchk(A-D, B), %@ C=..[D, A]. %@ %@ true.
meta variables meaning -------------- ---------
atom atomic_term basic_callable_term basic_exp basic expression callable_term canonical_exp canonical expression character character_class code comma_list_of_meta_arg escape_symbol exp expression extra_condition extra condition function_rule global term for indicating globals. goal body of a pac rule. head list of parameters i_character_class character class as integer intervals i_interval an interval of integers i_interval_list list of intervals i_point an integer integer an integer integer_interval interval of integers interval interval of integers interval_list list of intervals of integers kind_name name of a kind kind_rule rule of a kind list list in Prolog macro_name atom markup_rule rule for the markup language meta_arg meta argument module_name module name pac_function nameless function pac_pred nameless predicate pac_rule rule of nameless predicates pac_rule_head parameter list of a pac rule pac_term term for a nameless predicate phrase phrase extended with words positive_integer positive integer including zero prolog_atom prolog_list prolog_module_name prolog_number prolog_string prolog_term regex regular expression string regex_string unix-like regular expression sed_term sed expression string term variable word hybrid regular expression word_term hybrid regular expression
5.2 Reserved keywords/functors for PAC
functor/arity meaning ------------- ----------- bekind /1,2 begin of a kind group. char /1 charater class as intervals ekind /0 end of a kind group flip /1,2 permutation for flipping arguments fun /1,2 function definition if /2,3 'if' statement inf /0 symbol for the imaginary least integer mrec /1 system of equations for recursive predicates out /1 the complement of intervals of integers. pipe /1,2 DCG-like definition with globals. pred /1,2 nameless predicate psf /1 sentential form a la phrase grammar quote /1 quoted expression rec /2,3 recursive nameless predicate definition rev /1 reverse operation of automaton sed /1 sequential editing command in phrases sup /0 symbol for the imaginary largest integer w /1,2,3 regular expressions of shortest match mode with /2 expression in a kind rule with hidden aruguments wl /1,2,3 regular expressions of longest match mode xpred /1 macro for flipping arguments.
5.3 Symbols
functor/arity annotation ------------- ----------
@ /1 call a named regular expression @ /1 expand expression twice @ /2 application (as term completion) @@ /1 automatic searching arguments for expanding ->> /2 a markup language rule :- /2 pac rule & /2 grouping pac rules & /2 intersection of two words -> /2 mapping rule of a function \ /2 mapping rule of a function :: /0 context kind :: /2 expression with a kind ` /1 quote # /1 term completion operator : /1 last-argument-for-return-value mode [] empty string in a word . /0 match any charactor + /2 concatenation on words | /2 UNION / OR of words \+ /1 Negation of words ? /1 apply at_most_one time \ /1 escape symbol ^ /2 word with repeat control ! /1 negation operator in regex.