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Pack plOpenGL -- prolog/plGLUT.pl
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This module is the glut extension of the Prolog OpenGL Interface (plOpengL)

- Jan Tatham
- LGPL 2.1
Creates a top-level window
Destroys the window
Sets the display callback for the current window.
Requests that the current window be made full screen.
 glutGet(+State, -Answer)
Retrieves simple GLUT state represented by integers.
Requests that the current window be made full screen.
Sets the global idle callback.
Used to initialize the GLUT library.
Sets the initial display mode.
 glutInitWindowPosition(+X, +Y)
set the initial window position.
 glutInitWindowSize(+X, +Y)
set the initial window size.
Sets the keyboard callback for the current window.
Enters the GLUT event processing loop.
Set the motion and passive motion callbacks respectively for the current window.
Sets the mouse callback for the current window.
Marks the current window as needing to be redisplayed.
Sets the reshape callback for the current window.
 glutReshapeWindow(+W, +H)
Requests a change to the size of the current window.
 glutSetColor(+Index, +Red, +Green, +Blue)
Sets the color of a colormap entry in the layer of use for the current window.
 glutSolidCone(+Radius, +Height, +Slices, +Stacks)
Render a solid cone
Render a solid cube
 glutSolidSphere(+Radius, +Slices, +Stacks)
Render a solid sphere
Render a solid teapot
 glutSolidTorus(+InnerRadius, +OuterRadius, +NSides, +Rings)
Render a solid torus
Swaps the buffers of the current window if double buffered.
 glutWireCone(+Radius, +Height, +Slices, +Stacks)
Render a wireframe cone
Render a wireframe cube
 glutWireSphere(+Radius, +Slices, +Stacks)
Render a wireframe sphere
Render a wireframe teapot
 glutWireTorus(+InnerRadius, +OuterRadius, +NSides, +Rings)
Render a wireframe torus