A simple package manager for SWI-Prolog.
- author
- - Wouter Beek
- version
- - 2017-2018
- ppm_help is det
- ppm_install(+User:atom, +Repo:atom) is semidet
- Installs a package. The latests version is chosen in case none is
- ppm_list is det
- Display all currently installed PPMs.
- ppm_remove(+User:atom, +Repo:atom) is det
- Removes a package.
TBD: Support for removing otherwise unused dependencies.
- ppm_run(+User:atom, +Repo:atom) is semidet
- ppm_sync is det
- Synchronizes the packages the current Prolog session has access to
the to packages stored in `~/.ppm'.
- ppm_update is semidet
- ppm_update(+User, +Repo:atom) is semidet
- Updates an exisiting package and all of its dependencies.
- ppm_updates is det
- Shows packages, if any, that can be updated using ppm_update/1.
Undocumented predicates
The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.
- ppm_update(Arg1, Arg2)