CCalc Tutorial

(work in progress)


0.1. Transition systems
0.2. Describing actions
0.3. Queries

1. Getting started with CCalc

1.1. CCalc input: describing actions
1.2. CCalc input: queries
1.3. Running CCalc
1.4. How CCalc does it
1.5. Setting parameters

2. Example: Yale Shooting Problem

2.1. Basic formulation
2.2. Nondeterministic shooting
2.3. Counting bullets

3. How to Use Objects

3.1. Objects and sorts
3.2. Families of fluents, actions and objects

4. Static laws

4.1. Constraints
4.2. Ramifications
4.3. Defined fluents
4.4. Rigid constants

5. Concurrent execution of actions

6. Elaboration tolerance


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