1/* wuenic_ver_3.pl version 3.
    3Implements WHO & UNICEF rules for estimating national
    4infant immunization coverage. Includes explanations and
    5grade of confidence in estimate.
    7Based on methods described in:
    9  Burton A, Monash R, Lautenbach B, Gacic-Dobo M, Neill M, Karimov
   10  R, Wolfson L, Jones G, Birmingham M. WHO and UNICEF estimates of
   11  national infant immunization coverage: methods and processes.
   12  Bull World Health Organ 2009; 87:535-541.
   13  http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/87/7/08-053819.pdf
   15  Burton A, Gacic-Dobo M, Karimov R, Kowalski R.
   16  A computational logic-based representation of the WHO and UNICEF
   17  estimates of national immunization coverage. DRAFT 23 January 2011.
   19  Articles and code available at: http://sites.google.com/site/wuenic/
   21Author: Tony BURTON
   22        System Analyst
   23        Strategic Information Group
   24        Expanded Pogramme on Immunization
   25        Department of Immunization, Vaccines, and Biologicals
   26        World Health Organization
   27        1211 Geneva 27
   28        Switzerland
   29        BurtonA@who.int
   31depends upon: xsb 3.1 prolog compiler; library: lists, standard.
   34Created:       6 November 2011.
   35Last update:   6 May 2016. ipv1 & rcv1 added, GoC for rcv1 based on mcv1 or mcv2 GoC
   37Naming conventions:
   38    predicates names: lower_case_underscore_separated
   39	function names:   lower_case_underscore_separated
   40    variable names:   InterCaps
   41    literals:         camelCase
   43Note that code is constructed "top down" with higher level goals appearing first.
   44Auxaliarity predicates and utility routines appear at the end of the module.
   46%TBD: verify meaning of "new vaccine" for modified right handed sawtooth criteria.
   47%TBD: add assign indirect value for country vaccine year (anchor? wuenic?, both?)
   48%TBD: Delete (or fix) bubble up GoC.
   49%TBD: Add green line
   51working group decisions:	comment
   52							ignoreGov, acceptGov, *modifyGov,
   53							ignoreAdmin, acceptAdmin, *modifyAdmin,
   54							ignoreReported, acceptReported, *modifiyReported,
   55							ignoreSurvey, acceptSurvey, modifySurvey,
   56							interpolate, calibrate, *use_reported,
   57							assignAnchor, assignWUENIC, assignGoC.
   59Input atomic sentences:
   60    admin(country,vaccine,year,percent coverage).
   61    gov(country,vaccine,year,percent coverge).
   62    legacy(country,vaccine,year,percent coverage).
   63    survey_results(country,vaccine,year,surveyid,description,percent coverage).
   64    estimate_required(country,vaccine,year,presentation,comment).
   65    wgd(country,vaccine,year1,year2,action,explanation1,coverageID1,coverageAssign1,coverageID2,coverageAsign2)
   66	births_UNPD(country,year,births)
   67	si_UNPD(country,year,births_surviving_to_age_one)
   69WHO and UNICEF working group memebers as of 1 January 2010 - 30 April 2012:
   70        Dr David BROWN, UNICEF/New York (dbrown@unicef.org)
   71        Mr Tony BURTON, WHO/Geneva  (burtona@who.int)
   72        Ms Marta GACIC-DOBO, WHO/Geneva  (gacicdobom@who.int)
   73        Mr Rouslan KARIMOV, UNICEF/NEW YORK (rkarimov@unicef.org)
   74        Dr Robert KOWALSKI, Imperial College London (r.kowalski@imperial.ac.uk)
   75 */

   77% use xsb tabling feature to increases inference time.
   78% ---------------------------------------------------
   79:- table anchor_point/6.
   80:- table survey/5.
   81:- table reported/5.
   82:- table wuenic_I/6.
   84:- op(500,xfy,:).
   86% sawtooth_threshold : difference in increase/decrease between Y+/-1 and Y in reported data
   87% survey_reported_threshold : differerence between survey results and reported data.
   88% reported_calibrated_threshold : if mixed anchor points swithc between using reported and calibarated.
   89% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   96% establish relationship between name of first and third dose of vaccine.
   97% used in estimating recall bias.
   98% ------------------------------
  105% Imported from data
  107% admin(country,vaccine,year,coverage).
  108% gov(country,vaccine,year,coverage).
  109% vaccinated(country,vaccine,year,vaccinated).
  110% target(country,vaccine,year,vaccinated).
  111% legacy(country,vaccine,year,coverage).
  112% survey_results(country,vaccine,year,id,description,coverage).
  113% wgd(country,vaccine,year1,year2,action,explanation,covid1,covass1,covid2,covass2).
  114% births_UNPD(country,year,births).
  115% si_UNPD(country,year,surviving_infants).
  117% Load country-specific predicates describing data, survey_results,
  118% working group decisions and whether an estimate is required.
  119% Call estimate/0 to create country-specific estimates.
  120% -----------------------------------------------------
  121% :- ['data.pl'].
  122% :- estimate.
  124% ==================================================
  125% top level predicate. Creates and outputs estimates.
  126% ==================================================
  127estimate :-
  129	% Unify country code, country name and date for output.
  130	% ----------------------------------------------------
  131	country(CountryCode,CountryName),
  132	date(Date),
  134	% Collect the set of all final estimates in list Estimate.
  135      % -------------------------------------------------------
  136	setof([
  137		CountryName,
  138		Date,
  139		CountryCode,
  140		Vaccine,
  141		Year,
  142		Coverage,
  143		PrevRev,
  144		GC,
  145		Admin,
  146		Gov,
  147		Reported,
  148		Vaccinated,
  149		Target,
  150		UnpdBirths,
  151		UnpdSI,
  152		SeriesValue,
  153		Source,
  154		SurveyInfo,
  155		Rule,
  156		Explanation],
  158	   wuenic(
  159		CountryCode,
  160		Vaccine,
  161		Year,
  162		Rule,
  163		Explanation,
  164		Coverage,
  165		PrevRev,
  166		GC,
  167		Admin,
  168		Gov,
  169		Reported,
  170		Vaccinated,
  171		Target,
  172		UnpdBirths,
  173		UnpdSI,
  174		Source,
  175		SeriesValue,
  176		SurveyInfo),
  178		Estimates),
  180	open_out_file(OutFile,'wuenic.out',	'Country\tProductionDate\tISOCountryCode\tVaccine\tYear\tWUENIC\tWUENICPreviousRevision\tGradeOfConfidence\tAdministrativeCoverage\tGovernmentEstimate\tReportedCoverage\tChildrenVaccinated\tChildrenInTarget\tBirthsUNPD\tSurvivingInfantsUNPD\tReportedTimeSeries\tReportedTimeSeriesSource\tSurveyInformation\tRule\tComment\t'),
  181	output_results(Estimates,OutFile), close(OutFile),
  182	crypto_file_hash('wuenic.out', Hash, []),
  183	writeln(Hash).
  185% Final estimate where there are wuenic values
  186% --------------------------------------------
  187wuenic(C,V,Y,Rule,Explanation,Coverage,PrevRev,GC,Admin,Gov,Reported,Vaccinated,Target,UnpdBirths,UnpdSI,Source,SeriesValue,SurveyInfo) :-
  188	estimate_required(C,V,Y,_,_),
  189	wuenic_I(C,V,Y,Rule,Explain,Cov),
  190	bound_0_100(Cov,Coverage),
  192	confidence(C,V,Y,Rule,Coverage,GoCExplanation,GC),
  193	%assign_GoC(C,V,Y,Rule,Coverage,GoCExplanation,GC),
  195	collect_data(C,V,Y,PrevRev,Admin,Gov,Reported,Vaccinated,Target,UnpdBirths,UnpdSI,SeriesValue,Source,SurveyInfo),
  196	change_from_previous_revision(C,V,Y,Coverage,Change),
  197	collect_explanations(C,V,Y,Text),
  198	my_concat_atom([Explain,' ',Text,' ',Change,' ',GoCExplanation],Explanation).
  200% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  201%  End of wuenic top level routine.
  203confidence(C, rcv1, Y, Rule, Coverage, Explanation, GC),
  204    estimate_required(C, rcv1, Y, _, mcv2)
  205 => assign_GoC(C, mcv2, Y, Rule, Coverage, Explanation, GC).
  208confidence(C, rcv1, Y, Rule, Coverage, Explanation, GC)
  209 => assign_GoC(C, mcv1, Y, Rule, Coverage, Explanation, GC).
  211confidence(C, V, Y, Rule, Coverage, Explanation, GC)
  212 => assign_GoC(C, V, Y, Rule, Coverage, Explanation, GC).
  214% GoC = 1 is low confidence (1 star)
  215% GoC = 3 is high confidence (3 stars)
  216assign_GoC(C, V, Y, _Rule, _, Support, GoC),
  217    workingGroupDecision(C, V, Y, assignGoC, Explanation, _, G)
  218 => GoC = G,
  219    my_concat_atom(['GoC=Assigned by working group. ', Explanation], Support).
  221% Three stars: supported by reported data, survey and denominator
  222assign_GoC(C, V, Y, _Rule, _Coverage, Support, GoC),
  223    goc_reported_condition(C, V, Y, 'R+'),
  224    goc_survey_condition(C, V, Y, 'S+'),
  225    goc_denominator_condition(C, V, Y, 'D+')
  226 => GoC = '3',
  227    Support = 'GoC=R+ S+ D+'.
  229% Two stars
  230assign_GoC(C, V, Y, _Rule, _Coverage, Support, GoC),
  231    two_sources(C, V, Y, _, S),
  232    not(challenge(C, V, Y, _, _, _))
  233 => GoC = '2',
  234    Support = S.
  236assign_GoC(C, V, Y, _Rule, _Coverage, Support, GoC),
  237    one_source(C, V, Y, _, S),
  238    not(challenge(C, V, Y, _, _, _))
  239 => GoC = '2',
  240    Support = S.
  242assign_GoC(C, V, Y, Rule, Coverage, Support, GoC),
  243    challenge(C, V, Y, Rule, Coverage, _)
  244 => GoC = '1',
  245    setof(Evidence, challenge(C, V, Y, Rule, Coverage, Evidence), List),
  246    my_concat_atom(['Estimate challenged by: ', List], Support).
  248assign_GoC(C, V, Y, Rule, Coverage, Support, GoC),
  249    no_data(C, V, Y, Rule, Coverage, S)
  250 => Support = S,
  251    GoC = '1'.
  253goc_reported_condition(C, V, Y, Support) :-
  254    reported(C, V, Y, _, _),
  255    wuenic_I(C, V, Y, R, _, _),
  256    (	memberchk(R, ['R:', 'R: AP'])
  257    ->	Support = 'R+'
  258    ;	Support = 'R-'
  259    ).
  261% Is there any challenging survey?
  262goc_survey_condition(C, V, Y, Support),
  263    challenging_survey_in_scope(C, V, Y)
  264 => Support = 'S-'.
  266% If there isn't, is there any supporting survey?
  267goc_survey_condition(C, V, Y, Support),
  268    supporting_survey_in_scope(C, V, Y)
  269 => Support = 'S+'.
  271% No survey within scope
  272goc_survey_condition(_C, _V, _Y, _Support)
  273 => fail.
  275% Old comment: simplify previous rule to
  276% supporting_survey_in_scope(C,V,Y,Rule) :-
  277%     survey(C,V,Y,_,_),
  278%     wuenic_I(C,V,Y,'S: AP',_,_).
  280% rewrite rule to look at relationship between estimate rule and
  281% surveys in scope rule rather than difference in COV and SurveyCoverage
  282supporting_survey_in_scope(C, V, Y) :-
  283    estimate_required(C, V, Year, _, _),
  284    survey(C, V, Year, _, Survey),
  285    confidence_survey_scope(Scope),
  286    abs(Y - Year) =< Scope,
  287    confidence_survey_threshold(Threshold),
  288    wuenic_I(C, V, Y, _, _Explanation, Coverage),
  289    abs(Coverage - Survey) =< Threshold.
  291% rewrite to look for surveys that challenge surveys.
  292% Modified 2017-05-05 Burton
  294% todo: merge support and challenge
  295challenging_survey_in_scope(C, V, Y) :-
  296    estimate_required(C, V, Year, _, _),
  297    survey(C, V, Year, _, Survey),
  298    confidence_survey_scope(Scope),
  299    abs(Y - Year) =< Scope,
  300    confidence_survey_threshold(Threshold),
  301    wuenic_I(C, V, Y, _, _Explanation, Coverage),
  302    abs(Coverage - Survey) > Threshold.
  304goc_denominator_condition(C, V, Y, Support) :-
  305    goc_unpd_recal(C, V, Y),
  306    recal_unpd(C, V, Y, Recalc),
  307    confidence_UNPD_threshold(Threshold),
  308    wuenic_I(C, V, Y, _Rule, _Explain, Coverage),
  309    (	abs(Coverage - Recalc) < Threshold
  310    ->	Support = 'D+'
  311    ;	Support = 'D-'
  312    ).
  314% Ensure unpd data exist.
  315goc_unpd_recal(C, V, Y) :-
  316    vaccinated(C, V, Y, _),
  317    births_UNPD(C, Y, _),
  318    si_UNPD(C, Y, _).
  320% Recalculate coverage using reported number of children vaccinated
  321% and births and surviving infants from UNPD estimates.
  322% Births used for bcg and hepb birth dose, surviving infants
  323% for remaining vaccines.
  324recal_unpd(C, V, Y, Coverage),
  325    member(V, [bcg, hepbb])
  326 => vaccinated(C, V, Y, Vaccinated),
  327    births_UNPD(C, Y, Births),
  328    Coverage is Vaccinated / Births * 100. % Todo: remove 100
  330recal_unpd(C, V, Y, Coverage)
  331%    member(V,
  332%      [dtp1, dtp3, pol3, ipv1, mcv1, mcv2, rcv1, hepb3, hib3, rotac,
  333%       pcv3, yfv]),
  334 => vaccinated(C, V, Y, Vaccinated),
  335    si_UNPD(C, Y, SI),
  336    Coverage is Vaccinated / SI * 100.
  338	% Supported by two data sources, no challenge
  339	% --------------------------------------------
  340	two_sources(C,V,Y,_Rule,'GoC=R+ S+') :-
  341		goc_reported_condition(C,V,Y,'R+'),
  342		goc_survey_condition(C,V,Y,'S+').
  343	two_sources(C,V,Y,_Rule,'GoC=S+ D+') :-
  344		goc_survey_condition(C,V,Y,'S+'),
  345		goc_denominator_condition(C,V,Y,'D+').
  346	two_sources(C,V,Y,_Rule,'GoC=R+ D+') :-
  347		goc_reported_condition(C,V,Y,'R+'),
  348		goc_denominator_condition(C,V,Y,'D+').
  350	% Supported by single source, no challenge
  351	% -------------------------------------
  352	one_source(C,V,Y,_Rule,'GoC=R+') :-
  353		not(two_sources(C,V,Y,_,_)),
  354		goc_reported_condition(C,V,Y,'R+').
  355	one_source(C,V,Y,_Rule,'GoC=S+') :-
  356		not(two_sources(C,V,Y,_,_)),
  357		goc_survey_condition(C,V,Y,'S+').
  358	one_source(C,V,Y,_Rule,'GoC=D+') :-
  359		not(two_sources(C,V,Y,_,_)),
  360		goc_denominator_condition(C,V,Y,'D+').
  362	% Empirical evidence challenges estimate.
  363	% --------------------------------------
  364	challenge(C,V,Y,_Rule,_Coverage,Condition) :-
  365		(goc_reported_condition(C,V,Y,'R-'),Condition = 'R-');
  366		(goc_survey_condition(C,V,Y,'S-'),Condition = 'S-');
  367		(goc_denominator_condition(C,V,Y,'D-'),Condition = 'D-').
  369	% No empirical supporting evidence.
  370	% --------------------------------
  371	no_data(C,V,Y,_Rule,_Coverage,'GoC=No accepted empirical data') :-
  372		not(goc_reported_condition(C,V,Y,_)),
  373		not(goc_survey_condition(C,V,Y,_)),
  374		not(goc_denominator_condition(C,V,Y,_)).
  376	change_from_previous_revision(C,V,Y,Coverage,'') :-
  377		legacy(C,V,Y,PreviousCoverage),
  378		PreviousCoverage = Coverage.
  380	change_from_previous_revision(C,V,Y,Coverage,Change) :-
  381		legacy(C,V,Y,PreviousCoverage),
  382		not(PreviousCoverage = Coverage),
  383		my_concat_atom(['Estimate of ',Coverage,' percent changed from previous revision value of ',PreviousCoverage,' percent. '],Change).
  385	change_from_previous_revision(C,V,Y,_,'') :-
  386		not(legacy(C,V,Y,_)).
  388% Estimate for non-DTP1 & RCV1 vaccines.
  389% ---------------------------------------
  390wuenic_I(C,V,Y,Rule,Explanation,Coverage) :-
  391	wuenic_II(C,V,Y,Rule,Explanation,Coverage),
  392	not(workingGroupDecision(C,V,Y,assignWUENIC,_,_,_)),
  393	not(member(V,['dtp1','rcv1'])).
  395% Estimate for DTP1 where DTP3 estimate <= DTP1 estimate.
  396% --------------------------------------------------------
  397wuenic_I(C,dtp1,Y,Rule,Explanation,Coverage) :-
  398	wuenic_II(C,dtp1,Y,Rule,Explanation,Coverage),
  399	not(workingGroupDecision(C,dtp1,Y,assignWUENIC,_,_,_)),
  400	wuenic_II(C,dtp3,Y,_,_,DTP3Coverage),
  401	DTP3Coverage =< Coverage.
  403% Estimate for DTP1 where DTP3 > DTP1: RMF
  404% -----------------------------------------
  405wuenic_I(C,dtp1,Y,'RMF:',Explanation,RMFCoverage) :-
  406	wuenic_II(C,dtp1,Y,_,_,DTP1Coverage),
  407	not(workingGroupDecision(C,dtp1,Y,assignWUENIC,_,_,_)),
  408	wuenic_II(C,dtp3,Y,_,_,DTP3),
  409	DTP3 > DTP1Coverage,
  410	RMFCoverage is round(18.258 - 0.6088*DTP3 - 0.0058*DTP3*DTP3),
  411	my_concat_atom(['DTP1 coverage estimated based on DTP3 coverage of ',DTP3,'. '],Explanation).
  413% Estimate for DTP1 where DTP1 not reported: RMF
  414% -----------------------------------------
  415wuenic_I(C,dtp1,Y,'RMF',Explanation,RMFCoverage) :-
  416	wuenic_II(C,dtp3,Y,_,_,DTP3),
  417	not(wuenic_II(C,dtp1,Y,_,_,_)),
  418	not(workingGroupDecision(C,dtp1,Y,assignWUENIC,_,_,_)),
  419	RMFCoverage is round(18.258 - 0.6088*DTP3 - 0.0058*DTP3*DTP3),
  420	my_concat_atom(['Estimate based on DTP3 coverage of ',DTP3,'. '],Explanation).
  422% ==================
  423% Estimate for RCV1 where RCV1 given at MCV1.
  424% -------------------------------------------
  425wuenic_I(C,rcv1,Y,Rule,'Estimate based on estimated MCV1. ',Coverage) :-
  426	estimate_required(C,rcv1,Y,_,FirstRubellaDose),
  427	wuenic_II(C,mcv1,Y,Rule,_Explanation,Coverage),
  428	not(workingGroupDecision(C,rcv1,Y,assignWUENIC,_,_,_)),
  429	not(firstRubellaAtSecondMCV(C,rcv1,Y,FirstRubellaDose)).
  431% Estimate for RCV1 where RCV1 given at MCV2.
  432% -------------------------------------------
  433wuenic_I(C,rcv1,Y,Rule,'First dose of rubella vaccine given with second dose of measles containing vaccine. Estimate based on MCV2 estimate',Coverage) :-
  434	estimate_required(C,rcv1,Y,_,FirstRubellaDose),
  435	wuenic_II(C,mcv2,Y,Rule,_Explanation,Coverage),
  436	not(workingGroupDecision(C,rcv1,Y,assignWUENIC,_,_,_)),
  437	firstRubellaAtSecondMCV(C,rcv1,Y,FirstRubellaDose).
  439% ===============
  440% Estimate assigned by working group.
  441% -----------------------------------
  442wuenic_I(C,V,Y,'W:',Explanation,Coverage) :-
  443	workingGroupDecision(C,V,Y,assignWUENIC,Explanation,_,Coverage).
  445% First rubella given with second measles dose
  446% ---------------------------------------------
  447firstRubellaAtSecondMCV(_C, rcv1, _Y, mcv2).
  449%   Preliminary estimates.
  450% ==============================================
  452% No anchor points for any year. Reported data only.
  453% ------------------------------------------------
  454wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:',Explain,Coverage) :-
  455	estimate_required(C,V,Y,_,_),
  456	reported_time_series(C,V,Y,Source,Coverage),
  457	not(anchor_point(C,V,_,_,_,_)),
  458	explain(ro,Source,Explain).
  460% Estimate at anchor points.
  461% --------------------------
  462wuenic_II(C,V,Y,Rule,Explanation,Coverage) :-
  463	estimate_required(C,V,Y,_,_),
  464	anchor_point(C,V,Y,Rule,Explanation,Coverage).
  466% Estimate between anchor points: between two reported anchors, gov data.
  467% ----------------------------------------------
  468% DWB 2023-APR wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:','Estimate based on coverage reported by national government. ',Coverage) :-
  469wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:','Estimate informed by reported data. ',Coverage) :-
  470	reported_time_series(C,V,Y,Source,Coverage),
  471	member(Source,['gov']),
  472	between_anchor_points(C,V,Y,_,RuleBefore,_,_,RuleAfter,_),
  473	both_anchors_resolved_to_reported(RuleBefore,RuleAfter),
  474	not(workingGroupDecision(C,V,Y,interpolate,_,_,_)),
  475	not(workingGroupDecision(C,V,Y,calibrate,_,_,_)).
  477% Estimate between anchor points: between two reported anchors, admin data.
  478% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  479% DWB 2023-APR wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:','Estimate based on reported administrative data. ',Coverage) :-
  480wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:','Estimate informed by reported administrative data. ',Coverage) :-
  481	reported_time_series(C,V,Y,Source,Coverage),
  482	member(Source,['admin']),
  483	between_anchor_points(C,V,Y,_,RuleBefore,_,_,RuleAfter,_),
  484	both_anchors_resolved_to_reported(RuleBefore,RuleAfter),
  485	not(workingGroupDecision(C,V,Y,interpolate,_,_,_)),
  486	not(workingGroupDecision(C,V,Y,calibrate,_,_,_)).
  488% Estimate between anchor points: between two reported anchors, interpolation.
  489% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  490wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:',Explain,Coverage) :-
  491	reported_time_series(C,V,Y,Source,Coverage),
  492	member(Source,['interpolated']),
  493	between_anchor_points(C,V,Y,_YrBefore,RuleBefore,_,_YrAfter,RuleAfter,_),
  494	both_anchors_resolved_to_reported(RuleBefore,RuleAfter),
  495	not(workingGroupDecision(C,V,Y,interpolate,_,_,_)),
  496	not(workingGroupDecision(C,V,Y,calibrate,_,_,_)),
  497	% DWB 2023-APR concat_atom(['Estimate based on interpolation between coverage reported by national government. '],Explain).
  498	my_concat_atom(['Estimate informed by interpolation between reported data. '],Explain).
  500% Estimate between anchor points: calibrated
  501% ------------------------------------------
  502wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'C:',Explanation,Coverage) :-
  503	reported_time_series(C,V,Y,_,_ReportedCoverage), % MG: _ReportedCoverage because the line seems to be a guard
  504	between_anchor_points(C,V,Y,YrBefore,RuleBefore,_,YrAfter,RuleAfter,_),
  505	not(both_anchors_resolved_to_reported(RuleBefore,RuleAfter)),
  506	not(workingGroupDecision(C,V,Y,interpolate,_,_,_)),
  507	calibrate(C,V,YrBefore,YrAfter,Y,Coverage),
  508	my_concat_atom(['Reported data calibrated to ',YrBefore,' and ',YrAfter,' levels. '],Explanation).
  510% Estimate between anchor points: interpolation forced by working group.
  511% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  512wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'W-I:',Explanation,Coverage) :-
  513	between_anchor_points(C,V,Y,YrBefore,_,CoverageBefore,
  514							   YrAfter,_,CoverageAfter),
  515	workingGroupDecision(C,V,Y,interpolate,WGD_E,_,_),
  516	interpolate(YrBefore,CoverageBefore,YrAfter,CoverageAfter,Y,Coverage),
  517	% DWB 2023-APR concat_atom(['Estimate based on interpolation between ',YrBefore,' and ',YrAfter,' levels. ',WGD_E],Explanation).
  518	my_concat_atom(['Estimate informed by interpolation between ',YrBefore,' and ',YrAfter,' levels. ',WGD_E],Explanation).
  520% Estimate before earliest anchor: reported
  521% ------------------------------------------
  522% DWB 2023-APR wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:','Estimate based on reported data. ',ReportedCoverage) :-
  523wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:','Estimate informed by reported data. ',ReportedCoverage) :-
  524	reported_time_series(C,V,Y,Source,ReportedCoverage),
  525	member(Source,['admin','gov']),
  526	not(anchor_point(C,V,Y,_,_,_)),
  528	anchor_point(C,V,AnchorYear,AnchorRule,_,_),
  529	Y < AnchorYear,
  530	not(anchor_point_before(C,V,AnchorYear)),
  531	member(AnchorRule,['R: AP']).
  533% Estimate before earliest anchor: reported-extrapolated / interpolated
  534% ------------------------------------------
  535% DWB 2023-APR wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:','Estimate based on interpolation between data reported by national government. ',ReportedCoverage) :-
  536wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:','Estimate informed by interpolation between reported data. ',ReportedCoverage) :-
  537	reported_time_series(C,V,Y,Source,ReportedCoverage),
  538	member(Source,['interpolated']),
  539	not(anchor_point(C,V,Y,_,_,_)),
  541	anchor_point(C,V,AnchorYear,AnchorRule,_,_),
  542	Y < AnchorYear,
  543	not(anchor_point_before(C,V,AnchorYear)),
  544	member(AnchorRule,['R: AP']).
  546% Estimate before earliest anchor: reported-extrapolated / interpolated
  547% ------------------------------------------
  548wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:','Estimate based on extrapolation from data reported by national government. ',ReportedCoverage) :-
  549	reported_time_series(C,V,Y,Source,ReportedCoverage),
  550	member(Source,['extrapolated']),
  551	not(anchor_point(C,V,Y,_,_,_)),
  553	anchor_point(C,V,AnchorYear,AnchorRule,_,_),
  554	Y < AnchorYear,
  555	not(anchor_point_before(C,V,AnchorYear)),
  556	member(AnchorRule,['R: AP']).
  558% Estimate before earliest anchor: calibrated
  559% ---------------------------------------------
  560wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'C:',Explanation,Coverage) :-
  561	reported_time_series(C,V,Y,_,ReportedCoverage),
  562	not(anchor_point(C,V,Y,_,_,_)),
  564	anchor_point(C,V,AnchorYear,AnchorRule,_,AnchorCoverage),
  565	Y < AnchorYear,
  566	not(anchor_point_before(C,V,AnchorYear)),
  567	not(member(AnchorRule,['R: AP'])),
  569	reported_time_series(C,V,AnchorYear,_,ReportedCoverageAtAnchor),
  570	Adj is AnchorCoverage - ReportedCoverageAtAnchor,
  571	Coverage is round(ReportedCoverage + Adj),
  572	my_concat_atom(['Reported data calibrated to ',AnchorYear,' levels. '],Explanation).
  574% Estimate after latest anchor: reported
  575% --------------------------------------
  576% DWB 2023-APR wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:','Estimate based on coverage reported by national government.',ReportedCoverage) :-
  577wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:','Estimate informed by reported data.',ReportedCoverage) :-
  578	reported_time_series(C,V,Y,gov,ReportedCoverage),
  579	not(anchor_point(C,V,Y,_,_,_)),
  581	anchor_point(C,V,AnchorYear,AnchorRule,_,_),
  582	Y > AnchorYear,
  583	not(anchor_point_after(C,V,AnchorYear)),
  584	member(AnchorRule,['R: AP']).
  586% Estimate after latest anchor: reported
  587% --------------------------------------
  588% DWB 2023-APR wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:','Estimate based on reported administrative data. ',ReportedCoverage) :-
  589wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:','Estimate informed by reported administrative data. ',ReportedCoverage) :-
  590	reported_time_series(C,V,Y,admin,ReportedCoverage),
  591	not(anchor_point(C,V,Y,_,_,_)),
  593	anchor_point(C,V,AnchorYear,AnchorRule,_,_),
  594	Y > AnchorYear,
  595	not(anchor_point_after(C,V,AnchorYear)),
  596	member(AnchorRule,['R: AP']).
  598% Estimate after latest anchor: reported-extrapolated / interpolated
  599% ------------------------------------------------------------------
  600% DWB 2023-APR wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:','Estimate based on interpolation between data reported by national government. ',ReportedCoverage) :-
  601wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:','Estimate informed by interpolation between reported data. ',ReportedCoverage) :-
  602	reported_time_series(C,V,Y,Source,ReportedCoverage),
  603	member(Source,['interpolated']),
  604	not(anchor_point(C,V,Y,_,_,_)),
  606	anchor_point(C,V,AnchorYear,AnchorRule,_,_),
  607	Y > AnchorYear,
  608	not(anchor_point_after(C,V,AnchorYear)),
  609	member(AnchorRule,['R: AP']).
  611% Estimate after latest anchor: reported-extrapolated / interpolated
  612% ------------------------------------------------------------------
  613wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'R:','Estimate based on extrapolation from data reported by national government. ',ReportedCoverage) :-
  614	reported_time_series(C,V,Y,Source,ReportedCoverage),
  615	member(Source,['extrapolated']),
  616	not(anchor_point(C,V,Y,_,_,_)),
  618	anchor_point(C,V,AnchorYear,AnchorRule,_,_),
  619	Y > AnchorYear,
  620	not(anchor_point_after(C,V,AnchorYear)),
  621	member(AnchorRule,['R: AP']).
  623% Estimate after latest anchor: calibrated
  624% ----------------------------------------
  625wuenic_II(C,V,Y,'C:',Explanation,Coverage) :-
  626	reported_time_series(C,V,Y,_,ReportedCoverage),
  627	not(anchor_point(C,V,Y,_,_,_)),
  629	anchor_point(C,V,AnchorYear,AnchorRule,_,AnchorCoverage),
  630	Y > AnchorYear,
  631	not(anchor_point_after(C,V,AnchorYear)),
  632	not(member(AnchorRule,['R: AP'])),
  634	reported_time_series(C,V,AnchorYear,_,ReportedCoverageAtAnchor),
  635	%not(reported_reason_to_exclude(C,V,Y,_,_)),
  636	Adj is AnchorCoverage - ReportedCoverageAtAnchor,
  637	Coverage is round(ReportedCoverage + Adj),
  638	my_concat_atom(['Reported data calibrated to ',AnchorYear,' levels.'],Explanation).
  640both_anchors_resolved_to_reported(RuleBefore,RuleAfter) :-
  641  member(RuleBefore,['R: AP']),
  642  member(RuleAfter,['R: AP']).
  644% DWB 2023-APR	explain(ro,gov,'Estimate based on coverage reported by national government. ').
  645explain(ro,gov,'Estimate informed by reported data. ').
  646% DWB 2023-APR	explain(ro,admin,'Estimate based on reported administrative estimate. ').
  647explain(ro,admin,'Estimate informed by reported administrative data. ').
  648% DWB 2023-APR	explain(ro,interpolated,'Estimate based on interpolation between reported values. ').
  649explain(ro,interpolated,'Estimate informed by interpolation between reported data. ').
  650% DWB 2023-APR	explain(ro,extrapolated,'Estimate based on extrapolation from data reported by national government. ').
  651explain(ro,extrapolated,'Estimate informed by extrapolation from reported data. ').
  653% =====================
  654% Level two processing:
  655%   Determine coverage value at anchor points
  656%   defined as years where there are multiple
  657%   data points (reported | survey | wgd).
  659%	Anchor point assignments:
  660%		Reported (gov,admin,extrapolated / interpolated timer series) supported by survey.
  661%		Reported not supported by survey.
  662%		Reported value "anchored" by working group.
  663%		Working group assigns anchor point value.
  664% =================================================
  666% Anchor point set to reported value by working group
  667anchor_point(C, V, Y, Type, Explanation, Coverage),
  668    reported_time_series(C, V, Y, _, Reported),
  669    workingGroupDecision(C, V, Y, assignAnchor, Expl, _, Assigned),
  670    Reported = Assigned
  671 => Type = 'R: AP',
  672    Coverage = Assigned,
  673    Explanation = Expl.
  675% Anchor point value NOT set to reported value by working group
  676anchor_point(C, V, Y, Type, Explanation, Coverage),
  677    reported_time_series(C, V, Y, _, Reported),
  678    workingGroupDecision(C, V, Y, assignAnchor, Expl, _, Assigned),
  679    Reported \= Assigned
  680 => Type = 'W: AP',
  681    Coverage = Assigned,
  682    my_concat_atom(
  683	['Estimate of ', Assigned, ' percent assigned by working group. ',
  684	 Expl], Explanation).
  686% Survey results support reported
  687anchor_point(C, V, Y, Type, Explanation, Coverage),
  688    reported_time_series(C, V, Y, Source, Reported),
  689%   not(workingGroupDecision(C, V, Y, assignAnchor, _, _, _)),
  690    survey(C, V, Y, Expl, Survey),
  691    survey_reported_threshold(Threshold),
  692    abs(Reported - Survey) =< Threshold
  693 => Type = 'R: AP',
  694    Coverage = Reported,
  695    explain(ap, Source, Expl, Explanation).
  697% Survey results challenge reported
  698anchor_point(C, V, Y, Type, Explanation, Coverage),
  699%   reported_time_series(C, V, Y, _, Reported),
  700%   not(workingGroupDecision(C,V,Y,assignAnchor,_,_,_)),
  701    survey(C, V, Y, Expl, Survey)
  702%   not(survey_supports_reported(ReportedCoverage,SurveyCoverage))
  703 => Type = 'S: AP',
  704    Coverage = Survey,
  705    my_concat_atom(
  706	['Survey evidence does not support reported data. Estimate based on survey results. ',
  707	 Expl, ' '], Explanation).
  709anchor_point(_C, _V, _Y, _Type, _Explanation, _Coverage)
  710 => fail.
  712explain(ap, gov, Expl, Explanation)
  713 => my_concat_atom(
  714	['Estimate informed by reported data supported by survey. ',
  715	 Expl], Explanation).
  717explain(ap, admin, Expl, Explanation)
  718 => my_concat_atom(
  719	['Estimate informed by reported administrative data supported by survey. ',
  720	 Expl], Explanation).
  722explain(ap, interpolated, Expl, Explanation)
  723 => my_concat_atom(
  724	['Estimate informed by interpolation between reported data supported by survey. ',
  725	 Expl], Explanation).
  727explain(ap, extrapolated, Expl, Explanation)
  728 => my_concat_atom(
  729	['Estimate based on extrapolation from data reported by national government supported by survey. ',
  730	 Expl], Explanation).
  732% ==============================================
  733% Level one processing:
  735%   Review data reported by national authorities
  736%   and survey results. Reported and survey data
  737%   are accepted, ignored, or modified. Modified
  738%   data are accepted in the modified form.
  739% ==============================================
  741% Final survey information. If multiple survey in the
  742% same year, accepted and modified results are averaged.
  743% ----------------------------------
  744survey(C,V,Y,Explanation,Coverage) :-
  745%	bagof(Cov,survey_accepted(C,V,Y,_,_,Cov),CoverageList),
  746	bagof(Cov,Dist^SID^survey_accepted(C,V,Y,SID,Dist,Cov),CoverageList),
  748	length(CoverageList,N),
  749	sum_list(CoverageList,SumCov),
  750	Coverage is round(SumCov / N),
  751	my_concat_atom(['Survey evidence of ',Coverage,' percent based on ',N, ' survey(s). '],Explanation).
  753% Unmodified survey results accpeted.
  754% -----------------------------------
  755survey_accepted(C,V,Y,SurveyID,_,Coverage) :-
  756	survey_results_for_analysis(C,V,Y,SurveyID,_,Coverage),
  757	not(survey_results_modified(C,V,Y,SurveyID,_,_)),
  758	not(survey_reason_to_exclude(C,V,Y,SurveyID,_)).
  760% Modified survey results accepted.
  761% ---------------------------------
  762survey_accepted(C,V,Y,SurveyID,_,ModifiedCoverage) :-
  763	survey_results_for_analysis(C,V,Y,SurveyID,_,_Coverage),
  764	survey_results_modified(C,V,Y,SurveyID,_,ModifiedCoverage),
  765	not(survey_reason_to_exclude(C,V,Y,SurveyID,_)).
  767% Survey results modified for recall bias.
  768% ---------------------------------------
  769survey_results_modified(C,V,Y,SurveyID,Explanation,ModifiedCoverage) :-
  770	recall_bias_modified(C,V,Y,SurveyID,Explanation,ModifiedCoverage).
  772% Adjust third dose for recall bias. Apply dropout observed
  773% between 1st and 3 dose documenented by card to history doses.
  774% Recalculate "card or history" based on adjustment to history.
  775% -------------------------------------------------------------
  776recall_bias_modified(C,V,Y,SurveyID,Explanation,ModifiedCoverage) :-
  777	member(V,['dtp3','pol3','hib3','hepb3','pcv3']),
  779	% Associate third dose with first dose.
  780	vaccine(V,FirstDose),
  782	% Third dose, card only
  783	survey_results(C,V,Y,SurveyID,DescriptionCard3Dose,C3Cov),
  784	member(confirm:MethodCard3Dose,DescriptionCard3Dose), member(MethodCard3Dose,['card']),
  785	member(age:AgeCohortCard3Dose,DescriptionCard3Dose),
  786	member(AgeCohortCard3Dose,['12-23 m','18-29 m','15-26 m', '24-35 m']),
  788	% First dose, card or history
  789	survey_results(C,FirstDose,Y,SurveyID,DescriptionCoH1Dose,CoH1Cov),
  790	member(confirm:MethodCoH1Dose,DescriptionCoH1Dose), member(MethodCoH1Dose,['card or history']),
  791	member(age:AgeCohortCoH1,DescriptionCoH1Dose),
  792	member(AgeCohortCoH1,['12-23 m','18-29 m','15-26 m','24-35 m']),
  794	% First dose, card only
  795	survey_results(C,FirstDose,Y,SurveyID,DescriptionCard1Dose,C1Cov), C1Cov > 0,
  796	member(confirm:MethodCard1Dose,DescriptionCard1Dose), member(MethodCard1Dose,['card']),
  797	member(age:AgeCohortCard1Dose,DescriptionCard1Dose),
  798	member(AgeCohortCard1Dose,['12-23 m','18-29 m','15-26 m','24-35 m']),
  800	Adj is C3Cov / C1Cov,
  801	ThirdHistoryAdj is ((CoH1Cov - C1Cov)*Adj),
  802	CovAdjustedRecall is C3Cov + ThirdHistoryAdj,
  804	bound_0_100(CovAdjustedRecall,ModifiedCoverage),
  806	survey_results_for_analysis(C,V,Y,SurveyID,_,Coverage),
  808	Coverage \= ModifiedCoverage,
  810	SurveyCoverage is round(Coverage),
  811	CH1 is round(CoH1Cov),
  812	C1 is round(C1Cov),
  813	C3 is round(C3Cov),
  815	survey_results_for_analysis(C,V,Y,SurveyID,Description,_),
  816	member(title:Survey,Description),
  818	my_concat_atom([Survey,' card or history results of ',SurveyCoverage,' percent modifed for recall bias to ',
  819			ModifiedCoverage,' percent based on 1st dose card or history coverage of ',
  820			CH1,' percent, 1st dose card only coverage of ',C1,' percent and 3rd dose card only coverage of ',
  821			C3,' percent. '],Explanation).
  823% -------------------------------------------------
  824% Survey results accepted if no reason to exclude.
  826% Reasons to exclude a survey include:
  827%    Sample size < 300,
  828%    The working group decides to exclude the survey.
  830% --------------------------------------------------
  831% Reason to exclude survey: sample size < 300.
  832% --------------------------------------------
  833survey_reason_to_exclude(C,V,Y,SurveyID,Explanation) :-
  834	survey_results_for_analysis(C,V,Y,SurveyID,Description,_),
  835	member(ss:SampleSize,Description),
  836	SampleSize < 300,
  837	not(workingGroupDecision(C,V,Y,acceptSurvey,Explanation,SurveyID,_)),
  838	my_concat_atom(['Survey results ignored. Sample size ',SampleSize,' less than 300. '],Explanation).
  840% Reason to exclude survey: working group decision to exclude survey identified by survey id.
  841% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  842survey_reason_to_exclude(C,V,Y,SurveyID,Explain) :-
  843	survey_results_for_analysis(C,V,Y,SurveyID,Description,_),
  844	workingGroupDecision(C,V,Y,ignoreSurvey,Explanation,SurveyID,_),
  845	member(title:Survey,Description),
  846	my_concat_atom([Survey,' results ignored by working group. ',Explanation],Explain).
  848% Reason to exclude survey: working group decision to delate all surveys identified by country, vaccine, year.
  849% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  850survey_reason_to_exclude(C,V,Y,SurveyID,Explain) :-
  851	survey_results_for_analysis(C,V,Y,SurveyID,Description,_),
  852	workingGroupDecision(C,V,Y,ignoreSurvey,Explanation,na,_),
  853	member(title:Survey,Description),
  854	my_concat_atom([Survey,' results ignored by working group. ',Explanation],Explain).
  856% Survey results passed for inclusion in the analysis include:
  857% card or history results for cohorts 12-23, 18-29, 15-26, 24-35 months of age
  858% --------------------------------------------------------
  859survey_results_for_analysis(C,V,Y,SurveyID,Description,Coverage) :-
  860	survey_results(C,V,Y,SurveyID,Description,Coverage),
  861	member(confirm:Method,Description),
  862	member(Method,['card or history']),
  863	member(age:AgeCohort,Description),
  864	member(AgeCohort,['12-23 m','18-29 m','15-26 m','24-35 m']).
  866% =============================================
  867% Create complete time series of reported data.
  869% Timeseries consists of:
  870%    coverage reported (gov or admin) by government
  871%    interpolated values if no reported or reported excluded between 2 years of reported.
  872%    value of nearest year for years no reported or reported excluded
  873%        before/after earliest/latest reported value (extrapolated)
  874% ==============================================
  875% Reported data.
  876% --------------
  877reported_time_series(C,V,Y,Source,Coverage) :-
  878		estimate_required(C,V,Y,_,_),
  879		reported(C,V,Y,Source,Coverage),
  880		not(reported_reason_to_exclude(C,V,Y,_,_)).
  882% Interpolation, reported data excluded between two years
  883% -------------------------------------------------------
  884reported_time_series(C,V,Y,interpolated,Coverage) :-
  885		estimate_required(C,V,Y,_,_),
  886		reported(C,V,Y,_,_),
  887		once(reported_reason_to_exclude(C,V,Y,_,_Reason)),
  888		year_between_reported(C,V,Y,YearBefore,CoverageBefore,YearAfter,CoverageAfter),
  889		interpolate(YearBefore,CoverageBefore,YearAfter,CoverageAfter,Y,Coverage).
  891% Interpolation, no reported data between two years
  892% -------------------------------------------------
  893reported_time_series(C,V,Y,interpolated,Coverage) :-
  894		estimate_required(C,V,Y,_,_),
  895		not(reported(C,V,Y,_,_)),
  896		year_between_reported(C,V,Y,YearBefore,CoverageBefore,YearAfter,CoverageAfter),
  897		interpolate(YearBefore,CoverageBefore,YearAfter,CoverageAfter,Y,Coverage).
  899% Extrapolation, reported data for year beyond earliest / latest required estimate excluded
  900% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  901reported_time_series(C,V,Y,extrapolated,CoverageNearest) :-
  902		estimate_required(C,V,Y,_,_),
  903		reported(C,V,Y,_,_),
  904		once(reported_reason_to_exclude(C,V,Y,_,_Reason)),
  905		not(year_between_reported(C,V,Y,_,_,_,_)),
  906		nearest_reported(C,V,Y,_YearNearest,CoverageNearest).
  908% Extrapolation, no reported data for year beyond earliest / latest required estimate
  909% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  910reported_time_series(C,V,Y,extrapolated,CoverageNearest) :-
  911	estimate_required(C,V,Y,_,_),
  912	not(reported(C,V,Y,_,_)),
  913	not(year_between_reported(C,V,Y,_,_,_,_)),
  914	nearest_reported(C,V,Y,_YearNearest,CoverageNearest).
  916% =====================================
  917% Reasons to exclude reported data are:
  918%  1. Working group decision.
  919%  2. Coverage > 100%
  920%  2. Inconsistent temporal changes (sawtooth or sudden change most recent year)
  921% =====================================
  922% MG, todo: short version that just checks if excluded
  924% Working group decision
  925reported_reason_to_exclude(C, V, Y, wdg, Explanation) :-
  926    workingGroupDecision(C, V, Y, ignoreReported, Expl, _, _),
  927    my_concat_atom(
  928	['Reported data excluded. ', Expl], Explanation).
  930reported_reason_to_exclude(C, V, Y, Reason, Explanation) :-
  931    not(workingGroupDecision(C, V, Y, acceptReported, _, _, _)),
  932    reported(C, V, Y, _, Coverage),
  933    reported_reason_to_exclude(C, V, Y, Coverage, Reason, Explanation).
  935% Reported coverage > 100%
  936reported_reason_to_exclude(_C, _V, _Y, Coverage, 100, Explanation) :-
  937    Coverage > 100,
  938    my_concat_atom(
  939	['Reported data excluded because ', Coverage,
  940	 ' percent greater than 100 percent. '], Explanation).
  942% Sawtooth - inconsistent temporal change
  943reported_reason_to_exclude(C, V, Y, Coverage, sawtooth, Explanation) :-
  944    Before is Y - 1,
  945    reported(C, V, Before, _, CovBefore),
  946    After is Y + 1,
  947    reported(C, V, After, _, CovAfter),
  948    sawtooth_threshold(Threshold),
  949    Coverage - CovBefore > Threshold,
  950    Coverage - CovAfter  > Threshold,
  951    my_concat_atom(
  952	['Reported data excluded due to an increase from ', CovBefore,
  953	 ' percent to ', Coverage, ' percent with decrease ', CovAfter,
  954	 ' percent. '],	Explanation).
  956reported_reason_to_exclude(C, V, Y, Coverage, sawtooth, Explanation) :-
  957    Before is Y - 1,
  958    reported(C, V, Before, _, CovBefore),
  959    After  is Y + 1,
  960    reported(C, V, After, _, CovAfter),
  961    sawtooth_threshold(Threshold),
  962    CovBefore - Coverage  > Threshold,
  963    CovAfter  - Coverage  > Threshold,
  964    my_concat_atom(
  965	['Reported data excluded due to decline in reported coverage from ',
  966	 CovBefore,' percent to ', Coverage, ' percent with increase to ',
  967	 CovAfter,' percent. '], Explanation).
  969% Sudden decline in most recently reported data for new vaccines
  970reported_reason_to_exclude(C, V, Y, Coverage, temporalChange, Explanation) :-
  971    member(V, [pcv3, rotac]),
  972    not(reported_later(C, V, Y)),
  973    Before is Y - 1,
  974    reported(C, V, Before, _, CovBefore),
  975    sawtooth_threshold(Threshold),
  976    CovBefore - Coverage > Threshold,
  977    my_concat_atom(
  978	['Reported data excluded due to decline in reported coverage from ',
  979	 CovBefore,' level to ', Coverage,' percent. '], Explanation).
  981% Sudden change in most recently reported data for classic vaccines
  982reported_reason_to_exclude(C, V, Y, Coverage, temporalChange, Explanation) :-
  983    not(member(V, [pcv3, rotac])),
  984    not(reported_later(C, V, Y)),
  985    Before is Y - 1,
  986    reported(C, V, Before, _, CovBefore),
  987    sawtooth_threshold(Threshold),
  988    abs(CovBefore - Coverage) > Threshold,
  989    my_concat_atom(
  990	['Reported data excluded due to sudden change in coverage from ',
  991	 CovBefore,' level to ', Coverage,' percent. '], Explanation).
  993reported_later(C, V, Year) :-
  994    reported(C, V, After, _, _),
  995    After > Year.
  997% Level 0:
  998% Reported to WHO and UNICEF is government estimate. If government
  999% estimate missing, then reported is administrative data.
 1000reported(C, V, Y, Source, Coverage),
 1001    gov(C, V, Y, Cov),
 1002    not(workingGroupDecision(C, V, Y, ignoreGov, _, _, _))
 1003 => Source = gov,
 1004    Coverage = Cov.
 1006reported(C, V, Y, Source, Coverage),
 1007    admin(C, V, Y, Cov),
 1008    not(workingGroupDecision(C, V, Y, ignoreAdmin, _, _, _))
 1009 => Source = admin,
 1010    Coverage = Cov.
 1012reported(_C, _V, _Y, _Source, _Coverage)
 1013 => fail.
 1015% ==========================================
 1016% Utilities and general auxiliary predicates
 1017% -------------------------------------------
 1018% Working group decision applies for a given year
 1019workingGroupDecision(C, V, Y, Action, Explanation, Survey, Coverage) :-
 1020    wgd(C, V, Begin, End, Action, Explanation, Survey, Coverage, _, _),
 1021    Begin =< Y, Y =< End.
 1023% Anchor points to given year
 1024% MG, issue: return closest anchor point instead of generate & test
 1025anchor_point_before(C, V, Before) :-
 1026    anchor_point(C, V, Y, _, _, _),
 1027    Y < Before.
 1029anchor_point_after(C, V, After) :-
 1030    anchor_point(C, V, Y, _, _, _),
 1031    Y > After.
 1033anchor_point_between(C, V, Before, After) :-
 1034    anchor_point(C, V, Y, _, _, _),
 1035    Before < Y, Y < After.
 1037% routines for interpolated points
 1038% --------------------------------
 1039year_between_reported(C,V,Y,YearBefore,CoverageBefore,YearAfter,CoverageAfter) :-
 1040	reported(C,V,YearBefore,_,CoverageBefore),
 1041	YearBefore < Y,
 1042	not(reported_reason_to_exclude(C,V,YearBefore,_,_)),
 1044	reported(C,V,YearAfter,_,CoverageAfter),
 1045	YearAfter > Y,
 1046	not(reported_reason_to_exclude(C,V,YearAfter,_,_)),
 1047	not(reported_data_between(C,V,YearBefore,YearAfter)).
 1049reported_data_between(C,V,YearBefore,YearAfter) :-
 1050	reported(C,V,YearBetween,_,_),
 1051	not(reported_reason_to_exclude(C,V,YearBetween,_,_)),
 1052	YearBetween > YearBefore,
 1053	YearBetween < YearAfter.
 1055% Extrapolation using nearest neighbor
 1056% ----------------------------------
 1057nearest_reported(C,V,Y,YearNearest,CoverageNearest) :-
 1058	reported(C,V,YearNearest,_,CoverageNearest),
 1059	not(reported_reason_to_exclude(C,V,YearNearest,_,_)),
 1060	not(reported_closer(C,V,Y,YearNearest)).
 1062reported_closer(C,V,Y,YearNearest) :-
 1063	reported(C,V,YearTest,_,_),
 1064	not(reported_reason_to_exclude(C,V,YearTest,_,_)),
 1065	abs(Y - YearTest) < abs(Y - YearNearest).
 1067% Get values of nearest surrounding anchor points.
 1068% -------------------------------------------------
 1070                          SucceedingAnchorYear,SucceedingRule,SucceedingCov) :-
 1071	not(anchor_point(C,V,Y,_,_,_)),
 1072	anchor_point(C,V,PreceedingAnchorYear,PreceedingRule,_,PreceedingCov),
 1073	anchor_point(C,V,SucceedingAnchorYear,SucceedingRule,_,SucceedingCov),
 1074	PreceedingAnchorYear < Y,
 1075	SucceedingAnchorYear > Y,
 1076	not(anchor_point_between(C,V,PreceedingAnchorYear,SucceedingAnchorYear)).
 1078% Interpolate between two years
 1079interpolate(Early, EarlyCov, Late, LateCov, Year, Coverage) :-
 1080    Slope is (LateCov - EarlyCov) / (Late - Early),
 1081    Coverage is round(EarlyCov + (Year - Early) * Slope).
 1083% Calibrate reported data to anchor points
 1084% MG, issue: why are values rounded?
 1085calibrate(C, V, Prec, Succ, Y, Coverage),
 1086    reported_time_series(C, V, Prec, _, PrecRep),
 1087    reported_time_series(C, V, Succ, _, SuccRep)
 1088 => anchor_point(C, V, Prec, _, _, PrecCov),
 1089    anchor_point(C, V, Succ, _, _, SuccCov),
 1090    reported_time_series(C, V, Y, _, Reported),
 1091    interpolate(Prec, PrecRep, Succ, SuccRep, Y, RepInterp),
 1092    interpolate(Prec, PrecCov, Succ, SuccCov, Y, AnchInterp),
 1093    Adj is AnchInterp - RepInterp,
 1094    Coverage is round(Reported + Adj).
 1096% Reported data only at preceeding anchor
 1097calibrate(C, V, Prec, _, Y, Coverage)
 1098 => reported_time_series(C, V, Prec, _, PrecRep),
 1099    anchor_point(C, V, Prec, _, _, PrecCov),
 1100    Adj is PrecCov - PrecRep,
 1101    reported_time_series(C, V, Y, _, Reported),
 1102    Coverage is round(Reported + Adj).
 1104% Ensure estimates are between 0 and 99.
 1105% MG, issue: why are values rounded?
 1106bound_0_100(X, Y) :-
 1107    Y is max(0, min(99, round(X))).
 1109% Add underlying data to each C, V, Y estimate
 1110% MG, issue: is this extra iteration really needed?
 1111collect_data(C, V, Y, PrevRev, Admin, Gov, Reported, Vaccinated,
 1112        Target, UnpdBirths, UnpdSI, SeriesValue, Source, SurveyInfo)
 1113 => legacy_estimate(C, V, Y, PrevRev),
 1114    admin_data(C, V, Y, Admin),
 1115    gov_data(C, V, Y, Gov),
 1116    reported_data(C, V, Y, Reported),
 1117    vaccinated_data(C, V, Y, Vaccinated),
 1118    target_data(C, V, Y, Target),
 1119    time_series_data(C, V, Y, Source, SeriesValue),
 1120    unpd_births_data(C, Y, UnpdBirths),
 1121    unpd_si_data(C, Y, UnpdSI),
 1122    survey_data(C, V, Y, SurveyInfo).
 1124legacy_estimate(C, V, Y, PrevRev),
 1125    legacy(C, V, Y, D)
 1126 => PrevRev = D.
 1128legacy_estimate(_C, _V, _Y, PrevRev)
 1129 => PrevRev = ''.
 1131admin_data(C, V, Y, Admin),
 1132    admin(C, V, Y, D)
 1133 => Admin = D.
 1135admin_data(_C, _V, _Y, Admin)
 1136 => Admin = ''.
 1138gov_data(C, V, Y, Gov),
 1139    gov(C, V, Y, D)
 1140 => Gov = D.
 1142gov_data(_C, _V, _Y, Gov)
 1143 => Gov = ''.
 1145reported_data(C, V, Y, Reported),
 1146    reported(C, V, Y, _, D)
 1147 => Reported = D.
 1149reported_data(_C, _V, _Y, Reported)
 1150 => Reported = ''.
 1152vaccinated_data(C, V, Y, Vaccinated),
 1153    vaccinated(C, V, Y, D)
 1154 => Vaccinated = D.
 1156vaccinated_data(_C, _V, _Y, Vaccinated)
 1157 => Vaccinated = ''.
 1159target_data(C, V, Y, Target),
 1160    target(C, V, Y, D)
 1161 => Target = D.
 1163target_data(_C, _V, _Y, Target)
 1164 => Target = ''.
 1166unpd_births_data(C, Y, Births),
 1167    births_UNPD(C, Y, D)
 1168 => Births = D.
 1170unpd_births_data(_C, _Y, Births)
 1171 => Births = ''.
 1173unpd_si_data(C, Y, UnpdSI),
 1174    si_UNPD(C, Y, D)
 1175 => UnpdSI = D.
 1177unpd_si_data(_C, _Y, UnpdSI)
 1178 => UnpdSI = ''.
 1180time_series_data(C, V, Y, Source, Value),
 1181    reported_time_series(C, V, Y, S, D)
 1182 => Source = S,
 1183    Value = D.
 1185time_series_data(_C, _V, _Y, Source, Value)
 1186 => Source = '',
 1187    Value = ''.
 1189% MG: Check if this can be removed
 1190survey_data(C, V, Y, Info),
 1191    survey(C, V, Y, _, D)
 1192 => Info = D.
 1194survey_data(_C, _V, _Y, Info)
 1195 => Info = ''.
 1197% Collect explanations in natural language terms
 1199% MG, todo: store information in the first place
 1200collect_explanations(C, V, Y, Explanations) :-
 1201    findall(Text, explanation(C, V, Y, Text), Explanations).
 1203collect_explanations(C, V, Y, Explanations) :-
 1204    findall(T, explanation(C, V, Y, T), Explanations).
 1206explanation(C, V, Y, Text) :-
 1207    survey_reason_to_exclude(C, V, Y, _, Text).
 1209explanation(C, V, Y, Text) :-
 1210    survey_results_modified(C, V, Y, _, Text, _).
 1212explanation(C, V, Y, Text) :-
 1213    reported_reason_to_exclude(C, V, Y, _, Text).
 1215explanation(C, V, Y, Text) :-
 1216    workingGroupDecision(C, V, Y, comment, Text, _, _).
 1218explanation(C, V, Y, Text) :-
 1219    workingGroupDecision(C, V, Y, acceptSurvey, Text, _, _).
 1221explanation(C, V, Y, Text) :-
 1222    workingGroupDecision(C, V, Y, acceptReported, Text, _, _).
 1224explanation(C, V, Y, Text) :-
 1225    workingGroupDecision(C, V, Y, ignoreGov, Text, _, _).
 1227% MG, issue: Why has this been commented out?
 1228% explanation(C, V, Y, Text) :-
 1229%     workingGroupDecision(C, V, Y, interpolate, Text, _, _).
 1231open_out_file(Out,File,Header) :-
 1232	open(File,write,Out),
 1233	write(Out,Header),
 1234	nl(Out).
 1237output_results([H|T],Out) :- output_fields(H,Out), output_results(T,Out).
 1239output_fields([],Out) :- nl(Out).
 1240output_fields([H|T],Out) :- write(Out,H),write(Out,'\t'),output_fields(T,Out).
 1242% MG, temporary: concatenate string representation also of non-atoms
 1243my_concat_atom(List, String) :-
 1244    maplist(term_string, List, Strings),
 1245    atomics_to_string(Strings, String)