The current version of the Dialog Editor is experimental. It can be
used for serious application development as the output format is
extensible, so future extensions to the Dialog Editor will not break
already generated dialog windows. The main problems identified are:
- Defining new controls
It is desirable to be able to create new (compound) controls using the
dialog editor and save these in a library. At the moment new controls
can only be created by programming them as a user-defined class.
Connecting these user-defined controls to the Dialog Editor is not
difficult, but no supported interface has been defined.
- Layout detection
The layout detection often makes mistakes, partly because it does not
know about various important layout concepts.
- Integration with user-defined classes
It is desirable to integrate the dialog editor in a neat way with
user-defined classes. Notably, the editor should support activating and
defining methods on a user-defined refinement of the containing frame.