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    1/*  Part of SWI-Prolog
    3    Author:        Jeffrey Rosenwald, extended by Peter Ludemann
    4    E-mail:,
    5    WWW: 
    6    Copyright (c)  2010-2013, Jeffrey Rosenwald; 2021-2024, SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v.
    7    All rights reserved.
    9    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
   10    modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
   11    are met:
   13    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
   14       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
   16    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
   17       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
   18       the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
   19       distribution.
   35:- module(protobufs,
   36          [ protobuf_message/2,   % ?Template ?Codes
   37            protobuf_message/3,   % ?Template ?Codes ?Rest
   38            protobuf_parse_from_codes/3, % +WireCodes, +MessageType, -Term
   39            protobuf_serialize_to_codes/3,  % +Term, +MessageType, -WireCodes
   40            protobuf_field_is_map/2, % +MessageType, +FieldName
   41            protobuf_map_pairs/3 % ?ProtobufTermList, ?DictTag, ?Pairs
   43            % TODO: Restore the following to the public interface, if
   44            %       someone needs them.  For now, the tests directly specify
   45            %       them using, e.g. protobufs:uint32_codes(..., ...).
   46            %
   47            % protobuf_segment_message/2,  % ?Segments ?Codes
   48            % protobuf_segment_convert/2,  % +Form1 ?Form2
   49            % uint32_codes/2,
   50            % int32_codes/2,
   51            % float32_codes/2,
   52            % uint64_codes/2,
   53            % int64_codes/2,
   54            % float64_codes/2,
   55            % int64_zigzag/2,
   56            % uint32_int32/2,
   57            % uint64_int64/2,
   58            % uint32_codes_when/2,
   59            % int32_codes_when/2,  % TODO: unused
   60            % float32_codes_when/2,
   61            % uint64_codes_when/2,
   62            % int64_codes_when/2,  % TODO: unused
   63            % float64_codes_when/2,
   64            % int64_zigzag_when/2,
   65            % uint32_int32_when/2,
   66            % uint64_int64_when/2,
   67            % int64_float64_when/2,
   68            % int32_float32_when/2,
   69            % protobuf_var_int//1,
   70            % protobuf_tag_type//2
   71          ]).   72
   73:- use_module(library(apply_macros)).  % autoload(library(apply), [maplist/3, foldl/4]).
   74:- autoload(library(error), [must_be/2, domain_error/2, existence_error/2]).   75:- autoload(library(lists), [append/3]).   76:- autoload(library(utf8), [utf8_codes//1]).   77:- autoload(library(dif), [dif/2]).   78:- autoload(library(dcg/high_order), [sequence//2]).   79:- autoload(library(when), [when/2]).   80:- use_module(library(debug), [assertion/1]). % TODO: remove
   82:- set_prolog_flag(optimise, true). % For arithmetic using is/2.

Google's Protocol Buffers ("protobufs")

Protocol buffers are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data -- think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler. You define how you want your data to be structured once. This takes the form of a template that describes the data structure. You use this template to encode and decode your data structure into wire-streams that may be sent-to or read-from your peers. The underlying wire stream is platform independent, lossless, and may be used to interwork with a variety of languages and systems regardless of word size or endianness. Techniques exist to safely extend your data structure without breaking deployed programs that are compiled against the "old" format.

The idea behind Google's Protocol Buffers is that you define your structured messages using a domain-specific language and tool set. Further documentation on this is at

There are two ways you can use protobufs in Prolog:

The protobuf_parse_from_codes/3 and protobuf_serialize_to_codes/3 interface translates between a "wire stream" and a Prolog term. This interface takes advantage of SWI-Prolog's dict. The protoc plugin (protoc-gen-swipl) generates a Prolog file of meta-information that captures the .proto file's definition in the protobufs module, with the following facts:

The protobuf_message/2 interface allows you to define your message template as a list of predefined Prolog terms that correspond to production rules in the Definite Clause Grammar (DCG) that realizes the interpreter. Each production rule has an equivalent rule in the protobuf grammar. The process is not unlike specifiying the format of a regular expression. To encode a template to a wire-stream, you pass a grounded template, X, and variable, Y, to protobuf_message/2. To decode a wire-stream, Y, you pass an ungrounded template, X, along with a grounded wire-stream, Y, to protobuf_message/2. The interpreter will unify the unbound variables in the template with values decoded from the wire-stream.

For an overview and tutorial with examples, see library(protobufs): Google's Protocol Buffers Examples of usage may also be found by inspecting and the demo directory, or by looking at the "addressbook" example that is typically installed at /usr/lib/swi-prolog/doc/packages/examples/protobufs/interop/

- Jeffrey Rosenwald (
- Peter Ludemann (
See also
- SWI-Prolog */
  162:- use_foreign_library(foreign(protobufs)).
 protobuf_parse_from_codes(+WireCodes:list(int), +MessageType:atom, -Term) is semidet
Process bytes (list of int) that is the serialized form of a message (designated by MessageType), creating a Prolog term.

Protoc must have been run (with the --swipl_out= option and the resulting top-level file loaded. For more details, see the "protoc" section of the overview documentation.

Fails if the message can't be parsed or if the appropriate meta-data from protoc hasn't been loaded.

All fields that are omitted from the WireCodes are set to their default values (typically the empty string or 0, depending on the type; or [] for repeated groups). There is no way of testing whether a value was specified in WireCodes or given its default value (that is, there is no equivalent of the Python implementation's =HasField`). Optional embedded messages and groups do not have any default value -- you must check their existence by using get_dict/3 or similar. If a field is part of a "oneof" set, then none of the other fields is set. You can determine which field had a value by using get_dict/3.

WireCodes- Wire format of the message from e.g., read_stream_to_codes/2. (The stream should have options encoding(octet) and type(binary), either as options to read_file_to_codes/3 or by calling set_stream/2 on the stream to read_stream_to_codes/2.)
MessageType- Fully qualified message name (from the .proto file's package and message). For example, if the package is google.protobuf and the message is FileDescriptorSet, then you would use '.google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet' or 'google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet'. If there's no package name, use e.g.: 'MyMessage or '.MyMessage'. You can see the packages by looking at protobufs:proto_meta_package(Pkg,File,_) and the message names and fields by protobufs:proto_meta_field_name('.google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet', FieldNumber, FieldName, FqnName) (the initial '.' is not optional for these facts, only for the top-level name given to protobuf_serialize_to_codes/3).
Term- The generated term, as nested dicts.
- version_error(Module-Version) you need to recompile the Module with a newer version of protoc.
See also
- library(protobufs): Google's Protocol Buffers
- Ignores .proto extensions.
- map fields don't get special treatment (but see protobuf_map_pairs/3).
- Generates fields in a different order from the C++, Python, Java implementations, which use the field number to determine field order whereas currently this implementation uses field name. (This isn't stricly speaking a bug, because it's allowed by the specification; but it might cause some surprise.)
To be done
- document the generated terms (see library(http/json) and json_read_dict/3)
- add options such as true and value_string_as (similar to json_read_dict/3)
- add option for form of the dict tags (fully qualified or not)
- add option for outputting fields in the C++/Python/Java order (by field number rather than by field name).
  219protobuf_parse_from_codes(WireCodes, MessageType0, Term) :-
  220    verify_version,
  221    must_be(ground, MessageType0),
  222    (   proto_meta_normalize(MessageType0, MessageType)
  223    ->  true
  224    ;   existence_error(protobuf_package, MessageType0)
  225    ),
  226    protobuf_segment_message(Segments, WireCodes),
  227    % protobuf_segment_message/2 can leave choicepoints, backtracking
  228    % through all the possibilities would have combinatoric explosion;
  229    % instead use segment_to_term/3 call protobuf_segment_convert/2 to
  230    % change segments that were guessed incorrectly.
  231    !,
  232    maplist(segment_to_term(MessageType), Segments, MsgFields),
  233    !, % TODO: remove
  234    combine_fields(MsgFields, MessageType{}, Term),
  235    !. % TODO: remove? - but proto_meta might have left choicepoints if loaded twice
  237verify_version :-
  238    (   protoc_gen_swipl_version(Module, Version),
  239        Version @< [0,9,1] % This must be sync-ed with changes to protoc-gen-swipl
  240    ->  throw(error(version_error(Module-Version), _))
  241    ;   true
  242    ).
 protobuf_serialize_to_codes(+Term:dict, -MessageType:atom, -WireCodes:list(int)) is det
Process a Prolog term into bytes (list of int) that is the serialized form of a message (designated by MessageType).

Protoc must have been run (with the --swipl_out= option and the resulting top-level file loaded. For more details, see the "protoc" section of the overview documentation.

Fails if the term isn't of an appropriate form or if the appropriate meta-data from protoc hasn't been loaded, or if a field name is incorrect (and therefore nothing in the meta-data matches it).

Term- The Prolog form of the data, as nested dicts.
MessageType- Fully qualified message name (from the .proto file's package and message). For example, if the package is google.protobuf and the message is FileDescriptorSet, then you would use '.google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet' or 'google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet'. If there's no package name, use e.g.: 'MyMessage or '.MyMessage'. You can see the packages by looking at protobufs:proto_meta_package(Pkg,File,_) and the message names and fields by protobufs:proto_meta_field_name('.google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet', FieldNumber, FieldName, FqnName) (the initial '.' is not optional for these facts, only for the top-level name given to protobuf_serialize_to_codes/3).
WireCodes- Wire format of the message, which can be output using format('~s', [WireCodes]).
- version_error(Module-Version) you need to recompile the Module with a newer version of protoc.
- existence_error if a field can't be found in the meta-data
See also
- library(protobufs): Google's Protocol Buffers
- map fields don't get special treatment (but see protobuf_map_pairs/3).
- oneof is not checked for validity.
  277protobuf_serialize_to_codes(Term, MessageType0, WireCodes) :-
  278    verify_version,
  279    must_be(ground, MessageType0),
  280    (   proto_meta_normalize(MessageType0, MessageType)
  281    ->  true
  282    ;   existence_error(protobuf_package, MessageType0)
  283    ),
  284    term_to_segments(Term, MessageType, Segments),
  285    !, % TODO: remove
  286    protobuf_segment_message(Segments, WireCodes),
  287    !. % TODO: remove? - but proto_meta might have left choicepoints if loaded twice
  290% Map wire type (atom) to its encoding (an int)
  292wire_type(varint,            0). % for int32, int64, uint32, uint64, sint32, sint64, bool, enum
  293wire_type(fixed64,           1). % for fixed64, sfixed64, double
  294wire_type(length_delimited,  2). % for string, bytes, embedded messages, packed repeated fields
  295wire_type(start_group,       3). % for groups (deprecated)
  296wire_type(end_group,         4). % for groups (deprecated)
  297wire_type(fixed32,           5). % for fixed32, sfixed32, float
  300%  basic wire-type processing handled by C-support code in DCG-form
  303fixed_uint32(X, [A0, A1, A2, A3 | Rest], Rest) :-
  304    uint32_codes_when(X, [A0, A1, A2, A3]).
  305/* equivalent to:
  306fixed_uint32_(X) -->
  307  [ A0,A1,A2,A3 ],
  308  { uint32_codes_when(X, [A0,A1,A2,A3]) }.
  311fixed_uint64(X, [A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 | Rest], Rest) :-
  312    uint64_codes_when(X, [A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7]).
  314fixed_float64(X, [A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 | Rest], Rest) :-
  315    float64_codes_when(X, [A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7]).
  317fixed_float32(X, [A0, A1, A2, A3 | Rest], Rest) :-
  318    float32_codes_when(X, [A0, A1, A2, A3]).
  321%   Start of the DCG
  324code_string(N, Codes, Rest, Rest1) :-
  325    length(Codes, N),
  326    append(Codes, Rest1, Rest),
  327    !.
  329code_string(N, Codes) -->
  330        { length(Codes, N) },
  331        Codes, !.
  335% deal with Google's method of packing unsigned integers in variable
  336% length, modulo 128 strings.
  338% protobuf_var_int//1 and protobuf_tag_type//2 productions were rewritten in straight
  339% Prolog for speed's sake.
 protobuf_var_int(?A:int)// is det
Conversion between an int A and a list of codes, using the "varint" encoding. The behvior is undefined if A is negative. This is a low-level predicate; normally, you should use template_message/2 and the appropriate template term. e.g. phrase(protobuf_var_int(300), S) => S = [172,2] phrase(protobuf_var_int(A), [172,2]) -> A = 300
  350protobuf_var_int(A, [A | Rest], Rest) :-
  351    A < 128,
  352    !.
  353protobuf_var_int(X, [A | Rest], Rest1) :-
  354    nonvar(X),
  355    X1 is X >> 7,
  356    A is 128 + (X /\ 0x7f),
  357    protobuf_var_int(X1, Rest, Rest1),
  358    !.
  359protobuf_var_int(X, [A | Rest], Rest1) :-
  360    protobuf_var_int(X1, Rest, Rest1),
  361    X is (X1 << 7) + A - 128,
  362    !.
 protobuf_tag_type(?Tag:int, ?WireType:atom)// is det
Conversion between Tag (number) + WireType and wirestream codes. This is a low-level predicate; normally, you should use template_message/2 and the appropriate template term. @arg Tag The item's tag (field number) @arg WireType The item's wire type (see prolog_type//2 for how to convert this to a Prolog type)
  371protobuf_tag_type(Tag, WireType, Rest, Rest1) :-
  372    nonvar(Tag), nonvar(WireType),
  373    wire_type(WireType, WireTypeEncoding),
  374    A is Tag << 3 \/ WireTypeEncoding,
  375    protobuf_var_int(A, Rest, Rest1),
  376    !.
  377protobuf_tag_type(Tag, WireType, Rest, Rest1) :-
  378    protobuf_var_int(A, Rest, Rest1),
  379    WireTypeEncoding is A /\ 0x07,
  380    wire_type(WireType, WireTypeEncoding),
  381    Tag is A >> 3.
 prolog_type(?Tag:int, ?PrologType:atom)// is semidet
Match Tag (field number) + PrologType. When Type is a variable, backtracks through all the possibilities for a given wire encoding. Note that 'repeated' isn't here because it's handled by single_message//3. See also segment_type_tag/3.
  389prolog_type(Tag, double) -->     protobuf_tag_type(Tag, fixed64).
  390prolog_type(Tag, integer64) -->  protobuf_tag_type(Tag, fixed64).
  391prolog_type(Tag, unsigned64) --> protobuf_tag_type(Tag, fixed64).
  392prolog_type(Tag, float) -->      protobuf_tag_type(Tag, fixed32).
  393prolog_type(Tag, integer32) -->  protobuf_tag_type(Tag, fixed32).
  394prolog_type(Tag, unsigned32) --> protobuf_tag_type(Tag, fixed32).
  395prolog_type(Tag, integer) -->    protobuf_tag_type(Tag, varint).
  396prolog_type(Tag, unsigned) -->   protobuf_tag_type(Tag, varint).
  397prolog_type(Tag, signed32) -->   protobuf_tag_type(Tag, varint).
  398prolog_type(Tag, signed64) -->   protobuf_tag_type(Tag, varint).
  399prolog_type(Tag, boolean) -->    protobuf_tag_type(Tag, varint).
  400prolog_type(Tag, enum) -->       protobuf_tag_type(Tag, varint).
  401prolog_type(Tag, atom) -->       protobuf_tag_type(Tag, length_delimited).
  402prolog_type(Tag, codes) -->      protobuf_tag_type(Tag, length_delimited).
  403prolog_type(Tag, utf8_codes) --> protobuf_tag_type(Tag, length_delimited).
  404prolog_type(Tag, string) -->     protobuf_tag_type(Tag, length_delimited).
  405prolog_type(Tag, embedded) -->   protobuf_tag_type(Tag, length_delimited).
  406prolog_type(Tag, packed) -->     protobuf_tag_type(Tag, length_delimited).
  409%   The protobuf-2.1.0 grammar allows negative values in enums.
  410%   But they are encoded as unsigned in the  golden message.
  411%   As such, they use the maximum length of a varint, so it is
  412%   recommended that they be non-negative. However, that's controlled
  413%   by the =|.proto|= file.
  415:- meta_predicate enumeration(1,?,?).  416
  417enumeration(Type) -->
  418    { call(Type, Value) },
  419    payload(signed64, Value).
 payload(?PrologType, ?Payload) is det
Process the codes into Payload, according to PrologType TODO: payload//2 "mode" is sometimes module-sensitive, sometimes not. payload(enum, A)// has A as a callable all other uses of payload//2, the 2nd arg is not callable.
  429payload(enum, Payload) -->
  430    enumeration(Payload).
  431payload(double, Payload) -->
  432    fixed_float64(Payload).
  433payload(integer64, Payload) -->
  434    { uint64_int64_when(Payload0, Payload) },
  435    fixed_uint64(Payload0).
  436payload(unsigned64, Payload) -->
  437    fixed_uint64(Payload).
  438payload(float, Payload) -->
  439    fixed_float32(Payload).
  440payload(integer32, Payload) -->
  441    { uint32_int32_when(Payload0, Payload) },
  442    fixed_uint32(Payload0).
  443payload(unsigned32, Payload) -->
  444    fixed_uint32(Payload).
  445payload(integer, Payload) -->
  446    { nonvar(Payload), int64_zigzag(Payload, X) }, % TODO: int64_zigzag_when/2
  447    !,
  448    protobuf_var_int(X).
  449payload(integer, Payload) -->
  450    protobuf_var_int(X),
  451    { int64_zigzag(Payload, X) }. % TODO: int64_zigzag_when/2
  452payload(unsigned, Payload) -->
  453    protobuf_var_int(Payload),
  454    { Payload >= 0 }.
  455payload(signed32, Payload) --> % signed32 is not defined by prolog_type//2
  456                               % for wire-stream compatibility reasons.
  457    % signed32 ought to write 5 bytes for negative numbers, but both
  458    % the C++ and Python implementations write 10 bytes. For
  459    % wire-stream compatibility, we follow C++ and Python, even though
  460    % protoc decode appears to work just fine with 5 bytes --
  461    % presumably there are some issues with decoding 5 bytes and
  462    % getting the sign extension correct with some 32/64-bit integer
  463    % models.  See CodedOutputStream::WriteVarint32SignExtended(int32
  464    % value) in google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h.
  465    payload(signed64, Payload).
  466payload(signed64, Payload) -->
  467    % protobuf_var_int//1 cannot handle negative numbers (note that
  468    % zig-zag encoding always results in a positive number), so
  469    % compute the 64-bit 2s complement, which is what is produced
  470    % form C++ and Python.
  471    { nonvar(Payload) },
  472    !,
  473    { uint64_int64(X, Payload) }, % TODO: uint64_int64_when
  474    protobuf_var_int(X).
  475payload(signed64, Payload) -->
  476    % See comment in previous clause about negative numbers.
  477    protobuf_var_int(X),
  478    { uint64_int64(X, Payload) }. % TODO: uint64_int64_when
  479payload(codes, Payload) -->
  480    { nonvar(Payload),
  481      !,
  482      length(Payload, Len)
  483    },
  484    protobuf_var_int(Len),
  485    code_string(Len, Payload).
  486payload(codes, Payload) -->
  487    protobuf_var_int(Len),
  488    code_string(Len, Payload).
  489payload(utf8_codes, Payload) -->
  490    { nonvar(Payload), % TODO: use freeze/2 or when/2
  491      !,
  492      phrase(utf8_codes(Payload), B)
  493    },
  494    payload(codes, B).
  495payload(utf8_codes, Payload) -->
  496    payload(codes, B),
  497    { phrase(utf8_codes(Payload), B) }.
  498payload(atom, Payload) -->
  499    { nonvar(Payload),
  500      atom_codes(Payload, Codes)
  501    },
  502    payload(utf8_codes, Codes),
  503    !.
  504payload(atom, Payload) -->
  505    payload(utf8_codes, Codes),
  506    { atom_codes(Payload, Codes) }.
  507payload(boolean, true) -->
  508    payload(unsigned, 1).
  509payload(boolean, false) -->
  510    payload(unsigned, 0).
  511payload(string, Payload) -->
  512    {   nonvar(Payload)
  513    ->  string_codes(Payload, Codes)
  514    ;   true
  515    },
  516    % string_codes produces a list of unicode, not bytes
  517    payload(utf8_codes, Codes),
  518    { string_codes(Payload, Codes) }.
  519payload(embedded, protobuf(PayloadSeq)) -->
  520    { ground(PayloadSeq),
  521      phrase(protobuf(PayloadSeq), Codes)
  522    },
  523    payload(codes, Codes),
  524    !.
  525payload(embedded, protobuf(PayloadSeq)) -->
  526    payload(codes, Codes),
  527    { phrase(protobuf(PayloadSeq), Codes) }.
  528payload(packed, TypedPayloadSeq) -->
  529    { TypedPayloadSeq =.. [PrologType, PayloadSeq],  % TypedPayloadSeq = PrologType(PayloadSeq)
  530      ground(PayloadSeq),
  531      phrase(packed_payload(PrologType, PayloadSeq), Codes)
  532    },
  533    payload(codes, Codes),
  534    !.
  535payload(packed, enum(EnumSeq)) -->
  536    !,
  537    % TODO: combine with next clause
  538    % TODO: replace =.. with a predicate that gives all the possibilities - see detag/6.
  539    { EnumSeq =.. [ Enum, Values ] }, % EnumSeq = Enum(Values)
  540    payload(codes, Codes),
  541    { phrase(packed_enum(Enum, Values), Codes) }.
  542payload(packed, TypedPayloadSeq) -->
  543    payload(codes, Codes),
  544    % TODO: replace =.. with a predicate that gives all the possibilities - see detag/6.
  545    { TypedPayloadSeq =.. [PrologType, PayloadSeq] },  % TypedPayloadSeq = PrologType(PayloadSeq)
  546    { phrase(packed_payload(PrologType, PayloadSeq), Codes) }.
  548packed_payload(enum, EnumSeq) -->
  549    { ground(EnumSeq) }, !,
  550    { EnumSeq =.. [EnumType, Values] }, % EnumSeq = EnumType(Values)
  551    packed_enum(EnumType, Values).
  552packed_payload(PrologType, PayloadSeq) -->
  553    sequence_payload(PrologType, PayloadSeq).
  555% sequence_payload//2 (because sequence//2 isn't compile-time expanded)
  556sequence_payload(PrologType, PayloadSeq) -->
  557    sequence_payload_(PayloadSeq, PrologType).
  559sequence_payload_([], _PrologType) --> [ ].
  560sequence_payload_([Payload|PayloadSeq], PrologType) -->
  561        payload(PrologType, Payload),
  562        sequence_payload_(PayloadSeq, PrologType).
  564packed_enum(Enum, [ A | As ]) -->
  565    % TODO: replace =.. with a predicate that gives all the possibilities - see detag/6.
  566    { E =.. [Enum, A] },
  567    payload(enum, E),
  568    packed_enum(Enum, As).
  569packed_enum(_, []) --> [ ].
  571start_group(Tag) --> protobuf_tag_type(Tag, start_group).
  573end_group(Tag) -->   protobuf_tag_type(Tag, end_group).
  576nothing([]) --> [], !.
  578protobuf([Field | Fields]) -->
  579    % TODO: don't use =.. -- move logic to single_message
  580    (   { Field = repeated_embedded(Tag, protobuf(EmbeddedFields), Items) }
  581    ->  repeated_embedded_messages(Tag, EmbeddedFields, Items)
  582    ;   { Field =.. [ PrologType, Tag, Payload] },  % Field = PrologType(Tag, Payload)
  583        single_message(PrologType, Tag, Payload),
  584        (   protobuf(Fields)
  585        ;   nothing(Fields)
  586        )
  587    ),
  588    !.
  590repeated_message(repeated_enum, Tag, Type, [A | B]) -->
  591    % TODO: replace =.. with a predicate that gives all the possibilities - see detag/6.
  592    { TypedPayload =.. [Type, A] },  % TypedPayload = Type(A)
  593    single_message(enum, Tag, TypedPayload),
  594    (   repeated_message(repeated_enum, Tag, Type, B)
  595    ;   nothing(B)
  596    ).
  597repeated_message(Type, Tag, [A | B]) -->
  598    { Type \= repeated_enum },
  599    single_message(Type, Tag, A),
  600    repeated_message(Type, Tag, B).
  601repeated_message(_Type, _Tag, A) -->
  602    nothing(A).
  604repeated_embedded_messages(Tag, EmbeddedFields, [protobuf(A) | B]) -->
  605    { copy_term(EmbeddedFields, A) },
  606    single_message(embedded, Tag, protobuf(A)), !,
  607    repeated_embedded_messages(Tag, EmbeddedFields, B).
  608repeated_embedded_messages(_Tag, _EmbeddedFields, []) -->
  609    [ ].
 single_message(+PrologType:atom, ?Tag, ?Payload)// is det
Processes a single messages (e.g., one item in the list in protobuf([...]). The PrologType, Tag, Payload are from Field =.. [PrologType, Tag, Payload] in the caller
  615single_message(repeated, Tag, enum(EnumSeq)) -->
  616    !,
  617    { EnumSeq =.. [EnumType, Values] },  % EnumSeq = EnumType(Values)
  618    repeated_message(repeated_enum, Tag, EnumType, Values).
  619single_message(repeated, Tag, Payload) -->
  620    !,
  621    % TODO: replace =.. with a predicate that gives all the possibilities - see detag/6.
  622    { Payload =.. [PrologType, A] },  % Payload = PrologType(A)
  623    { PrologType \= enum },
  624    repeated_message(PrologType, Tag, A).
  625single_message(group, Tag, A) -->
  626    !,
  627    start_group(Tag),
  628    protobuf(A),
  629    end_group(Tag).
  630single_message(PrologType, Tag, Payload) -->
  631    { PrologType \= repeated, PrologType \= group },
  632    prolog_type(Tag, PrologType),
  633    payload(PrologType, Payload).
 protobuf_message(?Template, ?WireStream) is semidet
 protobuf_message(?Template, ?WireStream, ?Rest) is nondet
Marshals and unmarshals byte streams encoded using Google's Protobuf grammars. protobuf_message/2 provides a bi-directional parser that marshals a Prolog structure to WireStream, according to rules specified by Template. It can also unmarshal WireStream into a Prolog structure according to the same grammar. protobuf_message/3 provides a difference list version.
Template- is a protobuf grammar specification. On decode, unbound variables in the Template are unified with their respective values in the WireStream. On encode, Template must be ground.
WireStream- is a code list that was generated by a protobuf encoder using an equivalent template.
- The protobuf specification states that the wire-stream can have the fields in any order and that unknown fields are to be ignored. This implementation assumes that the fields are in the exact order of the definition and match exactly. If you use protobuf_parse_from_codes/3, you can avoid this problem.o
  658protobuf_message(protobuf(TemplateList), WireStream) :-
  659    must_be(list, TemplateList),
  660    phrase(protobuf(TemplateList), WireStream),
  661    !.
  663protobuf_message(protobuf(TemplateList), WireStream, Residue) :-
  664    must_be(list, TemplateList),
  665    phrase(protobuf(TemplateList), WireStream, Residue).
 protobuf_segment_message(+Segments:list, -WireStream:list(int)) is det
protobuf_segment_message(-Segments:list, +WireStream:list(int)) is det
Low level marshalling and unmarshalling of byte streams. The processing is independent of the .proto description, similar to the processing done by protoc --decode_raw. This means that field names aren't shown, only field numbers.

For unmarshalling, a simple heuristic is used on length-delimited segments: first interpret it as a message; if that fails, try to interpret as a UTF8 string; otherwise, leave it as a "blob" (if the heuristic was wrong, you can convert to a string or a blob by using protobuf_segment_convert/2). 32-bit and 64-bit numbers are left as codes because they could be either integers or floating point (use int32_codes_when/2, float32_codes_when/2, int64_codes_when/2, uint32_codes_when/2, uint64_codes_when/2, float64_codes_when/2 as appropriate); variable-length numbers ("varint" in the Protocol Buffers encoding documentation), might require "zigzag" conversion, int64_zigzag_when/2.

For marshalling, use the predicates int32_codes_when/2, float32_codes_when/2, int64_codes_when/2, uint32_codes_when/2, uint64_codes_when/2, float64_codes_when/2, int64_zigzag_when/2 to put integer and floating point values into the appropriate form.

Segments- a list containing terms of the following form (Tag is the field number; Codes is a list of integers):
  • varint(Tag,Varint) - Varint may need int64_zigzag_when/2
  • fixed64(Tag,Int) - Int signed, derived from the 8 codes
  • fixed32(Tag,Codes) - Int is signed, derived from the 4 codes
  • message(Tag,Segments)
  • group(Tag,Segments)
  • string(Tag,String) - String is a SWI-Prolog string
  • packed(Tag,Type(Scalars)) - Type is one of varint, fixed64, fixed32; Scalars is a list of Varint or Codes, which should be interpreted as described under those items. Note that the protobuf specification does not allow packed repeated string.
  • length_delimited(Tag,Codes)
  • repeated(List) - List of segments

Of these, group is deprecated in the protobuf documentation and shouldn't appear in modern code, having been superseded by nested message types.

For deciding how to interpret a length-delimited item (when Segments is a variable), an attempt is made to parse the item in the following order (although code should not rely on this order):

  • message
  • string (it must be in the form of a UTF string)
  • packed (which can backtrack through the various Types)
  • length_delimited - which always is possible.

The interpretation of length-delimited items can sometimes guess wrong; the interpretation can be undone by either backtracking or by using protobuf_segment_convert/2 to convert the incorrect segment to a string or a list of codes. Backtracking through all the possibilities is not recommended, because of combinatoric explosion (there is an example in the unit tests); instead, it is suggested that you take the first result and iterate through its items, calling protobuf_segment_convert/2 as needed to reinterpret incorrectly guessed segments.

WireStream- a code list that was generated by a protobuf endoder.
See also
- This predicate is preliminary and may change as additional functionality is added.
  738protobuf_segment_message(Segments, WireStream) :-
  739    phrase(segment_message(Segments), WireStream).
  741segment_message(Segments) -->
  742    sequence_segment(Segments).
  744% sequence_segment//1 (because sequence//2 isn't compile-time expanded)
  745sequence_segment([]) --> [ ].
  746sequence_segment([Segment|Segments]) -->
  747    segment(Segment),
  748    sequence_segment(Segments).
  750segment(Segment) -->
  751    { nonvar(Segment) },
  752    !,
  753    % repeated(List) can be created by field_segment_scalar_or_repeated/7
  754    (   { Segment = repeated(Segments) }
  755    ->  sequence_segment(Segments)
  756    ;   { segment_type_tag(Segment, Type, Tag) },
  757        protobuf_tag_type(Tag, Type),
  758        segment(Type, Tag, Segment)
  759    ).
  760segment(Segment) -->
  761    % { var(Segment) },
  762    protobuf_tag_type(Tag, Type),
  763    segment(Type, Tag, Segment).
  765segment(varint, Tag, varint(Tag,Value)) -->
  766    protobuf_var_int(Value).
  767segment(fixed64, Tag, fixed64(Tag, Int64)) -->
  768    payload(integer64, Int64).
  769segment(fixed32, Tag, fixed32(Tag, Int32)) -->
  770    payload(integer32, Int32).
  771segment(start_group, Tag, group(Tag, Segments)) -->
  772    segment_message(Segments),
  773    protobuf_tag_type(Tag, end_group).
  774segment(length_delimited, Tag, Result) -->
  775    segment_length_delimited(Tag, Result).
  777segment_length_delimited(Tag, Result) -->
  778    { nonvar(Result) },
  779    !,
  780    { length_delimited_segment(Result, Tag, Codes) },
  781    { length(Codes, CodesLen) },
  782    protobuf_var_int(CodesLen),
  783    code_string(CodesLen, Codes).
  784segment_length_delimited(Tag, Result) -->
  785    % { var(Result) },
  786    protobuf_var_int(CodesLen),
  787    code_string(CodesLen, Codes),
  788    { length_delimited_segment(Result, Tag, Codes) }.
  790length_delimited_segment(message(Tag,Segments), Tag, Codes) :-
  791    protobuf_segment_message(Segments, Codes).
  792length_delimited_segment(group(Tag,Segments), Tag, Codes) :-
  793    phrase(segment_group(Tag, Segments), Codes).
  794length_delimited_segment(string(Tag,String), Tag, Codes) :-
  795    (   nonvar(String)
  796    ->  string_codes(String, StringCodes),
  797        phrase(utf8_codes(StringCodes), Codes)
  798    ;   phrase(utf8_codes(StringCodes), Codes),
  799        string_codes(String, StringCodes)
  800    ).
  801length_delimited_segment(packed(Tag,Payload), Tag, Codes) :-
  802    % We don't know the type of the fields, so we try the 3
  803    % possibilities.  This has a problem: an even number of fixed32
  804    % items can't be distinguished from half the number of fixed64
  805    % items; but it's all we can do. The good news is that usually
  806    % varint (possibly with zig-zag encoding) is more common because
  807    % it's more compact (I don't know whether 32-bit or 64-bit is more
  808    % common for floating point).
  809    packed_option(Type, Items, Payload),
  810    phrase(sequence_payload(Type, Items), Codes).
  811length_delimited_segment(length_delimited(Tag,Codes), Tag, Codes).
  813segment_group(Tag, Segments) -->
  814    start_group(Tag),
  815    segment_message(Segments),
  816    end_group(Tag).
  818% See also prolog_type//2. Note that this doesn't handle repeated(List),
  819% which is used internally (see field_segment_scalar_or_repeated/7).
  820segment_type_tag(varint(Tag,_Value),           varint,           Tag).
  821segment_type_tag(fixed64(Tag,_Value),          fixed64,          Tag).
  822segment_type_tag(group(Tag,_Segments),         start_group,      Tag).
  823segment_type_tag(fixed32(Tag,_Value),          fixed32,          Tag).
  824segment_type_tag(length_delimited(Tag,_Codes), length_delimited, Tag).
  825segment_type_tag(message(Tag,_Segments),       length_delimited, Tag).
  826segment_type_tag(packed(Tag,_Payload),         length_delimited, Tag).
  827segment_type_tag(string(Tag,_String),          length_delimited, Tag).
 detag(+Compound, -Name, -Tag, -Value, List, -CompoundWithList) is semidet
Deconstruct Compound or the form Name(Tag,Value) and create a new CompoundWithList that replaces Value with List. This is used by packed_list/2 to transform [varint(1,0),varint(1,1)] to varint(1,[0,1]).

Some of Compound items are impossible for packed with the current protobuf spec, but they don't do any harm.

  837detag(varint(Tag,Value),           varint,            Tag, Value,     List, varint(List)).
  838detag(fixed64(Tag,Value),          fixed64,           Tag, Value,     List, fixed64(List)).
  839detag(fixed32(Tag,Value),          fixed32,           Tag, Value,     List, fixed32(List)).
  840detag(length_delimited(Tag,Codes), length_delimited,  Tag, Codes,     List, length_delimited(List)).
  841detag(message(Tag,Segments),       message,           Tag, Segments,  List, message(List)).
  842detag(packed(Tag,Payload),         packed,            Tag, Payload,   List, packed(List)). % TODO: delete?
  843detag(string(Tag,String),          string,            Tag, String,    List, string(List)).
  845% See also prolog_type//2, but pick only one for each wirestream type
  846% For varint(Items), use one that doesn't do zigzag
  847packed_option(integer64, Items, fixed64(Items)).
  848packed_option(integer32, Items, fixed32(Items)).
  849packed_option(unsigned,  Items, varint(Items)).
  850% packed_option(integer,   Items, varint(Items)).
  851% packed_option(double,    Items, fixed64(Items)).
  852% packed_option(float,     Items, fixed32(Items)).
  853% packed_option(signed64,  Items, varint(Items)).
  854% packed_option(boolean,   Items, varint(Items)).
  855% packed_option(enum,      Items, varint(Items)).
 protobuf_segment_convert(+Form1, ?Form2) is multi
A convenience predicate for dealing with the situation where protobuf_segment_message/2 interprets a segment of the wire stream as a form that you don't want (e.g., as a message but it should have been a UTF8 string).

Form1 is converted back to the original wire stream, then the predicate non-deterimisticly attempts to convert the wire stream to a string or length_delimited term (or both: the lattter always succeeds).

The possible conversions are: message(Tag,Segments) => string(Tag,String) message(Tag,Segments) => length_delimited(Tag,Codes) string(Tag,String) => length_delimited(Tag,Codes) length_delimited(Tag,Codes) => length_delimited(Tag,Codes)

Note that for fixed32, fixed64, only the signed integer forms are given; if you want the floating point forms, then you need to do use int64_float64_when/2 and int32_float32_when/2.

For example:

?- protobuf_segment_convert(
?- protobuf_segment_convert(
?- protobuf_segment_convert(
       string(10, "inputType"),
?- forall(protobuf_segment_convert(string(1999,"\x1\\x0\\x0\\x0\\x2\\x0\\x0\\x0\"),Z), writeln(Z)).

These come from:

Codes = [82,9,105,110,112,117,116,84,121,112,101],
protobuf_message(protobuf([embedded(T1, protobuf([integer64(T2, I)]))]), Codes),
protobuf_message(protobuf([string(T,S)]), Codes).
   T = 10, T1 = 10, T2 = 13,
   I = 7309475598860382318,
   S = "inputType".
- This predicate is preliminary and may change as additional functionality is added.
- This predicate will sometimes generate unexpected choice points, Such as from protobuf_segment_convert(message(10,...), string(10,...))
Form1- message(Tag,Pieces), string(Tag,String), length_delimited(Tag,Codes), varint(Tag,Value), fixed64(Tag,Value), fixed32(Tag,Value).
Form2- similar to Form1.
  914protobuf_segment_convert(Form, Form). % for efficiency, don't generate codes
  915protobuf_segment_convert(Form1, Form2) :-
  916    dif(Form1, Form2),          % Form1=Form2 handled by first clause
  917    protobuf_segment_message([Form1], WireCodes),
  918    phrase(tag_and_codes(Tag, Codes), WireCodes),
  919    length_delimited_segment(Form2, Tag, Codes).
  921tag_and_codes(Tag, Codes) -->
  922    protobuf_tag_type(Tag, length_delimited),
  923    payload(codes, Codes).
  926% Documention of the foreign predicates, which are wrapped and exported.
 uint32_codes_when(?Uint32, ?Codes) is det
Convert between a 32-bit unsigned integer value and its wirestream codes. This is a low-level predicate; normally, you should use template_message/2 and the appropriate template term.

This predicate delays until either Uint32 or Codes is sufficiently instantiated.

There is also a non-delayed uint32_codes/2

SWI-Prolog doesn't have a 32-bit integer type, so 32-bit integer is simulated by doing a range check.

Uint32- an unsigned integer that's in the 32-bit range
Codes- a list of 4 integers (codes)
- Type,Domain if Value or Codes are of the wrong type or out of range.
  946uint32_codes_when(Uint32, Codes) :-
  947    when((nonvar(Uint32) ; ground(Codes)), uint32_codes(Uint32, Codes)).
 int32_codes_when(?Int32, ?Codes) is det
Convert between a 32-bit signed integer value and its wirestream codes. This is a low-level predicate; normally, you should use template_message/2 and the appropriate template term.

This predicate delays until either Int32 or Codes is sufficiently instantiated.

There is also a non-delayed int32_codes/2

SWI-Prolog doesn't have a 32-bit integer type, so 32-bit integer is simulated by doing a range check.

Int32- an unsigned integer that's in the 32-bit range
Codes- a list of 4 integers (codes)
- Type,Domain if Value or Codes are of the wrong type or out of range.
  967int32_codes_when(Int32, Codes) :- % TODO: unused
  968    when((nonvar(Int32) ; ground(Codes)), int32_codes(Int32, Codes)).
 float32_codes_when(?Value, ?Codes) is det
Convert between a 32-bit floating point value and its wirestream codes. This is a low-level predicate; normally, you should use template_message/2 and the appropriate template term.

This predicate delays until either Value or Codes is sufficiently instantiated.

There is also a non-delayed float32_codes/2

Value- a floating point number
Codes- a list of 4 integers (codes)
  982float32_codes_when(Value, Codes) :-
  983    when((nonvar(Value) ; ground(Codes)), float32_codes(Value, Codes)).
 uint64_codes_when(?Uint64, ?Codes) is det
Convert between a 64-bit unsigned integer value and its wirestream codes. This is a low-level predicate; normally, you should use template_message/2 and the appropriate template term.

SWI-Prolog allows integer values greater than 64 bits, so a range check is done.

This predicate delays until either Uint64 or Codes is sufficiently instantiated.

There is also a non-delayed uint64_codes/2

  999% @param Uint64 an unsigned integer
 1000% @param Codes a list of 8 integers (codes)
 1002% @error Type,Domain if =Uint64= or =Codes= are of the wrong
 1003%                    type or out of range.
 1004uint64_codes_when(Uint64, Codes) :-
 1005    when((nonvar(Uint64) ; ground(Codes)), uint64_codes(Uint64, Codes)).
 int64_codes_when(?Int64, ?Codes) is det
Convert between a 64-bit signed integer value and its wirestream codes. This is a low-level predicate; normally, you should use template_message/2 and the appropriate template term.

SWI-Prolog allows integer values greater than 64 bits, so a range check is done.

This predicate delays until either Int64 or Codes is sufficiently instantiated.

There is also a non-delayed int64_codes/2

 1021% @param Int64 an unsigned integer
 1022% @param Codes a list of 8 integers (codes)
 1024% @error Type,Domain if =Int64= or =Codes= are of the wrong
 1025%                    type or out of range.
 1026int64_codes_when(Int64, Codes) :-  % TODO: unused
 1027    when((nonvar(Int64) ; ground(Codes)), int64_codes(Int64, Codes)).
 float64_codes_when(?Value, ?Codes) is det
Convert between a 64-bit floating point value and its wirestream codes. This is a low-level predicate; normally, you should use template_message/2 and the appropriate template term.

This predicate delays until either Value or Codes is sufficiently instantiated.

There is also a non-delayed float64_codes/2

Value- a floating point number
Codes- a list of 8 integers (codes)
- instantiation error if both Value and Codes are uninstantiated.
- May give misleading exception under some circumstances (e.g., float64_codes(_, [_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_]).
 1046float64_codes_when(Value, Codes) :-
 1047    when((nonvar(Value) ; ground(Codes)), float64_codes(Value, Codes)).
 int64_zigzag_when(?Original, ?Encoded) is det
Convert between a signed integer value and its zigzag encoding, used for the protobuf sint32 and sint64 types. This is a low-level predicate; normally, you should use template_message/2 and the appropriate template term.

SWI-Prolog allows integer values greater than 64 bits, so a range check is done.

This predicate delays until either Original or Encoded is sufficiently instantiated.

There is also a non-delayed int64_zigzag/2

Original- an integer in the original form
Encoded- the zigzag encoding of Original
- Type,Domain if Original or Encoded are of the wrong type or out of range.
- instantiation error if both Original and Encoded are uninstantiated.
See also
 1072int64_zigzag_when(Original, Encoded) :-
 1073    when((nonvar(Original) ; nonvar(Encoded)), int64_zigzag(Original, Encoded)).
 uint64_int64_when(?Uint64:integer, ?Int64:integer) is det
Reinterpret-cast between uint64 and int64. For example, uint64_int64(0xffffffffffffffff,-1).

This predicate delays until either Uint64 or Int64 is sufficiently instantiated.

There is also a non-delayed uint64_int64/2

Uint64- 64-bit unsigned integer
Int64- 64-bit signed integer
- Type,Domain if Value or Codes are of the wrong type or out of range.
- instantiation error if both Value and Codes are uninstantiated.
 1091uint64_int64_when(Uint64, Int64) :-
 1092    when((nonvar(Uint64) ; nonvar(Int64)), uint64_int64(Uint64, Int64)).
 1094% Reversed argument ordering for maplist/3
 1095int64_uint64_when(Int64, Uint64) :-
 1096    uint64_int64_when(Uint64, Int64).
 uint32_int32_when(?Uint32, ?Int32) is det
Reinterpret-case between uint32 and int32.

This predicate delays until either Uint32 or Int32 is sufficiently instantiated.

There is also a non-delayed uint32_int32/2

Uint32- 32-bit unsigned integer (range between 0 and 4294967295).
Int32- 32-bit signed integer (range between -2147483648 and 2147483647).
- Type,Domain if Int32 or Uint32 are of the wrong type or out of range.
- instantiation error if both UInt32 and Int32 are uninstantiated.
 1113uint32_int32_when(Uint32, Int32) :-
 1114    when((nonvar(Uint32) ; nonvar(Int32)), uint32_int32(Uint32, Int32)).
 1116% Reversed argument ordering for maplist/3
 1117int32_uint32_when(Int32, Uint32) :-
 1119    uint32_int32_when(Uint32, Int32).
 int64_float64_when(?Int64:integer, ?Float64:float) is det
Reinterpret-cast between uint64 and float64. For example, int64_float64(3ff0000000000000,1.0).

This predicate delays until either Int64 or Float64 is sufficiently instantiated.

There is also a non-delayed uint64_int64/2

Int64- 64-bit unsigned integer
Float64- 64-bit float
- Type,Domain if Value or Codes are of the wrong type or out of range.
- instantiation error if both Value and Codes are uninstantiated.
 1137int64_float64_when(Int64, Float64) :-
 1138    when((nonvar(Int64) ; nonvar(Float64)), int64_float64(Int64, Float64)).
 int32_float32_when(?Int32:integer, ?Float32:float) is det
Reinterpret-cast between uint32 and float32. For example, int32_float32(0x3f800000,1.0).

This predicate delays until either Int32 or Float32 is sufficiently instantiated.

There is also a non-delayed uint32_int32/2

Int32- 32-bit unsigned integer
Float32- 32-bit float
- Type,Domain if Value or Codes are of the wrong type or out of range.
- instantiation error if both Value and Codes are uninstantiated.
 1156int32_float32_when(Int32, Float32) :-
 1157    when((nonvar(Int32) ; nonvar(Float32)), int32_float32(Int32, Float32)).
 1162% Use protobufs meta-data (see the section on protoc in the "overview" documentation).
 1164% The protoc plugin generates the following facts (all starting with "proto_meta_").
 1165% The are documented in protoc-gen-swipl and in the overview section.
 1167:- multifile
 1168     proto_meta_normalize/2,              % (Unnormalized, Normalized)
 1169     proto_meta_package/3,                % (Package, FileName, Options)
 1170     proto_meta_message_type/3,           % (Fqn, Package, Name)
 1171     proto_meta_message_type_map_entry/1, % (Fqn)
 1172     proto_meta_field_name/4,             % (Fqn, FieldNumber, FieldName, FqnName)
 1173     proto_meta_field_json_name/2,        % (FqnName, JsonName)
 1174     proto_meta_field_label/2,            % (FqnName, LabelRepeatOptional) % LABEL_OPTIONAL, LABEL_REQUIRED, LABEL_REPEATED
 1175     proto_meta_field_type/2,             % (FqnName, Type) % TYPE_INT32, TYPE_MESSAGE, etc
 1176     proto_meta_field_type_name/2,        % (FqnName, TypeName)
 1177     proto_meta_field_default_value/2,    % (FqnName, DefaultValue)
 1178     proto_meta_field_option_packed/1,    % (FqnName)
 1179     proto_meta_enum_type/3,              % (FqnName, Fqn, Name)
 1180     proto_meta_enum_value/3,             % (FqnName, Name, Number)
 1181     proto_meta_field_oneof_index/2,      % (FqnName, Index)
 1182     proto_meta_oneof/3.                  % (FqnName, Index, Name)
 1184proto_meta_enum_value_when(ContextType, EnumValue, IntValue) :-
 1185    when((nonvar(EnumValue) ; nonvar(IntValue)),
 1186         proto_meta_enum_value_(ContextType, EnumValue, IntValue)).
 1188proto_meta_enum_value_(ContextType, EnumValue, IntValue) :-
 1189    (   proto_meta_enum_value(ContextType, EnumValue, IntValue)
 1190    ->  true
 1191    ;   existence_error(ContextType, EnumValue-IntValue)
 1192    ).
 1194:- det(segment_to_term/3).
 segment_to_term(+ContextType:atom, +Segment, -FieldAndValue) is det
ContextType is the type (name) of the containing message Segment is a segment from protobuf_segment_message/2 TODO: if performance is an issue, this code can be combined with protobuf_segment_message/2 (and thereby avoid the use of protobuf_segment_convert/2)
 1200segment_to_term(ContextType0, Segment, FieldAndValue) =>
 1201    segment_type_tag(Segment, _, Tag),
 1202    field_and_type(ContextType0, Tag, FieldName, _FqnName, ContextType, RepeatOptional, Type),
 1203    (   RepeatOptional = repeat_packed
 1204    ->  convert_segment_packed(Type, ContextType, Tag, Segment, Value)
 1205    ;   convert_segment(Type, ContextType, Tag, Segment, Value)
 1206    ),
 1207    !, % TODO: get rid of this?
 1208    FieldAndValue = field_and_value(FieldName,RepeatOptional,Value).
 1210% :- det(convert_segment_packed/5). % TODO: "succeeded with a choicepoint"
 1211%! convert_segment_packed(+Type:atom, +ContextType:atom, +Tag:atom, ?Segment, ?Values) is det.
 1212% Reversible on =Segment=, =Values=.
 1214% TODO: these are very similar to convert_segment - can they be combined?
 1216convert_segment_packed('TYPE_DOUBLE', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Values) =>
 1217    freeze(Segment0, protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, packed(Tag, fixed64(Values0)))),
 1218    maplist(int64_float64_when, Values0, Values), !.
 1219convert_segment_packed('TYPE_FLOAT', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Values) =>
 1220    freeze(Segment0, protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, packed(Tag, fixed32(Values0)))),
 1221    maplist(int32_float32_when, Values0, Values), !.
 1222convert_segment_packed('TYPE_INT64', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Values) =>
 1223    freeze(Segment0, protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, packed(Tag, varint(Values0)))),
 1224    maplist(uint64_int64_when, Values0, Values).
 1225convert_segment_packed('TYPE_UINT64', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Values) =>
 1226    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, packed(Tag, varint(Values))), !.
 1227convert_segment_packed('TYPE_INT32', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Values) =>
 1228    freeze(Segment0, protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, packed(Tag, varint(Values0)))),
 1229    maplist(uint32_int32_when, Values0, Values).
 1230convert_segment_packed('TYPE_FIXED64', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Values) =>
 1231    freeze(Segment0, protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, packed(Tag, fixed64(Values0)))),
 1232    maplist(int64_uint64_when, Values0, Values).
 1233convert_segment_packed('TYPE_FIXED32', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Values) =>
 1234    freeze(Segment0, protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, packed(Tag, fixed32(Values0)))),
 1235    maplist(int32_uint32_when, Values0, Values).
 1236convert_segment_packed('TYPE_BOOL', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Values) =>
 1237    freeze(Segment0, protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, packed(Tag, varint(Values0)))),
 1238    maplist(int_bool_when, Values0, Values).
 1239% TYPE_STRING  isn't allowed TODO: add it anyway?
 1240% TYPE_GROUP   isn't allowed
 1241% TYPE_MESSAGE isn't allowed
 1242% TYPE_BYTES   isn't allowed TODO: add it anyway?
 1243convert_segment_packed('TYPE_UINT32', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Values) =>
 1244    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, packed(Tag, varint(Values))), !.
 1245convert_segment_packed('TYPE_ENUM', ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Values) =>
 1246    % uint64_int64_when(...), % TODO!
 1247    freeze(Segment0, protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, packed(Tag, varint(Values0)))),
 1248    maplist(convert_enum(ContextType), Values, Values0).
 1249convert_segment_packed('TYPE_SFIXED32', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Values) =>
 1250    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, packed(Tag, fixed32(Values))).
 1251convert_segment_packed('TYPE_SFIXED64', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Values) =>
 1252    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, packed(Tag, fixed64(Values))).
 1253convert_segment_packed('TYPE_SINT32', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Values) =>
 1254    freeze(Segment0, protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, packed(Tag, varint(Values0)))),
 1255    maplist(int64_zigzag_when, Values, Values0).
 1256convert_segment_packed('TYPE_SINT64', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Values) =>
 1257    freeze(Segment0, protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, packed(Tag, varint(Values0)))),
 1258    maplist(int64_zigzag_when, Values, Values0).
 1259% convert_segment_packed(Type, ContextType, Tag, Segment, Values) => % TODO: delete this clause
 1260%     domain_error(type(type=Type, % TODO: this is a bit funky
 1261%                       context_type=ContextType),
 1262%                  value(segment=Segment,
 1263%                        tag=Tag,
 1264%                        values=Values)).
 1266:- det(convert_segment/5).
 convert_segment(+Type:atom, +ContextType:atom, Tag:atom, ?Segment, ?Value) is det
Compute an appropriate Value from the combination of descriptor "type" (in Type) and a Segment. Reversible on Segment, Values.
 1271convert_segment('TYPE_DOUBLE', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1272    Segment = fixed64(Tag,Int64),
 1273    int64_float64_when(Int64, Value),
 1274    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !.
 1275convert_segment('TYPE_FLOAT', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1276    Segment = fixed32(Tag,Int32),
 1277    int32_float32_when(Int32, Value),
 1278    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !.
 1279convert_segment('TYPE_INT64', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1280    Segment = varint(Tag,Value0),
 1281    uint64_int64_when(Value0, Value),
 1282    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !.
 1283convert_segment('TYPE_UINT64', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1284    Segment = varint(Tag,Value),
 1285    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !.
 1286convert_segment('TYPE_INT32', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1287    Segment = varint(Tag,Value0),
 1288    uint32_int32_when(Value0, Value),
 1289    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !.
 1290convert_segment('TYPE_FIXED64', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1291    Segment = fixed64(Tag,Value0),
 1292    uint64_int64_when(Value, Value0),
 1293    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !.
 1294convert_segment('TYPE_FIXED32', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1295    Segment = fixed32(Tag,Value0),
 1296    uint32_int32_when(Value, Value0),
 1297    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !.
 1298convert_segment('TYPE_BOOL', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1299    Segment = varint(Tag,Value0),
 1300    int_bool_when(Value0, Value),
 1301    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !.
 1302% convert_segment('TYPE_STRING', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1303%     Segment = string(Tag,ValueStr),
 1304%     protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !,
 1305%     (   false    % TODO: control whether atom or string with an option
 1306%     ->  atom_string(Value, ValueStr)
 1307%     ;   Value = ValueStr
 1308%     ).
 1309convert_segment('TYPE_STRING', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1310    % TODO: option to control whether to use atom_string(Value,ValueStr)
 1311    Segment = string(Tag,Value),
 1312    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !.
 1313convert_segment('TYPE_GROUP', ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1314    Segment = group(Tag,MsgSegments),
 1315    % TODO: combine with TYPE_MESSAGE code:
 1316    (   nonvar(Value)
 1317    ->  dict_pairs(Value, _, FieldValues),
 1318        maplist(field_segment(ContextType), FieldValues, MsgSegments),
 1319        protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment)
 1320    ;   protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment),
 1321        maplist(segment_to_term(ContextType), MsgSegments, MsgFields),
 1322        combine_fields(MsgFields, ContextType{}, Value)
 1323    ), !.
 1324convert_segment('TYPE_MESSAGE', ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1325    Segment = message(Tag,MsgSegments),
 1326    (   nonvar(Value)
 1327    ->  dict_pairs(Value, _, FieldValues),
 1328        maplist(field_segment(ContextType), FieldValues, MsgSegments),
 1329        protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment)
 1330    ;   protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment),
 1331        maplist(segment_to_term(ContextType), MsgSegments, MsgFields),
 1332        combine_fields(MsgFields, ContextType{}, Value)
 1333    ), !.
 1334convert_segment('TYPE_BYTES', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1335    Segment = length_delimited(Tag,Value),
 1336    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !.
 1337convert_segment('TYPE_UINT32', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1338    Segment = varint(Tag,Value),
 1339    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !.
 1340convert_segment('TYPE_ENUM', ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1341    Segment = varint(Tag,Value0),
 1342    convert_enum(ContextType, Value, Value0), % TODO: negative values:
 1343    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !.
 1344convert_segment('TYPE_SFIXED32', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1345    Segment = fixed32(Tag,Value),
 1346    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !.
 1347convert_segment('TYPE_SFIXED64', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1348    Segment = fixed64(Tag,Value),
 1349    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !.
 1350convert_segment('TYPE_SINT32', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1351    Segment = varint(Tag,Value0),
 1352    int64_zigzag_when(Value, Value0),
 1353    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !.
 1354convert_segment('TYPE_SINT64', _ContextType, Tag, Segment0, Value) =>
 1355    Segment = varint(Tag,Value0),
 1356    int64_zigzag_when(Value, Value0),
 1357    protobuf_segment_convert(Segment0, Segment), !.
 1359convert_enum(ContextType, Enum, Uint) :-
 1360    uint64_int64_when(Uint, Int),
 1361    proto_meta_enum_value_when(ContextType, Enum, Int).
 1363% TODO: use options to translate to/from false, true (see json_read/3)
 1364int_bool(0, false).
 1365int_bool(1, true).
 1367int_bool_when(Int, Bool) :-
 1368    when((nonvar(Int) ; nonvar(Bool)), int_bool(Int, Bool)).
 add_defaulted_fields(+Value0:dict, ContextType:atom, -Value:dict) is det
 1371add_defaulted_fields(Value0, ContextType, Value) :-
 1372    % Can use bagof or findall if we know that there aren't any
 1373    % duplicated proto_meta_field_name/4 rules, although this isn't
 1374    % strictly necessary (just avoids processing a field twice).
 1375    ( setof(Name-DefaultValue, message_field_default(ContextType, Name, DefaultValue), DefaultValues)
 1376    ->  true
 1377    ;   DefaultValues = []
 1378    ),
 1379    foldl(add_empty_field_if_missing, DefaultValues, Value0, Value).
 message_field_default(+ContextType:atom, Name:atom, -DefaultValue) is semidet
 1382message_field_default(ContextType, Name, DefaultValue) :-
 1383    proto_meta_field_name(ContextType, _FieldNumber, Name, Fqn),
 1384    proto_meta_field_default_value(Fqn, DefaultValue),
 1385    % If the field is part of a "oneof" group, then there will be a
 1386    % proto_meta_oneof entry for it (using the oneof_index). All
 1387    % fields have a oneof_index, but our code doesn't depend on that.
 1388    \+ (proto_meta_field_oneof_index(Fqn, OneofIndex),
 1389        proto_meta_oneof(ContextType, OneofIndex, _)).
 1391add_empty_field_if_missing(FieldName-DefaultValue, Dict0, Dict) :-
 1392    (   get_dict(FieldName, Dict0, _)
 1393    ->  Dict = Dict0
 1394    ;   put_dict(FieldName, Dict0, DefaultValue, Dict)
 1395    ).
 1397:- det(combine_fields/3).
 combine_fields(+Fields:list, +MsgDict0, -MsgDict) is det
Combines the fields into a dict and sets missing fields to their default values. If the field is marked as 'norepeat' (optional/required), then the last occurrence is kept (as per the protobuf wire spec) If the field is marked as 'repeat', then all the occurrences are put into a list, in order. This code assumes that fields normally occur all together, but can handle (less efficiently) fields not occurring together, as is allowed by the protobuf spec.
 1407combine_fields([], MsgDict0, MsgDict) =>
 1408    is_dict(MsgDict0, ContextType),
 1409    add_defaulted_fields(MsgDict0, ContextType, MsgDict).
 1410combine_fields([field_and_value(Field,norepeat,Value)|Fields], MsgDict0, MsgDict) =>
 1411    put_dict(Field, MsgDict0, Value, MsgDict1),
 1412    combine_fields(Fields, MsgDict1, MsgDict).
 1413combine_fields([field_and_value(Field,repeat_packed,Values0)|Fields], MsgDict0, MsgDict) =>
 1414    (   get_dict(Field, MsgDict0, ExistingValues)
 1415    ->  append(ExistingValues, Values0, Values)
 1416    ;   Values = Values0
 1417    ),
 1418    put_dict(Field, MsgDict0, Values, MsgDict1),
 1419    combine_fields(Fields, MsgDict1, MsgDict).
 1420combine_fields([field_and_value(Field,repeat,Value)|Fields], MsgDict0, MsgDict) =>
 1421    combine_fields_repeat(Fields, Field, NewValues, RestFields),
 1422    (   get_dict(Field, MsgDict0, ExistingValues)
 1423    ->  append(ExistingValues, [Value|NewValues], Values)
 1424    ;   Values = [Value|NewValues]
 1425    ),
 1426    put_dict(Field, MsgDict0, Values, MsgDict1),
 1427    combine_fields(RestFields, MsgDict1, MsgDict).
 1429:- det(combine_fields_repeat/4).
 combine_fields_repeat(+Fields:list, Field:atom, -Values:list, RestFields:list) is det
Helper for combine_fields/3 Stops at the first item that doesn't match Field - the assumption is that all the items for a field will be together and if they're not, they would be combined outside this predicate.
Fields- a list of fields (Field-Repeat-Value)
Field- the name of the field that is being combined
Values- gets the Value items that match Field
RestFields- gets any left-over fields
 1440combine_fields_repeat([], _Field, Values, RestFields) => Values = [], RestFields = [].
 1441combine_fields_repeat([Field-repeat-Value|Fields], Field, Values, RestFields) =>
 1442    Values = [Value|Values2],
 1443    combine_fields_repeat(Fields, Field, Values2, RestFields).
 1444combine_fields_repeat(Fields, _Field, Values, RestFields) => Values = [], RestFields = Fields.
 1446:- det(field_and_type/7).
 field_and_type(+ContextType:atom, +Tag:int, -FieldName:atom, -FqnName:atom, -ContextType2:atom, -RepeatOptional:atom, -Type:atom) is det
Lookup a ContextType and Tag to get the field name, type, etc.
 1449field_and_type(ContextType, Tag, FieldName, FqnName, ContextType2, RepeatOptional, Type) =>
 1450    assertion(ground(ContextType)), % TODO: remove
 1451    assertion(ground(Tag)), % TODO: remove
 1452    (   proto_meta_field_name(ContextType, Tag, FieldName, FqnName),
 1453        proto_meta_field_type_name(FqnName, ContextType2),
 1454        fqn_repeat_optional(FqnName, RepeatOptional),
 1455        proto_meta_field_type(FqnName, Type)
 1456    ->  true % Remove choicepoint, if JITI didn't do the right thing.
 1457    ;   existence_error(ContextType, Tag)
 1458    ).
 fqn_repeat_optional(+FqnName:atom, -RepeatOptional:atom) is det
Lookup up proto_meta_field_label(FqnName, _), proto_meta_field_option_packed(FqnName) and set RepeatOptional to one of norepeat, repeat, repeat_packed.
 1464fqn_repeat_optional(FqnName, RepeatOptional) =>
 1465    % TODO: existence_error if \+ proto_meta_field_label
 1466    proto_meta_field_label(FqnName, LabelRepeatOptional),
 1467    (   LabelRepeatOptional = 'LABEL_REPEATED',
 1468        proto_meta_field_option_packed(FqnName)
 1469    ->  RepeatOptional = repeat_packed
 1470    ;   \+ proto_meta_field_option_packed(FqnName), % validity check
 1471        fqn_repeat_optional_2(LabelRepeatOptional, RepeatOptional)
 1472    ).
 1474:- det(fqn_repeat_optional_2/2).
 fqn_repeat_optional_2(+DescriptorLabelEnum:atom, -RepeatOrEmpty:atom) is det
Map the descriptor "label" to 'repeat' or 'norepeat'. From proto_meta_enum_value('.google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Label', Label, _).
 1478fqn_repeat_optional_2('LABEL_OPTIONAL', norepeat).
 1479fqn_repeat_optional_2('LABEL_REQUIRED', norepeat).
 1480fqn_repeat_optional_2('LABEL_REPEATED', repeat).
 field_descriptor_label_repeated(+Label:atom) is semidet
From proto_meta_enum_value('.google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Label', 'LABEL_REPEATED', _). TODO: unused
 field_descriptor_label_single(+Label:atom) is semidet
From proto_meta_enum_value('.google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Label', Label, _).
 1492:- det(term_to_segments/3).
 term_to_segments(+Term:dict, +MessageType:atom, Segments) is det
Recursively traverse a Term, generating message segments
 1495term_to_segments(Term, MessageType, Segments) :-
 1496    dict_pairs(Term, _, FieldValues),
 1497    maplist(field_segment(MessageType), FieldValues, Segments).
 1499:- det(field_segment/3). 1500% MessageType is the FQN of the field type (e.g., '.test.Scalars1')
 1501% FieldName-Value is from the dict_pairs of the term.
 1502% TODO: Throw an error if proto_meta_field_name/4 fails (need to make
 1503%       sure of all the possible uses of field_segment/3 and that
 1504%       nothing depends on it being able to fail without an error).
 1505field_segment(MessageType, FieldName-Value, Segment) :-
 1506    (   proto_meta_field_name(MessageType, Tag, FieldName, FieldFqn),
 1507        proto_meta_field_type(FieldFqn, FieldType),
 1508        proto_meta_field_type_name(FieldFqn, FieldTypeName),
 1509        proto_meta_field_label(FieldFqn, Label)
 1510    ->  true  % Remove choicepoint, if JITI didn't do the right thing.
 1511    ;   existence_error(MessageType, FieldName-Value)
 1512    ),
 1513    (   proto_meta_field_option_packed(FieldFqn)
 1514    ->  Packed = packed
 1515    ;   Packed = not_packed
 1516    ),
 1517    field_segment_scalar_or_repeated(Label, Packed, FieldType, Tag, FieldTypeName, Value, Segment),
 1518    !. % TODO: remove
 1520:- det(field_segment_scalar_or_repeated/7).
 field_segment_scalar_or_repeated(+Label, +Packed, +FieldType, +Tag, +FieldTypeName, ?Value, Segment) is det
FieldType is from the .proto meta information ('TYPE_SINT32', etc.)
 1523field_segment_scalar_or_repeated('LABEL_OPTIONAL', not_packed, FieldType, Tag, FieldTypeName, Value, Segment) =>
 1524    convert_segment(FieldType, FieldTypeName, Tag, Segment, Value).
 1525field_segment_scalar_or_repeated('LABEL_REQUIRED', not_packed, FieldType, Tag, FieldTypeName, Value, Segment) =>  % same as LABEL_OPTIONAL
 1526    convert_segment(FieldType, FieldTypeName, Tag, Segment, Value).
 1527field_segment_scalar_or_repeated('LABEL_REPEATED', packed, FieldType, Tag, FieldTypeName, Values, Segment) =>
 1528    Segment = packed(Tag,FieldValues),
 1529    maplist(convert_segment_v_s(FieldType, FieldTypeName, Tag), Values, Segments0),
 1530    packed_list(Segments0, FieldValues).
 1531field_segment_scalar_or_repeated('LABEL_REPEATED', not_packed, FieldType, Tag, FieldTypeName, Values, Segment) =>
 1532    Segment = repeated(Segments),
 1533    maplist(convert_segment_v_s(FieldType, FieldTypeName, Tag), Values, Segments).
 1534% field_segment_scalar_or_repeated(Label, Packed, FieldType, Tag, FieldTypeName, Value, Segment) :- % TODO: delete this clause
 1535%     domain_error(type(field_type=FieldType,     % TODO: this is a bit funky
 1536%                       label=Label,
 1537%                       packed=Packed),
 1538%                  value(tag=Tag, field_type_name=FieldTypeName, value=Value, segment=Segment)).
 1540convert_segment_v_s(FieldType, FieldTypeName, Tag, Value, Segment) :-
 1541    convert_segment(FieldType, FieldTypeName, Tag, Segment, Value).
 1543% Convert [varint(1,10),varint(1,20)] to varint(1,[10,20]).
 1544packed_list([], []).
 1545packed_list([T1|Ts], PackedList) :-
 1546    detag(T1, Functor, Tag, _V1, List, PackedList),
 1547    packed_list_([T1|Ts], Functor, Tag, List).
 1549% Functor and Tag are only for verifying that the terms are of the
 1550% expected form.
 1551packed_list_([], _, _, []).
 1552packed_list_([T1|Ts], Functor, Tag, [X1|Xs]) :-
 1553    detag(T1, Functor, Tag, X1, _, _),
 1554    packed_list_(Ts, Functor, Tag, Xs).
 protobuf_field_is_map(+MessageType, +FieldName) is semidet
Succeeds if MessageType's FieldName is defined as a map<...> in the .proto file.
 1559protobuf_field_is_map(MessageType0, FieldName) :-
 1560    proto_meta_normalize(MessageType0, MessageType),
 1561    proto_meta_field_name(MessageType, _, FieldName, FieldFqn),
 1562    proto_meta_field_type(FieldFqn, 'TYPE_MESSAGE'),
 1563    proto_meta_field_label(FieldFqn, 'LABEL_REPEATED'),
 1564    proto_meta_field_type_name(FieldFqn, FieldTypeName),
 1565    proto_meta_message_type_map_entry(FieldTypeName),
 1566    assertion(proto_meta_field_name(FieldTypeName, 1, key, _)),
 1567    assertion(proto_meta_field_name(FieldTypeName, 2, value, _)),
 1568    !.
 protobuf_map_pairs(+ProtobufTermList:list, ?DictTag:atom, ?Pairs) is det
Convert between a list of protobuf map entries (in the form DictTag{key:Key, value:Value} and a key-value list as described in library(pairs). At least one of ProtobufTermList and Pairs must be instantiated; DictTag can be uninstantiated. If ProtobufTermList is from a term created by protobuf_parse_from_codes/3, the ordering of the items is undefined; you can order them by using keysort/2 (or by a predicate such as dict_pairs/3, list_to_assoc/2, or list_to_rbtree/2.
 1579protobuf_map_pairs(ProtobufTermList, DictTag, Pairs) :-
 1580    maplist(protobuf_dict_map_pairs(DictTag), ProtobufTermList, Pairs).
 1582protobuf_dict_map_pairs(DictTag, DictTag{key:Key,value:Value}, Key-Value)