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Prolog files

stomp.pl  -- STOMP client.Show source
stomp_abort/2Send a ABORT frame.Source
stomp_ack/2Reply with an ACK or NACK based on the received message header.Source
stomp_ack/3Send an ACK frame.Source
stomp_begin/2Send a BEGIN frame.Source
stomp_commit/2Send a COMMIT frame.Source
stomp_connect/1Setup the connection.Source
stomp_connect/2Setup the connection.Source
stomp_connection/5Create a connection reference.Source
stomp_connection/6Create a connection reference.Source
stomp_connection_property/2True when Property, is a property of Connection.Source
stomp_destroy_connection/1Destroy a connection.Source
stomp_disconnect/2Send a DISCONNECT frame.Source
stomp_nack/2Reply with an ACK or NACK based on the received message header.Source
stomp_nack/3Send a NACK frame.Source
stomp_reconnect/1Teardown the connection and try to reconnect.Source
stomp_send/4Send a SEND frame.Source
stomp_send_json/4Send a SEND frame.Source
stomp_setup/2Set up the actual socket connection and start receiving thread.Source
stomp_subscribe/4Send a SUBSCRIBE frame.Source
stomp_teardown/1Tear down the socket connection, stop receiving thread and heartbeat thread (if applicable).Source
stomp_transaction/2Run Goal as once/1, tagging all SEND messages inside the transaction with the transaction id.Source
stomp_unsubscribe/2Send an UNSUBSCRIBE frame.Source