/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 1999-2024, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(thread_util, [ threads/0, % List available threads join_threads/0, % Join all terminated threads with_stopped_threads/2, % :Goal, +Options thread_has_console/0, % True if thread has a console attach_console/0, % Create a new console for thread. attach_console/1, % ?Title tspy/1, % :Spec tspy/2, % :Spec, +ThreadId tdebug/0, tdebug/1, % +ThreadId tnodebug/0, tnodebug/1, % +ThreadId tprofile/1, % +ThreadId tbacktrace/1, % +ThreadId, tbacktrace/2 % +ThreadId, +Options ]). :- if(( current_predicate(win_open_console/5) ; current_predicate('$open_xterm'/5))). :- export(( thread_run_interactor/0, % interactor main loop interactor/0, interactor/1 % ?Title )). :- endif. :- meta_predicate with_stopped_threads(0, +). :- autoload(library(apply),[maplist/3]). :- autoload(library(backcomp),[thread_at_exit/1]). :- autoload(library(edinburgh),[nodebug/0]). :- autoload(library(lists),[max_list/2,append/2]). :- autoload(library(option),[merge_options/3,option/3]). :- autoload(library(prolog_stack), [print_prolog_backtrace/2,get_prolog_backtrace/3]). :- autoload(library(statistics),[thread_statistics/2]). :- autoload(library(prolog_profile), [show_profile/1]). :- autoload(library(thread),[call_in_thread/2]). :- if((\+current_prolog_flag(xpce,false),exists_source(library(pce)))). :- autoload(library(gui_tracer),[gdebug/0]). :- autoload(library(pce),[send/2]). :- else. gdebug :- debug. :- endif. :- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false). :- module_transparent tspy/1, tspy/2. /** Interactive thread utilities This library provides utilities that are primarily intended for interactive usage in a threaded Prolog environment. It allows for inspecting threads, manage I/O of background threads (depending on the environment) and manipulating the debug status of threads. */ %! threads % % List currently known threads with their status. threads :- threads(Threads), print_message(information, threads(Threads)). threads(Threads) :- findall(Thread, thread_statistics(_,Thread), Threads). %! join_threads % % Join all terminated threads. join_threads :- findall(Ripped, rip_thread(Ripped), AllRipped), ( AllRipped == [] -> true ; print_message(informational, joined_threads(AllRipped)) ). rip_thread(thread{id:id, status:Status}) :- thread_property(Id, status(Status)), Status \== running, \+ thread_self(Id), thread_join(Id, _). %! with_stopped_threads(:Goal, Options) is det. % % Stop all threads except the caller while running once(Goal). Note % that this is in the thread user utilities as this is not something % that should be used by normal applications. Notably, this may % _deadlock_ if the current thread requires input from some other % thread to complete Goal or one of the stopped threads has a lock. % Options: % % - stop_nodebug_threads(+Boolean) % If `true` (default `false`), also stop threads created with % the debug(false) option. % - except(+List) % Do not stop threads from this list. % % @bug Note that the threads are stopped when they process signals. As % signal handling may be delayed, this implies they need not be % stopped before Goal starts. :- dynamic stopped_except/1. with_stopped_threads(_, _) :- stopped_except(_), !. with_stopped_threads(Goal, Options) :- thread_self(Me), setup_call_cleanup( asserta(stopped_except(Me), Ref), ( stop_other_threads(Me, Options), once(Goal) ), erase(Ref)). stop_other_threads(Me, Options) :- findall(T, stop_thread(Me, T, Options), Stopped), broadcast(stopped_threads(Stopped)). stop_thread(Me, Thread, Options) :- option(except(Except), Options, []), ( option(stop_nodebug_threads(true), Options) -> thread_property(Thread, status(running)) ; debug_target(Thread) ), Me \== Thread, \+ memberchk(Thread, Except), catch(thread_signal(Thread, stopped_except), error(_,_), fail). stopped_except :- thread_wait(\+ stopped_except(_), [ wait_preds([stopped_except/1]) ]). %! thread_has_console is semidet. % % True when the calling thread has an attached console. % % @see attach_console/0 :- dynamic has_console/4. % Id, In, Out, Err thread_has_console(main) :- !. % we assume main has one. thread_has_console(Id) :- has_console(Id, _, _, _). thread_has_console :- current_prolog_flag(break_level, _), !. thread_has_console :- thread_self(Id), thread_has_console(Id), !. %! open_console(+Title, -In, -Out, -Err) is det. % % Open a new console window and unify In, Out and Err with the input, % output and error streams for the new console. This predicate is only % available if win_open_console/5 (Windows or Qt swipl-win) or % '$open_xterm'/5 (POSIX systems with pseudo terminal support). :- multifile xterm_args/1. :- dynamic xterm_args/1. :- if(current_predicate(win_open_console/5)). can_open_console. open_console(Title, In, Out, Err) :- thread_self(Id), regkey(Id, Key), win_open_console(Title, In, Out, Err, [ registry_key(Key) ]). regkey(Key, Key) :- atom(Key). regkey(_, 'Anonymous'). :- elif(current_predicate('$open_xterm'/5)). %! xterm_args(-List) is nondet. % % Multifile and dynamic hook that provides (additional) arguments for % the xterm(1) process opened for additional thread consoles. Each % solution must bind List to a list of atomic values. All solutions % are concatenated using append/2 to form the final argument list. % % The defaults set the colors to black-on-light-yellow, enable a % scrollbar, set the font using Xft font pattern and prepares the % back-arrow key. xterm_args(['-xrm', '*backarrowKeyIsErase: false']). xterm_args(['-xrm', '*backarrowKey: false']). xterm_args(['-fa', 'Ubuntu Mono', '-fs', 12]). xterm_args(['-fg', '#000000']). xterm_args(['-bg', '#ffffdd']). xterm_args(['-sb', '-sl', 1000, '-rightbar']). can_open_console :- getenv('DISPLAY', _), absolute_file_name(path(xterm), _XTerm, [access(execute)]). open_console(Title, In, Out, Err) :- findall(Arg, xterm_args(Arg), Args), append(Args, Argv), '$open_xterm'(Title, In, Out, Err, Argv). :- endif. %! attach_console is det. %! attach_console(?Title) is det. % % Create a new console and make the standard Prolog streams point to % it. If not provided, the title is built using the thread id. Does % nothing if the current thread already has a console attached. attach_console :- attach_console(_). attach_console(_) :- thread_has_console, !. :- if(current_predicate(open_console/4)). attach_console(Title) :- can_open_console, !, thread_self(Id), ( var(Title) -> console_title(Id, Title) ; true ), open_console(Title, In, Out, Err), assert(has_console(Id, In, Out, Err)), set_stream(In, alias(user_input)), set_stream(Out, alias(user_output)), set_stream(Err, alias(user_error)), set_stream(In, alias(current_input)), set_stream(Out, alias(current_output)), enable_line_editing(In,Out,Err), thread_at_exit(detach_console(Id)). :- endif. attach_console(Title) :- print_message(error, cannot_attach_console(Title)), fail. :- if(current_predicate(open_console/4)). console_title(Thread, Title) :- % uses tabbed consoles current_prolog_flag(console_menu_version, qt), !, human_thread_id(Thread, Id), format(atom(Title), 'Thread ~w', [Id]). console_title(Thread, Title) :- current_prolog_flag(system_thread_id, SysId), human_thread_id(Thread, Id), format(atom(Title), 'SWI-Prolog Thread ~w (~d) Interactor', [Id, SysId]). human_thread_id(Thread, Alias) :- thread_property(Thread, alias(Alias)), !. human_thread_id(Thread, Id) :- thread_property(Thread, id(Id)). %! enable_line_editing(+In, +Out, +Err) is det. % % Enable line editing for the console. This is by built-in for the % Windows console. We can also provide it for the X11 xterm(1) based % console if we use the BSD libedit based command line editor. :- if((current_prolog_flag(readline, editline), exists_source(library(editline)))). enable_line_editing(_In, _Out, _Err) :- current_prolog_flag(readline, editline), !, el_wrap. :- endif. enable_line_editing(_In, _Out, _Err). :- if(current_predicate(el_unwrap/1)). disable_line_editing(_In, _Out, _Err) :- el_unwrap(user_input). :- endif. disable_line_editing(_In, _Out, _Err). %! detach_console(+ThreadId) is det. % % Destroy the console for ThreadId. detach_console(Id) :- ( retract(has_console(Id, In, Out, Err)) -> disable_line_editing(In, Out, Err), close(In, [force(true)]), close(Out, [force(true)]), close(Err, [force(true)]) ; true ). %! interactor is det. %! interactor(?Title) is det. % % Run a Prolog toplevel in another thread with a new console window. % If Title is given, this will be used as the window title. interactor :- interactor(_). interactor(Title) :- can_open_console, !, thread_self(Me), thread_create(thread_run_interactor(Me, Title), _Id, [ detached(true) ]), thread_get_message(Msg), ( Msg = title(Title0) -> Title = Title0 ; Msg = throw(Error) -> throw(Error) ; Msg = false -> fail ). interactor(Title) :- print_message(error, cannot_attach_console(Title)), fail. thread_run_interactor(Creator, Title) :- set_prolog_flag(query_debug_settings, debug(false, false)), Error = error(Formal,_), ( catch(attach_console(Title), Error, true) -> ( var(Formal) -> thread_send_message(Creator, title(Title)), print_message(banner, thread_welcome), prolog ; thread_send_message(Creator, throw(Error)) ) ; thread_send_message(Creator, false) ). %! thread_run_interactor % % Attach a console and run a Prolog toplevel in the current thread. thread_run_interactor :- set_prolog_flag(query_debug_settings, debug(false, false)), attach_console(_Title), print_message(banner, thread_welcome), prolog. :- endif. % have open_console/4 /******************************* * DEBUGGING * *******************************/ %! tspy(:Spec) is det. %! tspy(:Spec, +ThreadId) is det. % % Trap the graphical debugger on reaching Spec in the specified or % any thread. tspy(Spec) :- spy(Spec), tdebug. tspy(Spec, ThreadID) :- spy(Spec), tdebug(ThreadID). %! tdebug is det. %! tdebug(+Thread) is det. % % Enable debug-mode, trapping the graphical debugger on reaching % spy-points or errors. tdebug :- forall(debug_target(Id), thread_signal(Id, gdebug)). tdebug(ThreadID) :- thread_signal(ThreadID, gdebug). %! tnodebug is det. %! tnodebug(+Thread) is det. % % Disable debug-mode in all threads or the specified Thread. tnodebug :- forall(debug_target(Id), thread_signal(Id, nodebug)). tnodebug(ThreadID) :- thread_signal(ThreadID, nodebug). debug_target(Thread) :- thread_property(Thread, status(running)), thread_property(Thread, debug(true)). %! tbacktrace(+Thread) is det. %! tbacktrace(+Thread, +Options) is det. % % Print a backtrace for Thread to the stream `user_error` of the % calling thread. This is achieved by inserting an interrupt into % Thread using call_in_thread/2. Options: % % - depth(+MaxFrames) % Number of stack frames to show. Default is the current Prolog % flag `backtrace_depth` or 20. % % Other options are passed to get_prolog_backtrace/3. % % @bug call_in_thread/2 may not process the event. tbacktrace(Thread) :- tbacktrace(Thread, []). tbacktrace(Thread, Options) :- merge_options(Options, [clause_references(false)], Options1), ( current_prolog_flag(backtrace_depth, Default) -> true ; Default = 20 ), option(depth(Depth), Options1, Default), call_in_thread(Thread, thread_get_prolog_backtrace(Depth, Stack, Options1)), print_prolog_backtrace(user_error, Stack). %! thread_get_prolog_backtrace(+Depth, -Stack, +Options) % % As get_prolog_backtrace/3, but starts above the C callback, hiding % the overhead inside call_in_thread/2. thread_get_prolog_backtrace(Depth, Stack, Options) :- prolog_current_frame(Frame), signal_frame(Frame, SigFrame), get_prolog_backtrace(Depth, Stack, [frame(SigFrame)|Options]). signal_frame(Frame, SigFrame) :- prolog_frame_attribute(Frame, clause, _), !, ( prolog_frame_attribute(Frame, parent, Parent) -> signal_frame(Parent, SigFrame) ; SigFrame = Frame ). signal_frame(Frame, SigFrame) :- ( prolog_frame_attribute(Frame, parent, Parent) -> SigFrame = Parent ; SigFrame = Frame ). /******************************* * REMOTE PROFILING * *******************************/ %! tprofile(+Thread) is det. % % Profile the operation of Thread until the user hits a key. tprofile(Thread) :- init_pce, thread_signal(Thread, ( reset_profiler, profiler(_, true) )), format('Running profiler in thread ~w (press RET to show results) ...', [Thread]), flush_output, get_code(_), thread_signal(Thread, ( profiler(_, false), show_profile([]) )). %! init_pce % % Make sure XPCE is running if it is attached, so we can use the % graphical display using in_pce_thread/1. :- if(exists_source(library(pce))). init_pce :- current_prolog_flag(gui, true), !, call(send(@(display), open)). % avoid autoloading :- endif. init_pce. /******************************* * HOOKS * *******************************/ :- multifile user:message_hook/3. user:message_hook(trace_mode(on), _, Lines) :- \+ thread_has_console, \+ current_prolog_flag(gui_tracer, true), catch(attach_console, _, fail), print_message_lines(user_error, '% ', Lines). :- multifile prolog:message/3. prolog:message(thread_welcome) --> { thread_self(Self), human_thread_id(Self, Id) }, [ 'SWI-Prolog console for thread ~w'-[Id], nl, nl ]. prolog:message(joined_threads(Threads)) --> [ 'Joined the following threads'-[], nl ], thread_list(Threads). prolog:message(threads(Threads)) --> thread_list(Threads). prolog:message(cannot_attach_console(_Title)) --> [ 'Cannot attach a console (requires swipl-win or POSIX pty support)' ]. thread_list(Threads) --> { maplist(th_id_len, Threads, Lens), max_list(Lens, MaxWidth), LeftColWidth is max(6, MaxWidth), Threads = [H|_] }, thread_list_header(H, LeftColWidth), thread_list(Threads, LeftColWidth). th_id_len(Thread, IdLen) :- write_length(Thread.id, IdLen, [quoted(true)]). thread_list([], _) --> []. thread_list([H|T], CW) --> thread_info(H, CW), ( {T == []} -> [] ; [nl], thread_list(T, CW) ). thread_list_header(Thread, CW) --> { _{id:_, status:_, time:_, stacks:_} :< Thread, !, HrWidth is CW+18+13+13 }, [ '~|~tThread~*+ Status~tTime~18+~tStack use~13+~tallocated~13+'-[CW], nl ], [ '~|~`-t~*+'-[HrWidth], nl ]. thread_list_header(Thread, CW) --> { _{id:_, status:_} :< Thread, !, HrWidth is CW+7 }, [ '~|~tThread~*+ Status'-[CW], nl ], [ '~|~`-t~*+'-[HrWidth], nl ]. thread_info(Thread, CW) --> { _{id:Id, status:Status, time:Time, stacks:Stacks} :< Thread }, !, [ '~|~t~q~*+ ~w~t~3f~18+~t~D~13+~t~D~13+'- [ Id, CW, Status, Time.cpu, Stacks.total.usage, Stacks.total.allocated ] ]. thread_info(Thread, CW) --> { _{id:Id, status:Status} :< Thread }, !, [ '~|~t~q~*+ ~w'- [ Id, CW, Status ] ].