?- downcase_atom('aAbB12',X). X = aabb12. ?- downcase_atom("aAbB12",X). X = aabb12.
For strings, there is the differently named string_lower/2
?- string_lower('aAbB12',X). X = "aabb12". ?- string_lower("aAbB12",X). X = "aabb12".
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Predicate downcase_atom/2 |
word_frequency_count(Words, Counts) :- maplist(downcase_atom, Words, LwrWords), msort(LwrWords, Sorted), clumped(Sorted, Counts).
?- word_frequency_count([a,b,'A',c,d,'B',b,e], Counts). Counts = [a-2, b-3, c-1, d-1, e-1].
?- downcase_atom('aAbB12',X). X = aabb12. ?- downcase_atom("aAbB12",X). X = aabb12.
For strings, there is the differently named string_lower/2
?- string_lower('aAbB12',X). X = "aabb12". ?- string_lower("aAbB12",X). X = "aabb12".