This predicate no longer exists (and this page will be removed in a future update):
:- begin_tests(get_dict_ex). nonempty_dict(foo{x:alpha, y:bravo, z:charlie}). test("bagof/3 collects with get_dict_ex/3", [true(T)]) :- nonempty_dict(Dict), bagof(Key-Value, get_dict_ex(Key,Dict,Value), Bag), keysort(Bag,SortedBag), T = (SortedBag == [x-alpha, y-bravo, z-charlie]). :- end_tests(get_dict_ex). rt(get_dict_ex) :- run_tests(get_dict_ex).
?- rt(_). % PL-Unit: get_dict_ex ERROR: user://1:12: test bagof/3 collects with get_dict_ex/3: received error: findall_loop/4: Unknown procedure: plunit_get_dict_ex:get_dict_ex/3 done % 1 test failed % 0 tests passed false.