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Predicate pre_ground_object/2
 pre_ground_object(+Object, -RDF) is det[private]
Convert between a Prolog value and an RDF value for rdf_assert/3 and friends. Auto-conversion:
Converted to Integer^^xsd:integer
Converted to Float^^xsd:double
Converted to String^^xsd:string
Converted to true^^xsd:boolean
Converted to false^^xsd:boolean
date(Y, M, D)
Converted to date(Y,M,D)^^xsd:date
date_time(Y, M, D, HH, MM, SS)
Converted to date_time(Y,M,D,HH,MM,SS)^^xsd:dateTime
date_time(Y, M, D, HH, MM, SS, TZ)
Converted to date_time(Y,M,D,HH,MM,SS,TZ)^^xsd:dateTime
month_day(M, D)
Converted to month_day(M,D)^^xsd:gMonthDay
year_month(Y, M)
Converted to year_month(Y,M)^^xsd:gYearMonth
time(HH, MM, SS)
Converted to time(HH,MM,SS)^^xsd:time
@(Text, Lang)
Converted to Text@Lang. Uses canonical (lowercase) lang. Text is converted into an atom.
^^(Value, Type)
Typed conversion. The translation of Value depends on Type:
  • Numeric types
  • Boolean
  • Date types
All atoms except for true and false are considered URIs.