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Pack dpath -- prolog/dpath.pl
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 file(?Pathterm) is nondet
Check if the file exists or search for a file that matches.


?- file(c:/A/'explorer.exe').
A = 'Windows';

Max path errors and other errors are shown as warnings

- Throws errors only when debug topic dpath(exceptions) is true
 filetype(?Pathterm_with_extension) is nondet
Check if the file exists or search for a file that matches. Uses the file base name and extension. Needs a dpath-qualifier because of @see ./3


?- dpath:filetype(c:/windows/A.exe).
A = bfsvc;
A = explorer;

Max path errors and other errors are shown as warnings

- throws errors only when debug topic dpath(exceptions) is true
 dir(?PathTerm) is nondet
Check if directory exists or search for a matching directory.

True if PathTerm is unified to a existing path to a directory


?- dir(c:/windows/B/C).
B = appcompat,
C = appraiser ;
B = appcompat,
C = 'Programs'

Max path errors and other errors are shown as warnings

- throws errors only when debug topic dpath(exceptions) is true
 pathterm_atom(++PathTerm, -Res) is det
Res is a atom from a path term Path must contain only ground variables

Example: == pathterm_atom(k/l/m/a.b,'k/l/m/a.b'). ==