Table 1 provides an overview of the built-in dialog items. The XPCE/Prolog library defines various additional items as Prolog classes. See the file Overview in the library directory.
button | Simple push-button.
Executes <- message when pressed. |
text_item | A text-entry field. Editable or non-editable, built-in type conversion (for example to enter a numerical value), completion using the space-bar if a value-set is provided. |
int_item | Like a text_item, but providing properly sized field, buttons for one-up/down, type- and range-checking. |
slider | Select numerical value in a range. Handles both integers and floating point values. |
menu | Implements various styles of menus with different visual feedback. Realises radio-button, tick-box, combo-box and much more. |
menu_bar | Row of pulldown (popup) menus. Normally displayed in a small dialog above the other windows in the frame. |
label | Image or textual label. Normally not sensitive to user actions. |
list_browser | Shows a list of items. List-browsers have been designed to handle lists with many items. Class browser is a window-based version. |
editor | Powerful text-editor. Handles multiple and proportional fonts, text-attributes, fragment marking, etc. Class view is a window based version. |
tab | Tagged sub-dialog, that may be combined with other tabs into a tab_stack, realising a tabbed controller-window. Often seen in modern applications to deal with many setting options. |
tab_stack | Stack of tab objects. |
dialog_group | Group of dialog items, possible with border and label. |
Table 1 : Built-in dialog items |