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dark.pl -- SWI-Prolog theme file -- dark
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To enable the dark theme, use

:- use_module(library(theme/dark)).
 pldoc_style:theme(+Element, +Condition, -CSSAttributes) is semidet[multifile]
Return a set of CSS properties to modify on the specified Element if Condition holds. color(Name) is mapped to fg(Name) and color(bright_Name) to hfg(Name).
Source style(+Class, -Style)[private]
Map style classes defined in library(prolog_colour) to xpce style objects. After making modifications the effect can be tested without restarting using this sequence:
  1. Run ?- make in Prolog
  2. In the editor, use M-x reload_styles
Source pce_style(+Class, -Attributes)[private]
Set XPCE class variales for Class. This is normally done by loading a resource file, but doing it from Prolog keeps the entire theme in a single file.
 prolog_source_view:port_style(+Port, -StyleAttributes)[private]
Override style attributes for indicating a specific port in the source view. Ports are: call, break, exit, redo, fail, exception, unify, choice, `frame and breakpoint.