SWI-Prolog atoms
as well as strings can represent arbitrary binary data of arbitrary
length. This facility is attractive for storing foreign data such as
images in an atom. An atom is a unique handle to this data and the atom
garbage collector is able to destroy atoms that are no longer referenced
by the Prolog engine. This property of atoms makes them attractive as a
handle to foreign resources, such as Java atoms, Microsoft's COM
objects, etc., providing safe combined garbage collection.
To exploit these features safely and in an organised manner, the
SWI-Prolog foreign interface allows creating‘atoms’with
additional type information. The type is represented by a structure
holding C function pointers that tell Prolog how to handle releasing the
atom, writing it, sorting it, etc. Two atoms created with different
types can represent the same sequence of bytes. Atoms are first ordered
on the rank number of the type and then on the result of the
function. Rank numbers are assigned when the type is registered. This
implies that the results of inequality comparisons between blobs of
different types is undefined and can change if the program is run twice
(the ordering within a blob type will not change, of course).
While the blob is alive, neither its handle nor the location of the
contents (see PL_blob_data())
change. If the blob's type has the
feature, the content of the blob must remain
unmodified. If the blob's type does not have the
feature multiple instances of this blob type
may contain the same data. The blob handle (atom_t
is reclaimed only by the atom garbage collector. The blob's
content (data) is normally reclaimed when the garbage collector
reclaims the blob. If the blob's type defines the
function, this function is called. This hook may deal with side effects
and is responsible of releasing the data if the blob's type has the PL_BLOB_NOCOPY
flag. The content of a
blob may be released before the blob itself
can be garbage collected using PL_free_blob().
This immediately triggers the release()
function. After PL_free_blob()
has reclaimed the content, this function will not be called when the atom_t
handle is reclaimed. An atom_t
handle may be reused for a
new atom or blob after it has been garbage collected.
If foreign code stores the atom_t
handle in some
permanent location it must make sure the handle is registered
to prevent it from being garbage collected. If the handle is obtained
from a
object it is not registered because it is
protected by the term_t
object. This applies to e.g.,
Functions that create a handle from data, such as
return a registered handle to prevent the asynchronous atom garbage
collector from reclaiming it immediately. Note that many of the API
functions create an atom or blob handle and use this to fill a
object, e.g., PL_unify_blob(), PL_unify_chars(),
etc. In this scenario the handle is protected by the term_t
object. Registering and unregistering atom_t
handles is
done by
and PL_unregister_atom().
Note that during program shutdown using PL_cleanup(),
all atoms and blobs are reclaimed as described above. These objects
are reclaimed regardless of their registration count. The order in which
the atoms or blobs are reclaimed under PL_cleanup()
is undefined. However, when these objects are reclaimed using garbage_collect_atoms/0,
registration counts are taken into account.
The type PL_blob_t
represents a structure with the
layout displayed below. The structure contains additional fields at the
... for internal bookkeeping as well as future extensions.
typedef struct PL_blob_t
{ uintptr_t magic; /* PL_BLOB_MAGIC */
uintptr_t flags; /* Bitwise or of PL_BLOB_* */
const char * name; /* name of the type */
int (*release)(atom_t a);
int (*compare)(atom_t a, atom_t b);
int (*write)(IOSTREAM *s, atom_t a, int flags);
void (*acquire)(atom_t a);
int (*save)(atom_t a, IOSTREAM *s);
atom_t (*load)(IOSTREAM *s);
} PL_blob_t;
For each type, exactly one such structure should be allocated and
must not be moved because the address of the structure determines the
blob's "type". Its first field must be initialised to PL_BLOB_MAGIC
If a blob type is registered from a loadable object (shared object or
DLL) the blob type must be deregistered using PL_unregister_blob_type()
before the object may be released.
The flags is a bitwise or of the following
- If specified, the blob is assumed to contain text and is considered a
normal Prolog atom. The (currently) two predefined blob types that
represent atoms have this flag set. User-defined blobs may not specify
this, even if they contain only text. Applications should not
use the blob API to create normal text atoms or get access to the text
represented by normal text atoms. Most applications should use
and PL_unify_chars()
to get text from Prolog terms or create Prolog terms that represent
- If specified the system ensures that the blob-handle is a unique
reference for a blob with the given type, length and content. If this
flag is not specified, each lookup creates a new blob. Uniqueness is
determined by comparing the bytes in the blobs unless
is also specified, in which case the
pointers are compared. Note that the lookup does not use the
blob's compare function when testing for equality, but only tests the
bytes; this means that terms from the recorded database or C++-style
strings will typically not compare as equal when doing blob lookup.
- By default the content of the blob is copied. Using this flag the blob
references the external data directly. The user must ensure the provided
pointer is valid as long as the atom lives. If
is also specified, uniqueness is determined by comparing the pointer
rather than the data pointed at. Using
be used to make a blob reference an arbitrary pointer where the pointer
data may be reclaimed in the release()
- If
is also set, then the text is made up of
items and the blob's lenght is the number of
bytes (that is, the number of characters times sizeof(pl_wchar_t)
, this flag should not be set in
user-defined blobs.
The name field represents the type name as available to
Prolog. See also current_blob/2.
The other fields are function pointers that must be initialised to
proper functions or NULL
to get the default behaviour of
built-in atoms. Below are the defined member functions:
- void acquire(atom_t
- Called if a new blob of this type is created through PL_put_blob(),
or PL_new_blob().
Note this this call is done as part of creating the blob. The call to PL_unify_blob()
may fail if the unification fails or cannot be completed due to a
resource error. PL_put_blob()
has no such error conditions. This callback is typically used to store
handle into the content of the blob. Given a pointer
to the content, we can now use PL_unify_atom()
to bind a Prolog term with a reference to the pointed to object. If the
content of the blob can be modified (PL_BLOB_UNIQUE
is not
present) this is the only way to get access to the atom_t
handle that belongs to this blob. If
is provided and respected, PL_unify_blob()
given the same pointer and length will produce the same atom_t
- int release(atom_t
- The blob (atom) a is about to be released. The
function is called when the atom is reclaimed by the atom garbage
collector, when an explicit call to PL_free_blob()
is made or during shutdown of Prolog. This function can retrieve the
data of the blob using PL_blob_data().
If the release()
function returns
, the atom garbage collector will
not reclaim the atom. For critical resources such as file
handles or significant memory resources, it may be desirable to have an
explicit call to dispose (most of) the resources. For example,
reclaims the file handle and most of the resources associated with a
stream, leaving only a tiny bit of content to the garbage collector. See
also setup_call_cleanup/3.
The release()
callback is called in the context of the thread executing the atom
garbage collect, the thread executing
or the thread initiating the shutdown. Normally the thread gc
runs all atom and clause garbage collections. The
function may not call any of the PL_*() functions except for
or PL_unregister_atom()
to unregister other atoms that are part data associated to the blob.
Calling any of the other PL_* functions may result in deadlocks or
crashes. The release()
function should not call any potentially slow or blocking functions as
this may cause serious slowdowns in the rest of the system.
Blobs that require cleanup that is slow, blocking or requires calling
Prolog must pass the data to be cleaned to another thread. Be aware that
if the blob uses PL_BLOB_NOCOPY
the user is responsible for
discarding the data, otherwise the atom garbage collector will free the
As SWI-Prolog atom garbage collector is conservative, there
is no guarantee that the release()
function will ever be called. If it is important to clean up some
resource, there should be an explicit predicate for doing that, and
calling that predicate should be guaranteed by using setup_call_cleanup/3
or some a process finalization hook such as at_halt/1.
Normally, Prolog does not clean memory during shutdown. It does so on
an explicit call to PL_cleanup().225Or
if the system is compiled with the cmake build type Debug
In such a situation, there is no guarantee of the order in which atoms
are released; if a blob contains an atom (or another blob), those atoms
(or blobs) may have already been released. See also
- int compare(atom_t
a, atom_t b)
- Compare the blobs a and b, both of which are of
the type associated to this blob type. Return values are as memcmp(): <
0 if
a is less than b, = 0 if both are
equal, and > 0 otherwise. The default implementation is a
bitwise comparison of the blobs’contents. This default
implementation suffices if
is set and the blob follows the requirement
that its contents do not change, although it might give an unexpected
ordering, and the ordering may change if the blob is saved and restored
using save_program/2.
If the compare()
function is defined, the sort/2
predicate uses that to determine if two blobs are equal and only keeps
one of them. This can cause unexpected results with blobs that are
actually different; if you cannot guarantee that the blobs all have
unique contents, then you should incorporate the blob address (the
system guarantees that blobs are not shifted in memory after they are
allocated). This function should not call any PL_*() functions other
than PL_blob_data().
The following minimal compare function gives a stable total ordering:
static int
compare_my_blob(atom_t a, atom_t b)
{ const struct my_blob_data *blob_a = PL_blob_data(a, NULL, NULL);
const struct my_blob_data *blob_b = PL_blob_data(b, NULL, NULL);
return (blob_a < blob_b) ? -1 : (blob_a > blob_b) ? 1 : 0;
- int write(IOSTREAM
*s, atom_t a, int flags)
- Write the content of the blob a to the stream s
respecting the flags. The return value is
and does not follow the Unix convention
of the number of bytes (where zero is possible) and negative for errors.
Any I/O operations to
s are in the context of a PL_acquire_stream();
upon return, the PL_release_stream()
handles any errors, so it is safe to not check return codes from Sfprintf(),
In general, the output from the write()
callback should be minimal. If you wish to output more debug
information, it is suggested that you either add a debug option to your
"open" predicate to output more information, or provide a "properties"
predicate. A typical implementation is:
static int write_my_blob(IOSTREAM *s, atom_t symbol, int flags)
{ (void)flags; /* unused */
Sfprintf(s, "<my_blob>(%p)", PL_blob_data(symbol, NULL, NULL));
return TRUE;
The flags are a bitwise or of zero or more of the
flags that were passed in to the calling
that called write(),
and are defined in
. The flags do not have the
bit set, so it is safe to call PL_write_term()
and there is no need for writing a trailing newline. This prototype is
available if the SWI-Stream.h
is included before
. This function can retrieve the data of the
blob using PL_blob_data().
Most blobs reference some external data identified by a pointer and
write() function
If this function is not provided, write/1
emits the content of the blob for blobs of type
or a string of the format <#
for binary blobs.
- int save(atom_t
- Write the blob to stream s, in an opaque form that is known
only to the blob. If a “save” function is not provided (that
is, the field is
), the default implementation saves
and restores the blob as if it is an array of bytes which may contain
null (’
) bytes.
defines a number of PL_qlf_put_*()
functions that write data in a machine-independent form that can be read
by the corresponding PL_qlf_get_*() functions.
If the “save” function encounters an error, it should
raise an exception (see PL_raise_exception()),
and return FALSE
are subject to change. Note that failure to save/restore a
blob makes it impossible to compile a file that contains such a blob
using qcompile/2
as well as creating a
saved state from a program that contains such a blob
impossible. Here, contains means that the blob appears in a
clause or directive.
- atom_t load(IOSTREAM
- Read the blob from its saved form as written by the “save” function
of the same blob type. If this cannot be done (e.g., a stream read
failure or a corrupted external form), the “load” function
should call PL_warning(),
then PL_fatal_error(),
and return constFALSE.227Details
are subject to change; see the “save” function.
If a “load” function is not provided (that is, the field is
the default implementation assumes that the blob was written by the
default “save” - that is, as an array of bytes
defines a number of PL_qlf_get_*()
functions that read data in a machine-independent form, as written by
the by the corresponding PL_qlf_put_*() functions.
The atom that the “load” function returns can be created
- bool PL_unregister_blob_type(PL_blob_t
- Unlink the blob type from the registered type and transform the type of
possible living blobs to
, avoiding further
reference to the type structure, functions referred by it, as well as
the data. This function returns TRUE
if no blobs of this
type existed and FALSE
otherwise. PL_unregister_blob_type()
is intended for the uninstall() hook of foreign modules, avoiding
further references to the module.
- int PL_register_blob_type(PL_blob_t
- This function does not need to be called explicitly. It is called if
needed when a blob is created by PL_unify_blob(), PL_put_blob(),
The blob access functions are similar to the atom accessing
functions. Blobs being atoms, the atom functions operate on blobs and
vice versa. For clarity and possible future compatibility issues,
however, it is not advised to rely on this.
- bool PL_is_blob(term_t
t, PL_blob_t **type)
- Succeeds if t refers to a blob, in which case type
is filled with the type of the blob.
- bool PL_unify_blob(term_t
t, void *blob, size_t len, PL_blob_t *type)
- Unify t to a blob constructed from the given data and
associated with the given type. This performs the following steps:
- If the type has
set, search
the blob database for a blob of the same type with the same content. If
found, unify t with the existing handle.
- If not found or
is not set, create a new
blob handle. If PL_BLOB_NOCOPY
is set, associate it to the
given memory; else, copy the memory to a new area owned by the blob.
Call the acquire()
function of the type.
- Unify t with the existing or new handle. This succeeds if t
is already bound to the existing blob handle. If
t is a variable, it succeeds if sufficient resources
are available to perform the unification; if t is bound to
something else, this fails.
It is possible that a blob referencing critical resources is created
after which the unification fails. Typically these resources are
eventually reclaimed because the new blob is not referenced and
reclaimed by the atom garbage collector. As described with the
function, it can be desirable to reclaim the critical resources after
the failing PL_unify_blob()
- bool PL_put_blob(term_t
t, void *blob, size_t len, PL_blob_t *type)
- Store the described blob in t. The return value indicates
whether a new blob was allocated (
) or the blob is a
reference to an existing blob (TRUE
). Reporting
new/existing can be used to deal with external objects having their own
reference counts. If the return is TRUE
this reference
count must be incremented, and it must be decremented on blob
destruction callback. See also
- atom_t PL_new_blob(void
*blob, size_t len, PL_blob_t *type)
- Create a blob from its internal opaque form. This function is intended
for the “load” function of a blob.
- bool PL_get_blob(term_t
t, void **blob, size_t *len, PL_blob_t **type)
- If t holds a blob or atom, get the data and type and return
. Otherwise return FALSE
. Each result
pointer may be NULL
, in which case the requested
information is ignored.
- void * PL_blob_data(atom_t
a, size_t *len, PL_blob_t **type)
- Get the data and type associated to a blob. This function is mainly used
from the callback functions described in section Note that if the release()
hook is called from PL_cleanup(),
blobs are released regardless of whether or not they are referenced and
the order in which blobs are released is undefined (the order depends on
the ordering in the atom hash table). PL_blob_data()
may be called safely on a blob that has already been released. If this
happens during PL_cleanup()
the return value is guaranteed to be
. During normal
execution it may return the content of a newly allocated blob that
reuses the released handle.
- bool PL_free_blob(atom_t
- New in 9.1.12. This function may be used on blobs with the
flag set and the blob type implements the
callback. It causes the release()
callback to be called, after which the data and size are set to 0 if the release()
returns TRUE
. After this sequence, the release()
for this blob is never called again. The related atom_t
handle remains valid until it is no longer referenced and reclaimed by
the atom garbage collector. If the blob data is accessed using e.g., PL_get_blob()
it returns NULL
for the data and 0 for the size.228This
means that any predicates or callbacks that use the blob must check the
result of PL_blob_data().
If the release()
function is not called, or if it returns FALSE
is returned.
may be called multiple times on the same
, provided the handle is still valid. Subsequent
calls after a successful call have no effect and return FALSE
The blob API assumes that Prolog will take care of memory management,
using the release(c)allback
to handle any cleanup.
Other programming languages have their own memory management, which
might not fit nicely with the Prolog memory management. For more details
on blobs written with C++, see
interface to SWI-Prolog (Version 2).