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Profile for user Ebrahim Azarisooreh

Comments by Ebrahim Azarisooreh

Sec. A.31For the option type(Type), where Type is one of boolean, atom, integer, float, t ...

Packages by Ebrahim Azarisooreh

tot: 4
tot: 282
Goal directed ASP solver
API interface to OMDB (Open Movie Database)
Integer to English word conversions
Low level interface to IRC clients
This list contains packages whose author name, e-mail or homepage url matches the profile information.

Reviews by Ebrahim Azarisooreh

Showing 2 reviews, sorted by date entered, last review first.

Pack: hello
Excellent distribution of "Hello World". I've always used "Hello World" as an introductory first step to all languages I study, now I have the power and convenience of "Hello World" distributed as a pack! I only give it four stars however, since I feel that it should be integrated into an infrastructure to have an easily deployable hello-world server. It could also use a few concurrency abstractions for concurrent hello-world applications.
Friday 09 October 2015, Ebrahim Azarisooreh
Pack: typedef
I really like this pack because it allows me an extra level of specific checking/safety on top of the already existing types in swi-prolog. As mentioned, this works very well with mavis. This makes programming in prolog even more enjoyable.
Thursday 09 April 2015, Ebrahim Azarisooreh