section describes three libraries residing in
to deal with
plotting graphs and barcharts.
The library library(plot/axis)
defines the class plot_axis
to draw an X- or Y-axis. The class deals with computing the layout,
placing rule-marks, values and labels as well as translation between
coordinates and real values. Normally this class is used together with
plotter, plot_axis does not rely on other library classes
and may therefore be used independent of the remainder of the plotting
We start with a small example from the library itself, creating the picture below.
?- [library('plot/axis')]. % library('plot/axis') compiled into plot_axis 0.03 sec, 27,012 bytes ?- send(new(P, picture), open), send(P, display, plot_axis(x, 0, 100, @default, 400, point(40, 320))), send(P, display, plot_axis(y, 0, 500, @default, 300, point(40, 320))).
Figure 24 : A picture showing two axis |
Below is a reference to the important methods of this class. The sources to the class itself are a good example of complicated and advanced layout computations and delaying of these until they are really needed.
returning the value along the axis from a pixel coordinate.
Besides the principal methods below, the following methods are
available for changing attributes of an existing axis: ->
low, ->
high, ->
step, ->
(interval for rule-marks without a value), ->
and ->
type: {x,y}.
The library library(plot/plotter)
defines the classes plotter
and plot_graph for displaying graphs. Class plotter is a
subclass of device. The
example below plots the function
Y = sine(X)
:- use_module(library('plot/plotter')). :- use_module(library(autowin)). plot_function :- plot_function(X:sin(X)). plot_function(Template) :- To is 2*pi, PlotStep is To/100, Step is pi/4, new(W, auto_sized_picture('Plotter demo')), send(W, display, new(P, plotter)), send(P, axis, new(X, plot_axis(x, 0, To, Step, 300))), send(P, axis, plot_axis(y, -1, 1, @default, 200)), send(X, format, '%.2f'), send(P, graph, new(G, plot_graph)), plot_function(0, To, PlotStep, Template, G), send(W, open). plot_function(X, To, _, _, _) :- X >= To, !. plot_function(X, To, Step, Template, G) :- copy_term(Template, X:Func), Y is Func, send(G, append, X, Y), NewX is X + Step, plot_function(NewX, To, Step, Template, G).
Figure 25 : Plotter showing sine function |
Graphs themselves are instances of class plot_graph, a subclass of path. Instead of normal point objects, the points are represented using the subclass plot_point that attaches the real values to the physical coordinates. Methods:
(default), straight lines are drawn between the
points. Using smooth
, the curve is interpolated (see path
for details) and using points_only
, no lines is painted,
just the marks. Using the mark argument the user may specify
marks to be drawn at each control-point.The library(plot/barchart)
library draws simple bar-charts. It is based on the plotter and plot_axis
classes, adding simple bars, grouped bars and stacked bars. Below is an
example from
showing all active XPCE,
classes, where active is defined that more than 250 instances are
created. The code, except for the calculation parts is show below.
Figure 26 : Classes of XPCE with > 250 instances created |
barchart :- barchart(vertical). barchart(HV) :- new(W, picture), active_classes(Classes), length(Classes, N), required_scale(Classes, Scale), send(W, display, new(BC, bar_chart(HV, 0, Scale, 200, N))), forall(member(class(Name, Created, Freed), Classes), send(BC, append, bar_group(Name, bar(created, Created, green), bar(freed, Freed, red)))), send(W, open).
construct makes the
type-conversion system translate a bar-name into a bar. If the bar is
somewhere in the middle, the remaining bars are compacted again.Bars can either be displayed directly on a bar_chart, or as part of a stack or group. Stacked bars are used to indicate composition of a value, while grouped bars often indicate development or otherwise related values for the same object.
message and ->
these are the lowest and highest values that can be set by the user.<-
is forwarded over the code.->
message and ->
drag_message.A subclass of dialog_group that can be used to associate one or more buttons or other controllers with a bar or bar_stack. This association is achieved by simply creating an instance of this class. Figure 27 shows both associated buttons and a stacked bar.
Figure 27 : Stacked bars with associated buttons |