XPCE provides some support for building multi-lingual applications without explicitly mapping terms all the time. This section provides an overview of how multi-lingual operation was realised in a simulator for optics.
When writing a multi-lingual application, several different types of information needs to be translated. We will discuss each of them below.
text_item(user_name, '')
renders as:
This method may be redefined to return another name or image object, depending on the current language mapping.
but is, in the current implementation, not allowed to return an image.
This method needs to be redefined separately as dialog_group
(a super-class of tab) is
not in the same branch of the inheritance hierarchy as dialog_item.
In the current implementation, window and frame labels are not covered by this schema.
Using error objects is slightly more cumbersome as errors need to be declared separately, but they improve the embedding possibilities using error handling, and the mapping from an error identifier to a format string provides the indirection necessary in multi-lingual applications.
Below is a summary of the file language.pl
as using in
the optics simulator to reach at an English/Dutch application.
:- module(language, [ message/2, % Id, Message current_language/1, % -Language set_language/1 % +Language ]). :- use_module(pce). :- use_module(configdb). :- require([ concat_atom/2 , is_list/1 , memberchk/2 ]). :- dynamic current_language/1. current_language(english). % the default %current_language(dutch). set_language(Lan) :- retractall(current_language(_)), assert(current_language(Lan)), make_errors. % message(+Term, -Translation) % The heart of the translator. Map a term % (normally an atom, but if can be an arbitrary % Prolog term, into an image or atom. If no % translation is found, the default case and % underscore translation is performed. message(Term, Translation) :- current_language(Lan), term(Term, Translations), ( is_list(Translations) -> T =.. [Lan, Translation0], memberchk(T, Translations), ( is_list(Translation0) -> concat_atom(Translation0, Translation) ; Translation = Translation0 ) ; Translation = Translations ), !. message(Term, Translation) :- get(Term, label_name, Translation). /******************************* * MAP DIALOG IDENTIFIERS * *******************************/ :- pce_extend_class(dialog_item). label_name(DI, Id:name, Label:'name|image') :<- "Multi-lingual label service":: message(Id, Label0), ( atomic(Label0) -> get(DI, label_suffix, Suffix), get(Label0, ensure_suffix, Suffix, Label) ; Label = Label0 ). :- pce_end_class. :- pce_extend_class(dialog_group). label_name(_DI, Id:name, Label:name) :<- "Multi-lingual label service":: ( message(Id, Label), atomic(Label) -> true ; get(Id, label_name, Label) ). :- pce_end_class. :- pce_extend_class(menu_item). default_label(_MI, Id:name, Label:'name|image') :<- "Multilingual label service":: message(Id, Label). :- pce_end_class. /******************************* * GENERIC LABELS * *******************************/ % term(+Term, -Translated) % % Term translates a term. There are three examples % here. The first only contains the translation % for an English label name into a Dutch one. The % second replaces all labels named % image. The last is for generating a more % elaborate message from an identifier. term(settings, [ dutch('Instellingen') ]). term(label, image('label.lbl')). term(start_named_test(Name), [ english(['Click "OK" to start test "', Name, '"']), dutch(['Klik op "OK" om aan de toets "', Name, '" te beginnen']) ]). /******************************* * ERRORS * *******************************/ % error(Id, Kind, Translations) % % Specify and create the required error messages. % An object that detects there are too many % instruments directs this information to the user % by % % ... % send(MySelf, error, max_instruments, 5), % ... error(max_instruments, error, [ dutch('%IU kunt niet meer dan %d van deze \ instrumenten gebruiken'), english('%IYou can not use more than %d of \ these instruments') ]). make_errors :- current_language(Lan), T =.. [Lan, Message], error(Id, Kind, Messages), ( memberchk(T, Messages) -> true ; Message = Id ), new(_E, error(Id, Message, Kind, report)), fail. make_errors. :- initialization make_errors.